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Animal Abuse

The, “official line” is that this stuff isn’t allowed because of US law, and indeed there appears to exist such a law on the books. But I can’t be the only one here who wonders just how enforced that law is? Is this site even hosted in the US?

Edit: does this law extend to animal on animal violence? Self defense against animals? Accidents involving animals?

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once you start letting animal abuse videos slide here, you invite sadistic psychopath/sociopath edgelords who will invite all their douchy friends..

and then you also always have the possibility of people making OC of animal abuse solely just to post here and online.. that is was can lead to what g-tix referred to "deplatforming", and you basically lose the site

and as someone else said, animal abuse is weak and seems solely for edgylordy little boys.. but also, it is a sure sign that the person has more than just mental issues, and has actual psycophathic traits.. and shit signs like should be taken seriously

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Kinda like how majority of Asian animal rescue channels work on YouTube, fake rescues.

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yeah, they put the animals in life threatening situations(or death) just to get attention of "saving/rescuing" the animals

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I used to follow one and got so fucking angry because there's just NO way an animal would be in some of those man made situations. There's no way you'd find some dog tied in the woods who'd been set on fire and had all 4 legs broken. (I don't know if this has happened, but some of their "rescues" were almost as bad)

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Amen... but not only that. There are some people like me, who would torture those creatures who do harm to animals. People kill for animals... and im all for it. Everything surrounding that shit, needs to be shut-sdown bro! I will put hands on them... even if i go to jail.

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My husband and I have discussed (hypothetically) what we would do if someone tried to kill our geese, horses or dogs, and I'd absolutely put a bullet between their eyes without another thought. In protecting our home, that includes protecting our animals.

He's a bit less tough than I am, I could shoot with a steady hand and not lose my shit til after. I've put down my own horse who I loved for 20 years (broken leg), I could absolutely put down someone who hurt our critters. So yeah, I'd go to jail for murder or attempted murder.

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I would go to jail for your animals if i saw someone try to harm them. I can nearly watch everything on this site... but animal abuse, no way. I dont even wanna watch animals killing animals.

Humans? im on board!

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Thank you!

People are jerks a lot of the time, but animals are honest and innocent. I have a line, and my family- including our dogs and geese who are about as smart as dogs, are our family. I'd protect them. I'd try to protect anyone who protected them, too.

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Were family now... aayeee!


Joking... have a nice day :)

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Have a good one, yourself.

See, we're nice people here? We just don't like animal abusers.

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Yeah, but you could make that same case about people making OC for this site with self harm, or even milling someone. As far as the quality of the userbase goes? I dunno…I guess it’s fine as is. Though I think the sort of people you’re worried about are already here.

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The self-harm section does enable self-harm. You're right about that. However, there is a big difference between hurting yourself and hurting an unwilling being. As for the argument that we might enable others to kill, murder is illegal globally with very harsh consequences. Animal abuse is barely a monetary fine in most places. The odds of someone getting away with abusing tens of animals with little to no consequence is very likely. The complete opposite can be said if you do the same to people.

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Depends where you are. Statistically, where I live, you have better than 50% odds of getting away with it.

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Yeah that's an unfortunate reality with murder in a lot of places. But I'm willing to bet the majority of people in that statistic aren't also recording their murders and posting it online solely for internet points. I'm also willing to bet where you live doesn't punish someone who kills a house cat the same way they punish someone who kills a person. So that statistic doesn't really mean much here.

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yes, but animal abuse is on a different level, there is no doubt those people are around, but they aren't getting attention or looking for it, because animal abuse is looked down here

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Well my post has gotten quite a lot of attention, and I’m just asking some questions. Of course that wasn’t the intent of the post, but if someone was seeking attention, then firstly they’d probably be okay with negative attention, and secondly, they’d probably get it.

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okay, good for them.. it will go nowhere here tho, because it isn't popular among gorewhores

also, selfharm is idiots hurting themselves, it lies all on themselves if they die in the process, and no loss.. but animals are defenseless and cannot defend themselves, we don't need idiots hurting animals just for attention(what does it really contribute?)

if you want animal abuse vids, go look on the dark web

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Go on youtube, there are lots of "Buffalo versus lion, lion loses" videos if that's your thing. Not here though. National Geographic isn't Watchpeopledie.

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