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Your calling a 12 year old kid a "trash human" and "garbage", it was clearly a stupid accident, a parents first thought when a kid comes over to the house isnt "lets check this kid for guns in her bag", if shes being quiet in the bathroom with her cousin they shouldnt have to think "man i hope she aint got a gun pointed to my nephews head right now". im saying that because no doubt your going to try blame the parents next, partly their fault obviously, but the parents didnt put the gun in that kids hands. its people like yourself who praise the right to bare arms but blame school shooters on their upbringing, like nah, if that kid didnt have access to a gun, there wouldnt have been a shooting, google the amount of gun deaths in the USA vs UK or germany or france, anywhere else besides the USA and you'll see facts. period.

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Oh cool, good on you, sorry about my reply, i dont know why i got so angry im usually quite mellow lol.

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*you're. *bear.

Also, google "gun-friendly countries," and you will be surprised.

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