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why do you watch gore?

I look at gore because it's interesting and honestly its addicting to look at. seeing how the human body can so easily be ripped apart gives me an insight of how lucky we are to be at the top. but apparently some people get a kick outta it? I've seen people laughing at dead bodies and I just want to know what's going through your mind??

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same reason as u really, but i like to see what would happen if that thing happened you know? It kinda shows me how not to fuck up in life

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Don't really laugh at the people dying part. Some of the twisted comments that people say do get a chuckle from me here and there.

I just get my morbid curiosity fix sparingly here and there. I don't think there is anything life changing to learn from these videos as your life can rapidly end in a really stupid way, I wouldn't look for any validation about that here.

Been watching here and there and sometimes stop for years for new things to come up. A lot of stuff gets recycled from bestgore, theync, etc. so I just leave it to simmer for a year or so before I go back to viewing every so often. I certainly wouldn't stand on any moral high ground to lie to myself and say I'm completely normal along with you folks. There is something very desensitizing when you can pretty much watch a lot of these videos sound or not and not really care too much. I've pretty much seen a bit of everything all the way through, animal ones are pretty gnarly.

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Beacause sometimes i can find a video of a fishing monkey :D

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it feeds my morbid curiosity

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To understand the human anatomy better, learning “What would happen if this happened to a human” or “what would happen if that happened to a human”. It's very educational to me.

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Ill allow myself to "copy/paste" part of an earlier answer to another discussion:

One of the main reasons i am here, is that these kinds of videos provide me with a speck of insight into the twisted reality that is our world. I, like most of us on here, have grown up in the upper middle class of one of the most stable and wealthy countries on this planet. It is insanely hard to realize just how brutal most of human existence actually is. It provides me with some perspective, whenever i am dealing with smalltime issues like a bad grade, or being unable to buy my own home in the current market. Some of the victims of these videos live miserable, short lives without ever owning half of the stuff that i already do. A life that is often, as these videos prove, ripped away in the most brutal and unforgiving way. So the first, and primary reason is to give myself some kind of reality check. Side note: Not until i started watching gore videos did i realize just how wrong Hollywood gets it. Even the gory films look fake, compared to the real deal.

My other primary reason for being here, is that the sheer "wrong place wrong time"-ness of some of the videos serve to remind me of the fragility of life. My first point mostly related to the videos where human beings intentionally do harm to each other. However the accidental videos provide me with something else entirely. It reminds me of a quote from a Reddit post i once saw, where the OP described humans as "A brain piloting a bone mech, using meat as armor". Life is insanely fragile, and in a stable and civilized community that is easy to forget.

If i cross the street absent-mindedly with music in my ears, my life could end. If i'm not careful what kind of people i surround myself with, my life may end. If i do stupid TikTok trends in the middle of the road, or i deliberately try to pass out while standing up, my life could end. Seeing what a fall from the 5th floor, or a car crash at 70 mph does to the human body reminds me that everything that i have could be taken away in an instant.

There is a third reason too, albeit one that is secondary to the other two: Seeing actual, real gore makes me hella frickin scared of death man. I dont wanna end up one of the mangled or mutilated corpses on this site one day. So part of my fascination with these videos is also that i get to see, and learn what real, unfiltered death looks like. And its scary as hell.

However, i most certainly am not here because i am a sociopath, an incel or any other kind of internet troll. And in my experience, gore sites tend to attract a fair amount of internet trolls. Many people in the gore community appear, at least in my opinion, to be not entirely well in the head. A lot of people seem to get some kind of kick out of watching people die. Of course they have as much right to be here as i have, but i have just never been able to empathize with that. There is not a single atom in my body that finds the content of this site funny. I also do not understand people who use gore videos to preach religious or political propaganda.

I will argue to my dying breath (pun not intended) that there is some real lessons to be learned from following sites as these. But we should always recognize the awfulness of what we are watching, and should never downplay the sheer horrible-ness of it, for the sake of racist fart-jokes in the comment section.

Thats just my reasoning and opinions anyway. I love the (relative) civility of WPD, and everyone here is welcome to have their own opinion :D

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Mind your business.

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It makes me wonder about things like ethics, how morals and values are so different for some people.

Why do people do what they do, what's the background story.

Howcome some people live trough some things while others die.

What is the medical explanation?

So many questions.

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It helps me think of what the people were thinking or wonder how they feel when doing it themselves and it helps me discover more

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I laugh at some of the good videos(i mean the brutal videos). It's nice to see someone die. These videos also remind me of my mortality. I don't know what goes on in my mind. I just simply lost sympathy for most if not all people and it's the repressed hatred and anger that keeps me like this, I think .

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Idk maybe to stop being such a softie, when I was suicidal I came here for inspiration

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To be completely honest? I'm not an 'edgelord' in saying this but I am beyond desensitized. I was raised by a Holocaust survivor and after nursery when other kids were watching Rugrats, she would show me all the documentaries and footage of all the bodies filling up the pits. How could anyone from the age of 4 NOT be affected by that? I was exposed to her horror stories for the rest of her life. Then 9/11 happened, more exposure to death on tv. Ever since then death has just become one of those interests I've had. Surprisingly I do not lack empathy or sympathy as a result. I actually work in palliative care because I want people to have the most peaceful, loving and comfortable death they can possibly have.

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Im pretty much in the same boat. Though watching something like a proper gnarly cartel butchering can help ground me with reality, makes me gald to not be in their position and appreciate life a little bit more. And sometimes people die in funny ways so thats another reason too.

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It reminds me how fucked up the world is and how easy it is to die. It's taught me to be more aware of the people around me and the situations I'm in.

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I watch it almost exclusively at work, for some reason it makes it way easier to deal with customers who treat us like shit.

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It gives you a real sense of the world that you can't get from mainstream media.

I drive a lot safer now. I've seen someone die and didn't panic, so if he was savable, I could have potentially been of use. I'm more aware of my surroundings in public.

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reminds you that you're not immortal

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You know how you might get an adrenaline rush from cutting yourself ? Yes that's why so I don't relapse lmao

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I watch more suicides because I can't watch everything the gore videos the worst gore for me is when the pain has been so intense that you feel it through the screams and the slowness of the torture I prefer suicide videos because they make me feel alive being depressed and having had suicidal phases including several attempts and my mother is also suicidal seeing people do it comforts me to enjoy life even more

I sometimes also watch gore out of rage and anger it's a release sometimes

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i'm right with you, it's extremely fascinating. also just seeing how fucked up peoples minds get to go so far as killing others brutally. also just seeing how easy it is to die is interesting, you could have it all but in a blink it's all gone.

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i couldnt tell u. its just addicting to watch

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I don't get a high off of content like this but do find it very interesting. Funny enough, I found out in my twenties that I get light-headed and am at risk of passing out when I see too much blood (yes I know...pathetic lol). Now in my thirties and a parent of two boys, I know my boys will likely be as crazy as I was as a kid and the injury list on stunts they try will be longer than I want. It sickens me to think that me, a father who will do anything to protect and help my kids, could possibly pass out when someone I love needs me the most. This also goes for situations like mass shootings, as I conceal carry regularly. Sites like this have helped extremely as I prefer to be desensitized to gore related to shootings/wrecks/accidents/etc. I can only hope if I ever come across an unfortunate situation in which someone needs my help, I will act swiftly yet calmly, with a mind prepped to focus on the task at hand, for which the credit will surely go to WPD!

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Morbid curiosity, very much a reminder to me of the fragility of life and how sudden/weird we can go sometimes. I don't enjoy it, I just use it as a cathartic release.

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When ever i have a bad day gore makes be feel better to see that other people's days are shitty

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To be honest i have the same reason as yours :)

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Idk I wish I never started I’m obsessed and scared lol

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i jus be watching gore when im bored nd shi, but sometimes i laugh when the person deserved it yk. like that vid of a doggy eating a pedo's dick off

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I have a very weird side mission in my life. I am investigating the evil side in people. I want to understand. My morbid curiosity is also pretty bad. I have to know and see everything that the world has to offer.

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I'm curious to know what different forces do to humans. "Hmm so that's what happens when you fail to land headfirst when commiting suicide."

Never EVER to laugh at their misfortune. Unless it's that meth-head that jumped out of a bus with a fire extinguisher. Shit was funny even for me.

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So tissue paper can have things delivered upon it deliberately

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Just pure curiosity, and i maybe a little reminder about reality as to what people can do.

Knowledge is power after all.

I feel bad though for things like these to happen but is inevitable so might as well just accept it

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Tv is boring and fake as shit. This stuff is real and the comment sections are usually funny.

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I watch because its interesting and helps with my studies of the human body

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Morbid curiosity and disbelief that people woke up one day and their final moments ended up on sites like these. It was both real and final for them all. Hopefully I die of old age.

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For fun

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Because of morbid curiosity, as is the same with literally 99% of all the other people on this site. People wanna virtue signal as say "its because i wanna learn great life lessons so i wont die". Bullshit, you watch because of the same reasons we all do. Because we like seeing hd quality of people being blown up. Truthfully speaking, We are all a little fucked in the head being able to watch content on this site without caring. A normal person wouldnt be able see half the shit we see.

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I come here to be thankful for what I have.

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Morbid curiosity? I don't really know. I don't even particularly enjoy watching it. I just feel compelled to.

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I analyze what's going on in each situation, so that if I ever end up in a similar deja vu like scenario, I know better what to do.

It's also a way to desensitize myself to things that other people aren't even able to look at or fathom. I make myself tougher mentally.

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I do not particularly watch gore. I do watch mostly accident segment of gore. I'm curious about that & to learn from some dumb, unfortunate people so I don't end up on one of those videos. Learning for others' mistakes & unfortunes.

I do watch some other gores here & there but every video here mostly makes me flinch, squirm. I cannot digest the beheading ones especially where the knife/machette/object being used to behead is just blunt & makes that chuk chuk sound. Makes me hold my stomach the most.

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I look at gore because I want to kill myself

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Watch the KSG kid video and see how his parents react and how much buildup there is. Watch the reactions of his friends in the call. Listen to the results of it.

Suicidal thoughts fucking suck dude, hell I even once planned out hanging myself in my local woods in detail. I got help at that point. Killing yourself, suicide whatever, isn't selfish or whatever the fuck people who've never experienced it say, but it fucking sucks to be in that state of mind. Just keeping the mental push against it going is my best advice, and refusing to cave in even when your at the point where you just want to go "fuck it, time to die this ain't worth it"

Life isn't the same once you know how it feels to genuinely want to die, but fuck is it better than rotting away under some soil. And in regards to what other people might think, fuck them, humans are animals too and we don't give a shit if some random dog doesn't like us and barks at us. Just keep going, as much as every message sounds the same they have a truth. I've not experienced any emotion above 50% of previously since to be truthful, but its better than apathy.

So give it a chance and get help if you need to. I've never truly reached the point of attempting it, but honestly I'd rather not, and it's best to not become a part of sites like these. Don't burn out just yet, keep your will to live going even if it's just embers that you have to blow on to see, because you'll get the fuel back at some point.

>If you want to die, throw yourself in the ocean. You’ll find yourself fighting to survive. You don’t want to kill yourself. You want to kill something inside of you.

An old Arabic proverb about suicidal thoughts

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if youre feeling depressed or have suicidal thoughts, please call the suicide hotline at 1-888-8374 and someone will speak with you right away.

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You okay bro?

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If you're joking then that's not funny man.

But if you're serious then JUST DON'T!!! You know how much courage you need to take that kind of step. Instead use that same courage to live. You don't have to compare life with others. There will always be someone better than you at something. So instead just live a life that's simple & stress free.

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Mostly morbid curiosity for me, specifically decapitation. I would like to know more about the logistics of how it would be to experience it, but I will likely never know. I always thought we knew enough about the human body and nervous system to know how painful it is, or how long you would be conscious.

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To desensitize myself

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I am one of those people who laugh at stupid moments, i have a very morbid and dark sense of humour who would laugh at very dark things, but most of the time I’m serious, the thing which attracts me to gore is the educational ways it teaches me on how lucky we are and how much of a shitty race we are to each other, I adore videos of pedos getting tortured


Life is beautiful and brutal, live every day like it’s your last

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sometimes morbid curiosity, sometimes i would come here just to feel something

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I grew up in the most violent city here in the Philippines, I witnessed 3 deaths when I was still a kid. I became obsessed with the adrenaline and the sound of blood flowing down the victim's bullet holes, the most fucked up one that I witnessed was the hit on this one guy that fucked up. mofo got sliced and stabbed by a samurai, got beheaded and the killer puts the mofos head on the pool table.

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