Ataneal da Silva Lucena being beat to death by 3 men and 1 cameramen. (NO SOUND - ADDED MUSIC QUEEN - WE WILL ROCK YOU) sorry yall :marseysulk:

If i missed anything admins please :marseypraying: allow me to repost this with the most basic of minimum corr3ctions necessary you would allow me to get away with


Brazilian woman being assaulted, with audio (woman who use to beat her mother gets beaten by faction members)

follow for another mixtape



The young man has been arrested for three months so far, he has been known to the police for a long time, and more than one pre-trial investigation has already been launched against him.

In the video that has gone viral, the black man can be seen kicking the victim in the head, who is already lying on the bed and unresponsive to the blows, in the room.

He is known to the police, had penalties for violations of public order, and several pre-trial investigations were initiated.

Juodupe lithuania.

(And Burning) Thieves Beaten And Burned In Angola


It happened on 19th of October 2017 in Blantyre (specifically Chatha near the Chileka road), right next to the police roadblock. Location on Malawi map:

Local media informed that the 22 yo man was placed into police custody after he was found lying (or sleeping) near a graveyard. He was disabled, but media describe it differently: either intellectually disabled, mentally ill or epileptic. It often happens that the marginalized people are accused of being anamapopa - a blood-sucker. Here is a quote from February 2018, placing this event in some context:

In mid-September 2017, rumours of blood sucking spread from across the border in nearby Mozambique to Malawi. Despite statements from the police and the Society of Medical Doctors dispelling the deadly rumours as a hoax, fear fuelled by social media spread across villages and towns in southern Malawi, resulting in at least nine people being killed by vigilantes. Scores more were injured and over 200 people have been arrested for the attacks on those accused of being anamapopa, or 'blood suckers'.

After rumors started spreading that the detainee is a blood-sucker, the mob managed to get him out of the custody. They were upset by not moving this man to Chileka Police Station quickly enough. After throwing stones at the cops and chasing them away, they retrieved the victim from a makeshift cell. The man was beaten to death and burned. Reportedly, a health passport or ID was found near to him, suggesting that he was released from the hospital in Chiradzulu. It's a smaller town, northeast of Blantyre. Google Maps photo of the hospital:

Police didn't release any details the same day, but the manhunt started. The victim's identity was not disclosed, although it's known that his relatives lived in the area.

A 22-year-old epilepsy sufferer was torched near a police checkpoint as public hysteria grows over “blood-sucking vampires”

At the same day's night, a medic was stopped by the angry mob hunting for blood-suckers near the same Chileka road. Thankfully, he only was robbed from the money in his wallet and let go alive. News mention another man stoned to death for alleged blood-sucking in this area, but whether it was the same day or not, it was not mentioned.

The next day, the police announced that 140 people have been arrested in connection to a recent wave of lynching people for being blood-suckers. Among them were two people who were sending the messages to people in Phalombe (70 km or 43 mil east of Blantyre) that there are bloodsuckers. According to the cops, these killed people were innocent and there are no blood-suckers in Malawi. Police Inspector General Lexten Kachama, who spoke to reporters on 20th of October, stated that 'the rumours are just being spread by some bad people who want to bring fear among Malawians'.

Additional comment for those interested :marseybow:

Paramount Chief Ngolongoliwa of the Lhomwe people says that even as far back as the 1920s, people feared attacks by the anamopopa, particularly during the summer months.

"Usually these vampire rumours start at the beginning of summer and they end at the start of the rainy season. The common explanation is that it is easy for the vampires to attack their victims in the hot season because their blood circulation is very high," says Ngolongoliwa.

You have to know that the hot and wet season, which we'd call summer (even though Malawi has just two seasons), lasts there from November to April.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:

Two Indian men get clubbed to death by a mob for some reason :marseyturban:


fucking crazy.


Man Assaults Homeless Person Off-Camera; Homeless Person Beats His Skull In With An Iron Rod (Sumatra, Indonesia; 10/02/2021; Story Included In Description)

"Police arrested the suspect in the murder of S.T, the son of the owner of a metal shop, yesterday afternoon. The perpetrator is A. (57), a homeless man, who is suspected of having a mental disorder.

A, who was shabby in appearance, killed S.T. behind his shop house, on Sumatra at around 07.22 in the morning.

Police told that the mental condition of the perpetrator still needed to be examined.

Evidence was also secured in the form of an iron stick, a knife, a pair of scissors and Rp 7,630,000.

The police chief said that the motive for the perpetrator to take S's life was because the victim had kicked him.

The person was upset because he was kicked by the victim because he lived in the back alley of the victim's house."

Special thanks to kellyhound of, who initially compiled the info.


In China, a teacher at a junior high school was beaten to death with a brick by a male student, as captured by a security camera in the classroom.

The teacher was attacked from behind without warning and died in the hospital where he was taken. It is thought that the attack was caused by a deep grudge.

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