Rapper Foolio shoot dead asf

i posted this in shootings at first mb

Photo of dead rapper Foolio

I'd like more so of anyone finds anything else lmk

young woman commits suicide

double homicide and suicide

guy find out that his girlfriend was cheating, so he find them out and killed after that killed himself

Argument between two friends escalates to attempt murder

Tinguá, CE, Brazil - Jun 23, 2024

A 31-year-old woman was arrested by agents from the Ceará Military Police (PMCE), on Sunday afternoon (23), after stabbing another woman in the municipality of Tianguá, in the interior of Ceará. As reported, they were arguing in a commercial establishment when the aggression began.

The victim, identified as Claudiane Ferreira de Paiva, aged 29, was taken by an ambulance from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) to the municipal hospital, having been hit in the head region. She has a criminal record for theft, robbery and threats.

The suspected perpetrator of the attack was identified as Gleyce Kelle Moita Souza, aged 31, with two criminal records for vehicle theft. Gleyce Kelle, after the criminal action, was taken to the Tianguá Police Station and charged with the crime of attempted murder, for the attack recorded this Sunday in the city of Ceará.

Gang member obliterated by rivals



The deceased was Aline Maiara Gomes da Silva, aged 19 at the time of her death on Christmas Eve, 2011. She was sitting on the porch of her humble flat in Bairro Centenário, Caruaru enjoying a beverage when a young man approached her at a rapid pace. According to witnesses he was on foot and openly carrying a handgun. The neighbors split, as is typically wise in the favelas, and young Aline attempted to do the same when she saw the gunman approaching her.

According to my main source, she got to her feet and tried to run into her home to hide, but had barely made it a single meter when she was shot twice in the back and once in the arm. Both center-mass bullets penetrated her lungs, likely flooding the pleural space with blood and likely resulting in a sadly prolonged death as she essentially drowned on her own vital fluids. The assailant fled and by the time police arrived (called by the neighbors when they went to hide in their own homes), Aline had died alone beneath her meager Christmas tree.

The police apprehended the killer the following day and reported that he was a 17 year old who had escaped from a juvenile detention center. He specifically sought out the 19 year old victim because he had been informed that the girl's aunt had murdered his grandfather 10 years earlier. This story was not verified by the police and it is assumed that someone set the dumb kid up to do a hit by spinning a false narrative about his grandfather's murder. The real reasons for her death (if there were any) are unknown.

I read a couple of conflicting articles on this case, all in Portuguese, about whether she was shot in the back or the chest. One said he shot her in the back while she was running away and the other said she was on her knees facing him and begging for her life (as reported by a neighbor) and she was shot twice in the chest. I don't know which is accurate. Her position certainly looks like she died while running into her home, but the chest wounds are much higher than the back wounds, so unless he was shooting her from a crouched position on the porch as she ran, I am inclined to think that she was shot in the chest, while down on her knees with him standing above her. One of the images also shows a shell casing lying right next to her body, which might also corroborate the idea that he shot her inside the home while she was on her knees.


florida rapper foolio shot dead

No more photos available other than his foot

Benito Mussolini death

Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci, had paid to escape to Germany through Switzerland. While disguised as soldiers with a marching column, Italian anti-fascists searched the column and immediately recognized the couple. They were put in front of a wall and executed. Their bodies were put on a truck with 15 or so dead bodies along with the couple. The bodies had been dropped in a square in Milan and locals soon recognized the bodies. The victims were beaten, shot, and eventually were hung upside down from a gas station for display. Shortly after, the bodies were taken down and sent to a morgue. An American Gl posed the bodies hand in hand and had taken that photo. Mussolini's head was so smashed in, he was barely recognizable.

(April 28, 1945)

(Please lmk if there's any incorrect information)

African guy blew himself up with an grenade in Germany

An african guy blew himself up in an arabic cafe located in Solingen Germany.

He survived till now

update: he‘s dead




Girl dying from horrible accident

Her knee..ouch! Not to mention the skull damage. I'm not sure on what exactly happened here, does anyone have any more info on this vid? Also does this go under vehicle or aftermath?


The passenger of a motorcyclist identified by an app as Fernanda Gabriela Lira, aged 38, died after being run over by a trailer this Wednesday morning (19), on BR-101, near Vila dos Milagres, in the Ibura neighborhood, in Zona South of Recife.

According to information received, the motorcycle driver only had minor injuries and the vehicle was crushed by the trailer and died at the scene.

The body was examined by the Institute of Criminalistics (IC) and sent to the Institute of Legal Medicine (IML) in Recife.


CHILD WARNING Accident ends in tragedy man loses entire arm


Accident on the road, in front of the San Marino farm, in the jurisdiction of Sabanalarga. The responsibility of motorcyclists says it all. That is a misfortune.

Wounded Azerbaijani Soldier

Wife Abused By Husband

Girl found hanged hanging from a tree :marseyobamarope:


Featured here are a mother in her late 30's and her two teenage children (both 18+), a girl and her older brother. All three were abducted in a BMW and then tortured and executed. Once they were dead, they were dumped in the alley behind a gas station. The mother, topless on the right, exhibits a knife wound in her bare chest where the rather garish green sign had been pinned down with a dagger. She was suffocated to death.

The son in the middle has been tortured severely with a knife and was then shot in the head and tossed out with his pants down.

The teenage daughter on the left side does not seem to show any visual evidence of having been physically tortured, but was killed with the slow agony of asphyxiation after having all of her airways sealed shut by plastic being taped over her face.

The father, a 42 year old businessman (he owned the gas station where his family was dumped as well as at least one other one), went down to the police department to identify the bodies the morning they were found...and was promptly shot FIFTEEN TIMES immediately upon entering the police headquarters. Apparently several on-duty policemen had been locked in the bathroom and three armed men assassinated the father and then a BMW. Probably the same one to abduct his family.

The incident report indicated that the father had crossed a Cartel, a local branch of Jalisco New Generation Cartel, based on the sign. He went into hiding, which was what prompted the abduction of his wife and children. When their dead bodies were left as a warning to him, he apparently (and erroneously) assumed that it would be safe to go to the police department to ID them. Obviously he was wrong. The newspaper speculated that many of the police officers were paid off and those who were not on the take were the ones detained in the cells.

No one was ever brought to justice for any of the murders.

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