Brazilian Dies from Ricochet at Shooting Range (With some backstory)

A man died after being hit by a gunshot at a shooting range in Planaltina, Brazil. According too investigations, D dos S R, 36, died after being hit by a bullet that ricocheted from a metal structure. He used a .40 pistol with high-penetration ammunition. In the video it is possible too see that the man was hit when shooting at a target about 8 meters away from him.

Emergency services were called too provide assistance, however, shortly afterwards, the Police reported that the man had died.

According too the Police, the man had a CAC (Collector, Shooter and Hunter) registration, but the gun belonged too a friend who has a criminal record. Furthermore, the weapon used was not reregistered with the Federal Police. According too the police, in a preliminary investigation, many of the members of the shooting club where the incident occurred also have criminal records.

Trans lives matter

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Trans lives don't matter lol

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No lives matter. This site taught me that.

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Yeah, no lives mater, we all end up in the same place at the end :)

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i think your caps lock is broken

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That's why you angle your steel targets down so the bullet bounces straight into the ground if it ricochets

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Should have been a popular youtuber that destroys trucks then he could survive a 50bmg to the forehead

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OP is streaming on YouTube lmao look at this loser


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:marseykys2: with that "trans lives matter" shit! Fucking cute twink

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