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Have you ever seen a dead body? what were your experiences?

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Long ramble incoming.

My great grandad passed away in his sleep from old age.


He had been living with my nan and her boyfriend (not yet married, Shes had quite a few divorces) and she found him early in the morning, His mouth open wide and his eyes open like he was scared.

I had met him a total of 14 tines throughout my life

She left him like that for 3 hours, Sitting and crying at his corpse, Before calling people to tell them the news. She waited a total of 5 hours before calling a mortician person (hearse thing) to take the body away.

My nan invited us all over, Not sure why, I assume to say goodbye to him or something.

Us kids of the family sat silently in the living room for half an hour (Be aware there were actual children present. My sister was 6 at the time.) Before being told the news by my vrying mother. My nan led us to his room to say our goodbyes.


There wasnt a smell as it had happend just that night, But the way he looked was strange

The mans mouth was gaping open, his head angled toward the ceiling. He was laid in the centre of the bed, His arms by his sides, Tucked in as if he were sleeping, Only his eyes were open. They looked milky, Like when a dog gets old and starts going blind. His face looked waxy with a very yellow undertone. He looked like a genuine wax figure. You could see his veins in his hands so clearly, His hands completeley white ither than the blue main veins. My youngest sister sat next to him and stared at him (she realized what happend to him back at home, Only after his funeral.)

It was a strange expirience, Being invited to see youre dead great grandfather.

Always loved the mad whenever i met him. He loved my crossy roads game, Sitting next to me as i played. I offered it to him a few times, But as a Very elderly man, He didnt completeley understand it.

He was a good man and a good father. Served in a war and many family christmas dinners. His chair still has his blanket which he was using when he died.

The most recent times was the hamsters my sister had, All died to a cat related incident.


First hamster whom shall not be named survived 13 days in our house. My sister was cleaning out its cage, Leaving the hamster to free range in its little tub.

My brother was 10 (A month off from his birthday)

My sister was 13

The cat, At the time, Was in the room that my brother and i share. My brother is not at fualt for what happend in the slightest. My brother let the cat out of the room as she kept jumping at the handle, trying to get out.

By this point my sister had gotten bored of cleaning, amd decided to sit on her bed and go on her phone, Leaving the cage open on the floor. The cat got into the room, we dont know how, and got the hamster. She walked out of the room without my sister noticing, bringing the hamster to mine and my brothers room and sitting on my lap as she began killing it. I screamed No and picked the cat up by her chest, Causing her to drop the hamster onto my bed. There was no blood. My mother came in after screams from me and my brother, Followed by my sister. My mother took the hamster to my father.

I stayed in the room, trying to figure out what to do with the cat, When my little brother began crying. He was proper sobbing, He felt terrible. He blubbered out how he didnt mean to, And how he let the cat out, And didnt know about the hamster.

My sister came in and started crying and yelling at him about how it was his fualt, which made him cry even more. I tried getting my sister out of the room unsuccessfully, ending in me shoving her out and blocking the door. I hugged my brother and convinced hin truthfully that its not his fualt.

The hamster died the next day from assumably internal bleeding.


This one was FUUUCKED UUUUP.

Happened while my sister was out of the house. I was in the shower, Heard a bang but assumed nothing of it.

Got out of the shower and went to my room. 2 hours later called for dinner. I start walking out the landing when i see sawdust by my sisters door. I open the door and turn on the lights.

The hamsters cage had been pushed off of the closet and onto the floor, Landing on its side. The sawdust was scattered all over the floor. I quickly call for my sister, who runs upstairs and sees the mess. She starts panicking, Quickly picking up the cage before screaming loudly and running downstairs.

I look at the cage, The hamsters was halfway through the bars, Its head and front legs missing, A small trail of organs / guts??? Hanging down the side.

I was sent downstairs by my dad, Who picked up the cage and scooped out the half hamster. He found the cat and chucked her out the window (She was fine, We were on the 2nd floor of a british house)

After dinner we return upstairs, Seeing the sawdust on the floor (My dad had picked up everything else.)

The hamsters head later turned up on the stairs, after being stepped on by my youngest sister.

My sister came in and asked me to sleep in my room, As she didnt want to step on any of the pieces of the hamster or its blood, I went in the next day to hoover and properly clean the room.

No more hamster till the cat leaves with my oldest sister in college!

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