Woman Stranded Over Christmas Hanged Herself

24 year old Bela Fabriani was discovered on Christmas day, hanging in the rental residence where she and her family had been living for most of the year.

She had posted online the previous day that she was depressed because her husband and young child had gone ahead of her to another country while she was finishing some finals for her school classes. When she tried to join them a few days later, it was determined that there was an error in her immigration paperwork so she was unable to leave the country to join her family. Because her plane ticket was non-refundable, she was also out a substantial sum of money and unable to fix the problem, which was compounded by the fact that she was required to leave her current residence by the end of the week.

The day following her posting on social media, a friend from her school grew concerned when she wasn't answering the phone after making the posts about depression. When she arrived, indeed the young woman was found hanging in the rental home, estimated to be dead less than 5 hours.

According to the scene report, she had used a nylon rope that was originally part of her child's swingset. It was green and roughly 8 meters in length. She stood on a red plastic chair and kicked it out from under her, with the noose secured to an upper ceiling beam.

Her body, which was hanging in partial suspension with her feet on the floor but knees still elevated, bore no signs of violence aside from the ligature mark. She was barefoot and wearing her pajamas.

No complete autopsy was performed, but the visual examination by forensics determined that she had bitten her tongue while strangling. The report also noted that she had both pissed and shit herself in the throes of asphyxiation and that urine was all over the floor around her. No signs of a break-in or struggle were found and she had no signs of violence on her body aside from injuries associated with the hanging. Between these factors and the circumstances going on in her life at the time, the death was ruled a suicide by hanging.











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So sad

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Well thats sad :(

Why Is this top comment I will never know?

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Most suicides are. Sometimes you've got people who are physically ill to the point of endless suffering, so seeing them go isn't so terrible. Sometimes you just have people that REALLY want to die and it is what it is.

But most of the time when I research these cases, it was untreated depression exacerbated by circumstances that were fleeting or could have been worked past or corrected. Those always seem a bit sad because it would have taken so little, overall, to turn the trajectory in a different direction.

Then again, no one is inside anyone else's head, so who the fuck ever really knows what's going on in there.

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That is actually true, there is a thing called Euthanasia which is assisted suicide which I think is fine to end the person's suffering.

But most suicides are really because the person can't find a solution or a way out. Though, sometimes the problem might be simple and can be corrected overtime, we just can't tell how our mind works, maybe because of the environment the person grew up with, or they can't live the disappointment and embarrassment and that leads them to end it. Just one mistake and suicide is the permanent solution to a temporary problem.

But there is one thing we can do, and is to become attentive and alert to everybody we encounter, let's be sensitive because we don't know what they're going through. When we notice something, don't be afraid to reach out first and offer help to the person and let that person know that everything can be resolved.

Same with people that are suicidal, if we can't handle it our own, let's not be afraid to seek help. Though, I am not a doctor, it would be great to have someone help you carry your problems and help you overcome them until we're back at our feet.

I might sound ridiculous, but I just don't want anybody go through such horrible stuff.

Take care of yourself, of each other, and just make fun memories afterwards.

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A clinically depressed person knows a big problem can be worked out. The problem is that it seems pointless. She might have felt that they were better off without her.

Also they should change the name because it has nothing to do with feeling sad. Although long enough with the condition is going to make you feel sadness and hopelessness.

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Hubby kidnapped kid. No way they just didnt know. Why did he HAVE TO leave early?? Lotta questions. Had he known it would be easy to leave early, she calls and he says too bad im not coming back and i have our child. Good bye.

If not then it would be such an easy fix. This is high tf key sus imo

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Are you for euthanasia of negroes? Yes or no.

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Yes I'm aware of what suicidal thoughts are considering I am highly suicidal.

Dw I not trying to be rude you only trying to help

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I didn't think you were being rude. Nor was I trying to be. Just sharing my experiences with researching this stuff is all. No harm intended.

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U dont owe that, shit

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Omg really… just gonna go ahead and post that huh. Weird af.

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No shit

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Seems like a prime example of medical depression. People in that state are simply incapable of thinking rationally, and when bad things compound like here and there's nobody for the person to bounce their thoughts off they genuinely believe that their life is over, nobody cares about them and it's better to just kill yourself, rather than seeing it as a simple down in life that would mean nothing in like a week or a month. Sad, but that's the reality of some people.

Then there's people who don't necessarily qualify for depression but their lives are just shitty day after day, but that's another thing...

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Sounds like me. Any inconvenience in life, my immediate thought is i need to kill myself. I know one day ill end up like this woman (rip) there will be one event where i feel like no way out and ill do it .

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Them hectic timmes are just temporary, and you will be ok even if it takes years to figure ys out YOU WILL eventually and things will be ok, suicide is so permanent dont do it EVER! You are here for a reason, when you feel down always try and remember someone else has it worse and your issue (whatever it might be) at the time, is not that serious!! You could have no legs, no arm, you could be living in a 3rd world country where theres no food etc, it can always be worse!! Dont forget it you are not alone either milkions of folks feel the way u do be stronf

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Are you gonna stream that event? Stream it if you do :)

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Your pathetic

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Oh man 😞

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You both had something in common. Hello Kitty.

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I really love to see the empathy displayed by fellow WPDers. It reminds me that this community is comprised of people like me -- curious yet reverant.

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More like racist, attention / clout craving weirdos , scratchers, cat stealers, and a few really good ppl like scarecrow and carcass and chaz

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YAY, but if you will notice, not a lot of people here are nice. The comments are mostly expressing how they deserved to die and enjoyed it. It's not really that nice, most people on here are mostly depressed or have a problem, but some are here just for fun. There's not a lot of people who feel bad or respect each other. But it is nice when you meet one.

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That big red arrow in those photos is disturbingly comical.

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For a moment i really thought one of them was labeled "PISS & SHIT"

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how selfish to leave the child and husband like that :hammer:

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Is there any particular information as for the headscarf? Only in one picture, and not worn like a hijab, with all that hair showing. Just curious, obviously it wasn't the focus of the post.


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Lotta pictures with no dead girl in them

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Where the dookie at?

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