What seems racist that really isnt racism?

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Black people constantly complaining about slavery when almost every race has been enslaved throughout history, why don't they go back to Africa, they're too lazy to help their ancestors because 1st world countries have treated them good, treated better than the natives.

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I meant more like, why turtles only attack black even if a white splotch was around it too, that kinda stuff.

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Oh yeah sorry, I didn't loook at thr title because I didn't grt sny sleep lol

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Treating people equally has been deemed racist, but actually isn't. What is racist is equity, that is giving certain people advantages over other people [whites], because in so doing you are implying those people can't compete equally otherwise.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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I think walking by anybody foreign seems racist because you give them the same treatment as anyone else and it just feels like theyre thinking your racist, but i only have thought this way from so much racism in the adult awim cartoons i watched growing up. So yes, equality does seem racist, and equity is all we own sometimes, without equity we probably wouldnt have/and or celebrate our traditions!

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One could argue if it's racism or just the truth....

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Is the parachute doing anything? Im confused. I d see much warfare involving jetplanes

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It slows down the speed of the plane.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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I honestly didnt know that, i was thinking it was a saftey and somehow had the power to stop it, idk what i was thinking.

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Ireland =Irish


Pakistan= Pakies...???πŸ€”πŸ˜‚

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People that think those who want to secure the southern border of the U.S. are racist. How is it racist? A majority of people that want a secure border don't have a dislike for Hispanics, they just want a secure border. Trick question - If we call for a secure northern border, is it racist then? People need to think past there nose. Automatically, since it involves a non-white race, it's assumed to be racist intent.

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I think America os systemically racist. Its not our fault the rules apply to all and some to others who arent from America, just as in most other countries where you must know the laws or you will get booted immediately. Even being called a flight risk and going to prison for years on end. Ive seen toutubers do stupid crap on countries that dont border America (north) and got to prison. Its quite funny to see them get some justice though lol.

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Saying you straight up can't understand someone through their accent

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I see this ALL the time.

I've seen MANY videos where someone will see someone they don't know in their apartment building or the building parking garage or wanting to walk in the front door of the building as the person is walking out.

It's just a part of NORMAL building security to NOT let someone you don't know in the front locked door as you exit.

BUT, WAY WAY WAY TOO MANY TIMES - I've seen basketball Americans instantly adopt a damned self-righteous indignation for being questioned about why they are there.

Now - don't get me wrong - I'm sure it is VERY COMMON for a Karen to confront a black person much more often than a white stranger in the exact same circumstances.

BUT - I've literally seen 30 videos where the offended person ASSUMES they are being racially profiled, and the damned indignation they adopt escalates the whole situation to 10 times what the event needed to be.

So so often, they yell: "You're being racist!"

And the problem is that many times, the same Karen would confront ANY stranger they don't recognize for walking around in their underground parking lots.

True, this is probably 2 or 3 times more likely to happen to a black person.

An example I've seen, is some guy working in an underground parking lot - inspecting something, probably wearing obvious clothing and probably carrying a clipboard.

Karen questioned him. ALL THIS GUY HAD TO DO was EXPLAIN what he was doing there.

Do you think he did that?


And that's the damned problem.

He goes off on her and he gets unreasonably defensive and he refuses to simply explain: "I'm doing my job." And explain what his job is.

Again and again and again I've seen these uppity minorities CREATING a problem by REFUSING to simply explain they live there and show their keyfob or any proof they do.

Yes, I understand their anger - but 30 to 40% of the time it is NOT because of racism that they are being confronted.

It's because Karen hasn't seen them before.

The problem is the outrage mode these 'victims' instantly jump into - and it makes everything so much worse.

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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The walmart one js a classic tho

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I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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But what I'm getting at is the situation with someone doing their job could be simply de-escalated if the stranger simply explains - I'm here to read your meter, that's why I'm on your property - but so many escalate the situation by choosing outrage over explanation of who they are and what they are doing.

Again and again someone could just say: "I'm an Uber Eats delivery driver. I just dropped off someone's food."

And some of the Karens are simply insane.

There's a video of a food delivery guy forcefully blocked from entering an apt. building by a Karen - despite the guy talking on the intercom with the person receiving they food - who had to come to the front door and explain to the way out of line Karen who would NOT let the guy in - despite him having a bag of food in his hand.

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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I can say the n word because I have the N word pass badge so it doesn't count

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Being anti-civil right in the US

It actually undermines the US constitution and makes way for the state to intrude into the lives of common citizens businesses and deem it inequitable. Case in point was bussing, the idea that to de-segregate schools the state would force children to be bussed to the over side of town and attend a school miles and miles away, whether parents or children wanted it or not.

You should have freedom of association, which means it should be up to you who you want as you children's peers, not to mention sentimental reasons of wanting to go to the same school as your friends in elementary/middle school and on your local area

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Wishing Indians wouldn't bring their entire extended family out grocery shopping every fuckin time.

It's called a list. Make them write shit on it.

6-8 ppl per group is too many.

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These days, almost anything can be interpreted as racist ! πŸ˜‚

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This is what i've been saying for years. "They" are just to stupid to understand

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There are so many factors that you can't really determine it sometimes. Blatant racism is obvious of course, and it's almost always old white people who are "scared for their safety" just because someone of a different race is physically close to them. Gen Z seem to have this problem too. Don't get me wrong, I support equality. I've got a few close friends. I grew up in a neighborhood with mostly Indian kids, and they were some of the nicest people I've ever met. Same with when I was homeless. The people who helped me the most were African American. When I was in the homeless shelter, there was this African man named Ike, who died recently. He would constantly scream "I AM WHO I AM, AND WHO I AM, IS WHO I AM." And that motivated me to get my shit together, even though he wore a trench coat and always had a pint of vodka in it every time I saw him. (For reference, I bet I'm one of the whitest bastards on here, and I'm a bastard cause my birth father ditched my mom and ran off to Canada so I was adopted at birth. I dream of kicking his ass.)

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I came across the website PUAHate.com. It is a forum full of men who are starved of sex, just like me. Many of them have their own theories of what women are attracted to, and many of them share my hatred of women, though unlike me they would be too cowardly to act on it. Reading the posts on that website only confirmed many of the theories I had about how wicked and degenerate women really are. Most of the people on that website have extremely stupid opinions that I found very frustrating, but I found a few to be quite insightful.

The website PUAHate is very depressing. It shows just how bleak and cruel the world is due of the evilness of women. I tried to show it to my parents, to give them some sort dose of reality as to why I am so miserable. They never understood why I am so miserable. They have always had the delusion that everything is going well for me, especially my father. When I sent the link of PUAHate.com to my parents, none of them even bothered to look at the posts on there.

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