




Before that, around 4:00 p.m. on June 6, people while climbing a mountain in Binh Thanh commune, Tuy Phong district, Binh Thuan, discovered a male body stuck in a rock crevice. People reported the incident to local authorities. Receiving the news, Tuy Phong district police coordinated with competent forces to go to the scene of the incident. Because the body was in the stage of decomposition and stuck in a rock hole, it took the authorities about more than an hour to get the body out. Through autopsy, the authorities determined that the body was a male between the ages of 25 and 35 years old. The victim is about 1.65 m tall, dyed blonde hair and wearing a black jacket. Authorities also determined that the time of death was about 7 days from the time of discovery. Currently, the case is being investigated by Tuy Phong District Police


A man, about 50 years old, whose body was in the process of decomposition, had a needle in his butt

The cause is currently unknown

Information from the People's Committee of Kim Tan ward, Lao Cai city, at around 6:00 p.m. on June 8, the authorities received reports from people about the discovery of a dead person at a motel on Nguyen Du street, in Group 21, Kim Tan ward.

Through initial verification, the person who died was Mr. Nguyen Xuan L (born 1968, residing in old group 54, Kim Tan ward) - a person who rented a room alone in this area.

Local drug dealer killed by sicario (crying child warning)

Mexico. No more infos.


The problem here is that they were all armed, but fortunately some of them gave up and did not die, but these important shots.

Houthi is burned

More than three companies were burned in this way by a Saudi f-15.


2017 Houthi wanted to attack the Saudi weapons depots and, in cooperation with the Saudi army and the Yemeni army, he was killed (they were more than 21 elements, but unfortunately not all of them were photographed)


On November 4 2011, Alfonso Cano was shot dead in an anti-guerrilla operation. Cano was the commander of Farc, a left-wing rebel group.


Close to Sana'a International Airport, a Saudi captain and a Saudi lieutenant were able to kill more than four Houthis by a missile (BGM-71 TOW)

Woman Hanging in the Park is Abused by Passersby


Kelly Tatiana Ruiz (24) was found very freshly hanged in a public park. The guy who is filming the video is apparently not the one who phoned the police or, if he was, he didn't stick around.

There was some initial speculation in the news that she was murdered by the guy with the camera. Personally, I think it is significantly more likely that he's a random petty criminal with other business in the part at night and just happened to find this woman who hanged herself only moments earlier. He sounds baked out of his mind while he's slapping her rather ungently, but he keeps saying, "Uncle" "Uncle!" He then says, "This girl just hanged herself here at BN Park." Of course, he's got an ancient, crumbling hand gun as well, but I figure that's just Colombia. According to my source (a reporter for a local tv station), he received the video from the cameraman, but that the guy only wanted to be paid for the video and not to have his identity revealed.

As usual, there was a lot of concern in the news and on social media that she was actually murdered, less because of the drunken gunman with the camera, but more because her knees are on the ground. Very few people outside of the forensic or law enforcement field ever seem to actually understand the prevalence of partial suspension hangings.

Based on statements from her family, she had previously been a prominent soccer player in a local league, but had been battling drug problems for the past year or two.

Here is the original article, as written. It mostly just goes over the things I already highlighted or things visible in the video, but it is a little window into the odd style of journalism that we frequently deal with when researching these cases:

In this community where more than 100,000 people live, they wonder what the video of Kelly's death reveals.

If she didn't kill herself, was she murdered? The video shows Kelly with a rope around her neck; her urine-soaked shorts are a sign of a person recently hanging. But her knees on the ground. Unless she was hung from a second flexible branch, the first branch of the tree was too low to hang.

And they wonder: “And who is the one recording the video so quickly after her death and slapping Kelly and pointing a gun at her? So we have the question, Was Kelly Killed? "

The body of the young woman was taken to Medicinal Legal, a forensic opinion will determine if there are marks on her skin caused by external blows and if there are fingerprints other than hers.

Most importantly, if she died from asphyxiation caused by the rope the marks on her neck will shed light on her death.

Now, the police handle the issue as an alleged suicide, for that reason, the case already goes directly to the Prosecutor's Office. If the family requests an investigation, it must determine whether it was suicide or was killed.

Woman Stranded Over Christmas Hanged Herself

24 year old Bela Fabriani was discovered on Christmas day, hanging in the rental residence where she and her family had been living for most of the year.

She had posted online the previous day that she was depressed because her husband and young child had gone ahead of her to another country while she was finishing some finals for her school classes. When she tried to join them a few days later, it was determined that there was an error in her immigration paperwork so she was unable to leave the country to join her family. Because her plane ticket was non-refundable, she was also out a substantial sum of money and unable to fix the problem, which was compounded by the fact that she was required to leave her current residence by the end of the week.

The day following her posting on social media, a friend from her school grew concerned when she wasn't answering the phone after making the posts about depression. When she arrived, indeed the young woman was found hanging in the rental home, estimated to be dead less than 5 hours.

According to the scene report, she had used a nylon rope that was originally part of her child's swingset. It was green and roughly 8 meters in length. She stood on a red plastic chair and kicked it out from under her, with the noose secured to an upper ceiling beam.

Her body, which was hanging in partial suspension with her feet on the floor but knees still elevated, bore no signs of violence aside from the ligature mark. She was barefoot and wearing her pajamas.

No complete autopsy was performed, but the visual examination by forensics determined that she had bitten her tongue while strangling. The report also noted that she had both pissed and shit herself in the throes of asphyxiation and that urine was all over the floor around her. No signs of a break-in or struggle were found and she had no signs of violence on her body aside from injuries associated with the hanging. Between these factors and the circumstances going on in her life at the time, the death was ruled a suicide by hanging.


The Colombian Army begins an internal investigation to establish the reasons for a suicide committed at a military headquarters by a non-commissioned officer who recorded a video blaming a superior.

The incident occurred on a Wednesday around 1 AM in the General Manuel Valdivieso Communications Support and Sustainment Battalion, assigned to the Special Communications Brigade.

The young soldier was identified as Third Corporal Francisco J. P. O, who would have told his father about the persecution that he apparently suffered from his superior, Major Andrés L. for several months.

According to the victim's father, the alleged harassment apparently occurred because the non-commissioned officer was from the Caribbean Coast and it was something that, according to his version, the officer did not like.

Before taking his own life, Francisco wrote a handwritten letter about the situation he was suffering and which he later sent to the National Army, specifically to the Army Commander, on March 23, 2024.

In which, in the header of the complaint, the young soldier mentions the Ministry of Defense and the Command of the Military Forces.

Photos that emerged showing the soldier had laid out his military uniform on the ground, along with two pairs of boots, and then shot himself in the forehead with his service rifle.

Before that he recorded a video "I can't stand it, I'm leaving this life".


Pile of dead RSF fighters

Impaled man on balls

How the fuck did that happen? I have no idea, sorry :marseydisagree:

Close up of girl dying after been shot in the head

No clue what happened to her. Seems that she's close to the end of life

sis crashed someone house with motorcycle (gurl how tf!?!?!?) (no death)

never seen someone crashed house with thick wall using motorcycle :marseyflushzoom:

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