Drunk woman kills her kids in crash

I swear it's always the drunks that survive this shit

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drunk fucks need to just fucking kill themselves. seriously. and no, it's not a fucking 'disease'... the only 'disease' is YOU you fucking weak-minded weak-willed low-IQ drunk piece of shit

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Addiction is a disease. Drunk driving is not. Just because someone is addicted to alcohol doesn't mean they're going to drive drunk. Plus we have no idea if this person is even an alcoholic.

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addiction isn't a disease since you can control it you retard. drinking is like drunk driving: a choice. also, nonalcoholic drink and drive far less often than alcoholics, meaning heuristically, the person in the video is likely an alcoholic.

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I’m sure every addict living in homelessness and poverty destroying everything around them is “controlling it”. Dumbfuck. That being said, this lady deserves to fucking rot

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yes they are

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Why don’t we all just do a little bit of fent then should be fine. Go try it

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Fent is a lil different to alcohol considering withdrawal of it is 100 times more extreme, it's honestly not that comparable.

Like are we gonna compare weed to heroine?

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Spoken by someone who has never suffered delirium tremens from stopping booze cold turkey. You can die from alcohol withdrawal, but not from opiate withdrawal. Alcohol withdrawal is one of the worst withdrawals of any drug. You really don't have a clue what you're talking so proudly about.

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Do you know how much alcohol you have to consume for that to happen? you must've been drinking since the age of 12 for that to happen, or just straight out drink a bottle of vodka every day. you're a loser.

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i do heroin. i can stop at any time.

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Ahahhaah fuck that’s funny

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an addict is the one picking up the crack pipe the addict is the one who decides to tie off their arm and mainline heroin. a "disease" is something you have no control over, like schizophrenia, or dementia. is it a hard choice? absolutely. does that make it not a choice? fuck no.

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Yeah see that's the thing. The addicts can't control it because it is a disease. You dont actually understand what you're talking about and thats fine but thinking something isn’t real because it doesn't affect you is very ignorant.

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as someone who comes from a family of alcoholics I'm more inclined to believe that alcoholism isn't a disease and is more of a symptom of an underlying issue such as severe depression or Bipolar disorder. It doesn't help that alcohol is also a depressant.

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“I was born drunk- you don’t understand! My umbilical cord was wrapped around a bottle of Popov!”

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You dont have to be born with something for it to be a disease. That's another very common misconception.

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Agree. Calling it a disease makes it sound like it isn't you're own problem to fix.

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U CANT control a addiction with out help just like a disease retard just because that's wut u belive don't make it the truth but it's a proven disease so no matter how much u don't agree with it it don't matter world don't revolve around YOUR beliefs that's not how it works

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u sound like an alcoholic :)

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Something about the three dead offspring in her car make me think this wasn’t her first experience with alcohol.

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Every alcoholic drinks and drives, I've never met one who hasn't at least once (I am aware this is a personal anecdote), and my family is full of em.

Pathetic low IQ pieces of trash.

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Even if someone did think of it as a disease, the person still made the decision to drive a car, and in this case, have their children in the car with them. Drunk drivers are absolute scum.

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Tell you what, how about have one month of drinking 6- 12 standard drinks a night. Then stop cold turkey. Just to test out how addicts feel.

Or if you are kinda strong willed, try doing the same but start from the morning.

Or if you think you are very very strong willed, do crack for 3 days.

You don't know addiction till you have a taste.

Still... a responsible addict won't drive WITH THEIR FUCKING CHILDREN IN THE CAR !!!

I hope she loved those kids so she can spend every day reliving that day

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this one really got the cripplingalcoholism losers riled up lmfao

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I hate drunk drivers and agree with you about them but alcoholism is a disease. A lot of people misunderstand what the word disease means.

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A bit presumptuous to assume that she is an alcoholic. Maybe she doesn’t have much experience with alcohol and didn’t understand her limits. Plus, perhaps her dumb kids were being annoying in the backseat or something, since we are throwing all these ideas out. Anywho…

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What the fuck are you on? What makes the kids dumb? Is that not presumptuous? Plus, either way it’s drunk driving if she didn’t know her limits. C’mon man.

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