A man kill by a cartel

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Hello cute twinks and jewish chads, your portuguese translator here:

Cameraman/Narrator: "Olha o que acontece com o PCC" (Look at what happens to the PCC)

For context, PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital), is one of the biggest brazillian drug cartels, responsible for most of the crime you see here, as well as most of the drug exports to europe. Link to wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primeiro_Comando_da_Capital

Cameraman (zooms closer to the body): "Presta atenção" (Pay attention).

Cameraman (Zooms to the bucket full of guts and shit): "Olha só o que acontece" (Look at what happens).

Cameraman (After dismissing the bucket): "Olha o coração, dá para cortar?" (Look at the heart, can anyone cut it up?)

Cameraman: "Cheinho de coração de PCC" (Full of PCC hearts).

He then starts panning to other buckets. Judging from the floor and the dark/black environment, this looks like a prison riot. In South America, most prisons are run by cartels, some housing several of them which often results in conflict and death.

Cameraman (While panning to the fat fuck with the yellow trousers and blue boxers): "Que horas têm?" (Can you check the time?)

Background goon: "São...seis e dez" (It is...6:10) Note: Didn't specify if it were AM or PM.

Cameraman (panning to more bodies): "Caralho vocês se foderam seus bucetas! Primeiro (Rio?) de Janeiro. Tá ligado quem manda nessa porra aqui? Não vem botar queixo não bucetas. Isso aqui é para vocês se ligarem na parada tá entendendo? Vocês não bota queixo nessa porra aqui não." (Damn, you pussies got fucked. First of january (Note: He either said "First of January" or "Rio de Janeiro", the latter being the biggest shithole in Brazil). This is to show you guys whose the boss around here, you got it? Y'all won't stick your nose here again.

Context: If you got lost, this part starts around the video's half

Cameraman (Panning to the anorexic cute twink with the light yellow shorts and red boxers): "Se vocês querem viver então vão se foder seus otários! Essa é que é a parada." (If you idiots want to live then go fuck off elsewhere. That's how it is).

Cameraman starts walking

Cameraman (Panning towards the cut up retard with the black shirt): "Mas oh... Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) se foderam." (Oh well...the PCC got fucked).

Cameraman (Panning to him grabbing some filthy ass hand): Olha ele dizendo "Tchau"..."Tchauuu". (Look at him saying "bye". Byeee!"

For context, "Tchau" is often used to say "Bye" in portuguese. It is considered to be slang.

**Cameraman (after dropping his most likely boyfriend's hand): "Isso está pesado, fede para a porra!" (Damn he is heavy, and it stinks like hell!)

Video hands

This translation is certified by true patriotic fact checkers.


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Pretty sure prison riot. They would show off all their weapons if it happened in or around a Favela...

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Is this what these people believe will happen:

"Welp, they killed my brother. Oh well"

They also mutilated his corpse

"oh nooo"

And they cut out his spine

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, not the SPINE! NOOOO, BROTHER WHERE ART THOUGH"

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Looks like amateur butchering is a new hobby

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this is a normal day for them

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I recently got a DM telling me one of my posts have been posted on a site called Kiwifarms. I'm scared these people will continue to harass me. Is there anything I can do to stop this, it's depressing to live in a world where sites like this are still allowed to stay up. Maybe I could file some sort of copyright request.



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