Woman Stranded Over Christmas Hanged Herself

24 year old Bela Fabriani was discovered on Christmas day, hanging in the rental residence where she and her family had been living for most of the year.

She had posted online the previous day that she was depressed because her husband and young child had gone ahead of her to another country while she was finishing some finals for her school classes. When she tried to join them a few days later, it was determined that there was an error in her immigration paperwork so she was unable to leave the country to join her family. Because her plane ticket was non-refundable, she was also out a substantial sum of money and unable to fix the problem, which was compounded by the fact that she was required to leave her current residence by the end of the week.

The day following her posting on social media, a friend from her school grew concerned when she wasn't answering the phone after making the posts about depression. When she arrived, indeed the young woman was found hanging in the rental home, estimated to be dead less than 5 hours.

According to the scene report, she had used a nylon rope that was originally part of her child's swingset. It was green and roughly 8 meters in length. She stood on a red plastic chair and kicked it out from under her, with the noose secured to an upper ceiling beam.

Her body, which was hanging in partial suspension with her feet on the floor but knees still elevated, bore no signs of violence aside from the ligature mark. She was barefoot and wearing her pajamas.

No complete autopsy was performed, but the visual examination by forensics determined that she had bitten her tongue while strangling. The report also noted that she had both pissed and shit herself in the throes of asphyxiation and that urine was all over the floor around her. No signs of a break-in or struggle were found and she had no signs of violence on her body aside from injuries associated with the hanging. Between these factors and the circumstances going on in her life at the time, the death was ruled a suicide by hanging.











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In Vietnam, the leading religion is Buddhism and I've never seen Vietnamese women wear a Hijab or a Headscarf like that. I think you're just being ignorant and a racist.

There is a loss, your country failed to educate you. Southeast asians are probably more educated than you will ever be. They will be well off going to Europe than be near wherever your stupid ass is spreading stupidity.

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Yes. Southeast Asians are proficient in making Nikes. But that's pretty much it.

It's your problem for not informing us. Because in reality no normal human can tell the difference between you all.

I think you're being ignorant and racist. Do you think education should encompass every shithole's human geography? Does Southeast Asia teach you about every country's human geography? I didn't think so.

Thank you for your anecdotes. It seems like they teach you well over there.

Nikes and guerrilla warfare. Can't forget that one.

Let me ask. Did they teach you about the religions in Papau New Guinea yet? Ridiculous straw man argument. Fucking viets.

Keep ignoring me. I'll wait for an answer.

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You are really proud of your own ignorance.

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No sir, how can I ignore an ignorant person who clearly needs to learn a lot? I hope you take the time to read this, unlike the time you took to do your research on Southeast Asians.

In an age where information is readily available, it's everyone's responsibility to educate themselves about different cultures. Ignorance is a choice, not an excuse. Expecting others to constantly inform you about their identities is lazy and entitled.

Your claim that “no normal human can tell the difference” between people from Southeast Asia is a reflection of your own prejudice. Claiming that it's impossible to distinguish between people from different Asian countries reveals a lack of effort on your part. Just as people can differentiate between Europeans, Africans, and Latin Americans, anyone can learn to recognize the diverse cultures and appearances within Asia with minimal effort.

Understanding human geography isn't about knowing every detail of every country, but rather about appreciating cultural diversity and promoting global awareness. This isn't a "straw man argument" but a fundamental aspect of being an informed and empathetic global citizen. I'm amazed you even know about Papua New Guinea considering your state of unawareness. Bringing up Papua New Guinea is irrelevant and a poor attempt to deflect from the real issue. The point is to approach other cultures with a willingness to learn and respect their identities, not to use obscure examples to justify ignorance.

I'm not Vietnamese or Indonesian. I am Southeast Asian but I'm also an American, and from your profile, I believe you're from Texas (correct me if I'm wrong) not far from where I'm from, California. I can say we Southeast Asians have contributed a lot to this country, not only here but also made significant contributions globally. From technological innovation to academic and educational achievements, and most importantly, healthcare where Filipinos are the cornerstone of the global healthcare workforce, especially in the US. Without us, the US healthcare system would struggle significantly.

Southeast Asians have probably done more for this country and the world than you, sitting in your basement spreading slurs and hate because that's your only purpose in life while being brainless at the same time. The United States is built on diversity and the contributions of people from all ethnicities. It's high time you recognized that and started showing some respect. Instead of deflecting your ignorance onto others, take responsibility for your own education.

Your blatant ignorance and racism are both embarrassing and infuriating. Instead of spewing hatred and prejudice from your basement, you should be grateful for the immense contributions of Southeast Asians and other diverse communities that have made your life more comfortable. The healthcare you rely on, the technology you use, and the cultural richness you consume are all products of the hard work and dedication of people you so casually dismiss.

It's laughable how you sit in your basement spewing hate while Southeast Asians you despise are out there saving lives, driving innovation, and enriching cultures. Pathetic how your biggest contribution is being a racist keyboard warrior.

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I never claimed it was impossible.

Understanding human geography isn't about knowing every detail of every country, but rather about appreciating cultural diversity and promoting global awareness. This isn't a "straw man argument" but a fundamental aspect of being an informed and empathetic global citizen. I'm amazed you even know about Papua New Guinea considering your state of unawareness. Bringing up Papua New Guinea is irrelevant and a poor attempt to deflect from the real issue. The point is to approach other cultures with a willingness to learn and respect their identities, not to use obscure examples to justify ignorance.

If I'm not mistaken this is your response to my question about our country's public school education. You claim it's my country's responsibility to educate us on the religions of Indonesia. I assume you meant our school system.

There is a loss, your country failed to educate you.

You don't seem to understand what I said. How is it the country's responsibility to teach us about the religions of SE Asia? The point was about the your quoted statement. You wrote a whole paragraph for a straw man.

I'll reiterate my question, again. How is it my country's responsibility to educate me about the cultures of SE Asia? I'll keep in mind the rest of your essay. My question please.

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But I understand your question. When I mentioned 'your country failed to educate you,' I wasn't implying that it's solely your country's responsibility to educate individuals about the cultures of Southeast Asia. Rather, I was emphasizing the role of education systems, including formal schooling, in introducing students to global diversity and fostering cultural awareness. Considering the United States is a Diverse multicultural society, it does have the responsibility to teach its students cultural awareness and become open-minded about different cultures and religions not just SEA. The United States has a responsibility to educate its citizens about the cultures of various racial and ethnic groups, including those from Southeast Asia and beyond. This education fosters empathy, combats stereotypes, and promotes inclusivity within diverse communities, and of course, each individual bears the responsibility to actively seek out cultural education and embrace global diversity.... The failure I referred to was not in the education system alone but in your personal willingness to understand and accept cultural diversity which also meant they failed to educate you because you failed to understand, you refused to accept, instead resorting to racism. It might be just you being ignorant as usual.

It's not a straw man argument to emphasize the importance of understanding cultural diversity and global awareness. My statement was about promoting empathy and respect for diverse cultures, not constructing a false or exaggerated representation of your viewpoint.

If my words seemed pointed, it's because cultural understanding is fundamental in today's interconnected world. It's not about misrepresenting your stance but rather highlighting the significance of educating oneself about different cultures, including those in Southeast Asia.

I appreciate that you'll consider my words. True growth comes from applying these principles to improve oneself and society. I hope you reflect on these points, not just from me but for your own personal growth and the well-being of those around you. It's better to confront these issues here than face real-world consequences for intolerance. I care about people, including you, and hope you'll consider the impact of your words and actions on others. I also hope you'll take time to reflect and improve. Good luck!!!

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Wow, An anime enjoyer. Too bad we didn't have three nukes by the time we dropped Fat Man and Little Boy.

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