CHILD WARNING [CW] Teen kills friend with accidental discharge (lol)

Guns are not toys. Not sure, but I think 🤔 this happened in Pakistan. I could be wrong.

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Funny how America gets dawged on because of our gun culture, yet you hardly ever see videos like this coming from here.

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What are you talking about every third video is from US?!

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The fp of shooting has 2 videos from the US and one of them is a man defending his family. Neither of them are a negligent discharge.

What are you talking about?

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I was talking more about shootings in general being very prominently from US. But even if you look at only negligent discharge videos you see a ton of videos where people are very reckless from US. The thing is there just aren't that many negligent discharge accidents with guns overall. You're either intentionally ignorant to those videos or I don't know. We even have a video in the "famous videos" section where a girl shoots her cousin by accident.

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No you said every third video. It's not even close.

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see videos like this coming from here

Am I crazy? YOU specifically talk about shooting videos or what are you talking about? You later added that you talk about negligent discharge. At the very minimum I must talk about every third shooting video because that's the topic. Did you think I include discussions and pet pictures in my "every third video" comment too?! US education fuck me.

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Yes you are crazy. You're saying that I later added "negligent discharge" right after quoting me saying "see videos like this coming from here". About a video showing a guy negligently discharging his firearm. You said "EVERY THIRD VIDEO IS FROM THE US". That's just false.

So yes, you're insane.

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see videos like this coming from here

You said this.

see videos like this shooting coming from here

So this is impossible in your opinion?

You're fucking nuts man. I literally explained what I mean. I mean shootings in general that you reference the front page is your imagination. If you don't understand what other people mean then get fucked weirdo. I hope your 3 braincells understand that it's a saying and you cannot literally count down videos and check every third video for US origin. What you find on the front page doesn't really matter. What I basically said is there are a lot of shooting videos originating from the US and later clarified AFTER you said that you only talk about "negligent discharge" that there's still are a ton of "negligent discharge" videos from the US but I was talking about shooting videos in general. If you want to demonstrate your counting skills up to 3 go to your mom as she's the only one that tells you you're special. Fucking clown. Let's hope you don't shoot anyone loser.

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Yeah. Like this shooting. The negligent discharge. You probably feel really stupid because you based your argument on a misunderstanding that you made. Even with your misunderstanding you're wrong.

So you're still insane.

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Yeah but like.. different shootings.. normally by cop.. or crazy dude trying to shoot a cop.. or gang culture. Not this stupid ass taliban house party crap where some idiot just points around a peice finger on the trigger and no regard for where hes aiming or knowing how loose a trigger can be. Granted american gun culture sucks but atleast compared to these videos it seems america is atleast somewhat educated about there guns.. unlike these alah lakbar bastards

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>or gang culture

>america is atleast somewhat educated about there guns

Pick one. I literally remember a video where a gang guy shoots himself twice in his foot because of a russian roulette game.

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Lol im not saying all of america is educated obviously theres always some idiots. I remember that video to the foot roulette with the revolver lol classic

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yeah instead you have mass shootings at schools n shit and think thoughts and prayers will help

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Guns are banned in Mexico. I'm sure if we just kindly remind the cartels there they'll stop using them.

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because they have weak institutions :marseyfacepalm:

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Most mass shooters are using guns they simply bought legally. I don’t know any black market underground gun sellers - do you??

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if you’ve bought weed. ask that guy if he knows someone who can get you one. he will.

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Now they have 3D gun printers that help , as well as there are guns everywhere, just like the 6 year old that shot his teacher , near all the wrong hands ...😔😔🙃

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I plead the 5th

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No, you're right. We should just ban guns and let a black market develop because now a device is banned but the demand is still there. Now only criminals will be armed, just like Mexico! Look at that, the argument came full circle! From banning, to black market, to mass killings by the criminal element.

FYI, there is undoubtedly a black market for guns in North America. I accidentally crossed paths with it...

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mental illness and gun availability is the reason mass shootings take place, and you are a godless heathen so i am not surprised you added the "thoughts and prayers" bit

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People don't do mass shootings because of "mental illness" whatever that vague, catch-all bullshit means. It's your (and society's) excuse so you don't have to take responsibility for your evilness. People do mass shootings as PAYBACK for the rage they feel inside at the torment that their single mother, toxic society, sadistic classmates, bullies and manipulative co-workers inflicted on them. It's a mass shooter's -GO-BEZERK response to learned helplessness at not being able to change the personal hell people have subjected him/her to.

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Thereby creating within that person a mental illness, such as an anger disorder and depression.

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Mostly schools that don't allow armed security/staff. Very sad.

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there is no shortage of dumb Americans with guns

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Who the fuck picks up a gun by putting finger on the trigger?

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And safety off?

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What ended up happening to that dude? I can’t imagine how not well it went for him, though lol.

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Please point out where I said it never happens.

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No one is saying you said that. You said there are hardly any videos here on the matter. The poster said there are no shortage of dumb americans with guns. Learn to read, it is easy to do so.

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bwahah.. what is this weakass political agenda

go back to reddit

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oh no, same old "insults"..

we will gladly keep our guns

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what "insults", "political agenda"? Someone said you never see videos of Americans being dumb with guns and I responded with a pretty well-known example, which somehow the Simpsons predicted. I am confusion.

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someone? who?

where did you see that?

i am confusion, too😆

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Nah bra, wasn’t meant for that

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i know, i didn't mean you.. i meant the comment i replied to

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Opps, my bad. I like your name btw.

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They are both shit. Case closed. Idiots with guns are always bad.

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The fact that you have to clown a middle eastern country for their rules to make your shitty Western country look better proves the U.S. is trash lol

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Not clowning any country in particular.

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uhh there are? There was the young girl trying to make a video with her cousin waving a gun, shot said cousin by accident and then immediately shot herself in the bathroom, followed by the family coming to see the aftermath. There is an Allen texas shooting video from a month a go involving a child, and a recent shooting at a school both on this site. But hell, you dont have to even go on this site, the news reports a school shooting every month in America. I dont get the utter delusion and mental gymnastics you people go through to deny having a gun problem.

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Please point out where I said it never happens :)

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Where do you think the guns even came from lol

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Dumbass shit like this happens all the time in America. Google is your friend. Countless instances where friends accidentally shoot friends, or people shoot themselves thinking their gun is unloaded, or my personal favorite; toddlers getting ahold of their parents loaded guns and killing their siblings. Lots of these incidents out of America. That’s what happens when any moron can just waltz into a store and buy lethal firearms without any kind of education or training at all.

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Not saying it doesn't happen. Just odd there's not many more videos of it happening in the US on here.

Actually not odd at all, Americans are typically better at gun safety.

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Americans are as clueless about gun safety as any other nationality. Why wouldn’t they be? You’re not required to learn a damn thing or do any training to own a firearm in the US.

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That's obviously not true. You guys can't stop yapping about our gun culture, but you'll conveniently ignore that respect for guns and gun safety is included in that culture. The average American knows way more about gun safety than any other nationality.

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What I said is literally true. You aren’t required to learn or train anything to own a firearm. You may not even know how to load a firearm before you purchase one. And guess what, I’m a gun owner, and I know a lot of gun owners. I see crazy shit all the time; guns left on countertops where children in the household could reach, the gun owner nonchalantly pointing their gun in every direction when handling it or showing it off etc, teen gun owners that just have their guns and ammunition strewn about their bedroom floors with no supervision, where their younger siblings could easily access. The shit I see is fucking wild which is why I’m never surprised when I hear about the dumb shootings that happen frequently in this country. We’d be so much better off if we did require safety courses and required training for gun purchases. Your “culture” is retarded and needs to be fixed.

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And if you want a concealed carry, you have to take a course to get it. You don't need to know how to use a firearm before purchasing them. Because it's our right to have them. All my friends that have guns are safe with them and don't leave them lying around. I'm not sure what inner city shithole you live in, but you need to move somewhere else. Because you're either lying or greatly exaggerating.

What a retard take.

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You realize that less than 7% of the population has conceal carry permit? I’m one of those too. Talk about a retard take. If what I was saying wasn’t true, then the massive amount of negligent gun deaths that happen in America wouldn’t exist. But they do. I wish all gun owners had to take the conceal carry class, but they don’t. if anything, you are the one lying or greatly exaggerating, or you are just simply not paying attention to how your friends/family/acquaintances handle their firearms. I live in a rural part of a red state just fyi.

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Cool I have my CCL too! I think you're lying about yours though!

Quick question. Would you agree that a person with their CCL have better knowledge on gun safety than the average person?

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True....... its always at some taliban house party..

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Do all the people with brains a favor and shut the fuck up mate

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Idk about videos but I know usually if it comes from here it's from live streams where someone was trying to look tough. I remember one with some kids where one shot the other kid by accident and then accidentally shot themselves or something. I think we just don't record it as much tbh

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America is first world. Supposedly THE first world. Pakistan is very much not.

This is a bad comparison to make.

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I'm comparing the US to the rest of the world.

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"Videos like this coming from here."

Ok bro.

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Yeah. You "hardly see videos like this coming from here". As in, the US, where I am.

Ya big dumb dumby.

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Bro I can go find 10 diff accidental discharges from the US on this site. Most recent i remember was the two young black kids and the girl accidentally shot her cousin and then purposefully herself in a panic.

dont know what reality you live in, but this kinda shit does happen in the US regularly enough...

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10? That's nywot many at aww. And the mwost recent onye was onye that wasn't recent at aww?

Gwo ahead and link mwe 10.

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