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Animal Abuse

The, “official line” is that this stuff isn’t allowed because of US law, and indeed there appears to exist such a law on the books. But I can’t be the only one here who wonders just how enforced that law is? Is this site even hosted in the US?

Edit: does this law extend to animal on animal violence? Self defense against animals? Accidents involving animals?

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once you start letting animal abuse videos slide here, you invite sadistic psychopath/sociopath edgelords who will invite all their douchy friends..

and then you also always have the possibility of people making OC of animal abuse solely just to post here and online.. that is was can lead to what g-tix referred to "deplatforming", and you basically lose the site

and as someone else said, animal abuse is weak and seems solely for edgylordy little boys.. but also, it is a sure sign that the person has more than just mental issues, and has actual psycophathic traits.. and shit signs like should be taken seriously

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Kinda like how majority of Asian animal rescue channels work on YouTube, fake rescues.

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yeah, they put the animals in life threatening situations(or death) just to get attention of "saving/rescuing" the animals

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I used to follow one and got so fucking angry because there's just NO way an animal would be in some of those man made situations. There's no way you'd find some dog tied in the woods who'd been set on fire and had all 4 legs broken. (I don't know if this has happened, but some of their "rescues" were almost as bad)

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Amen... but not only that. There are some people like me, who would torture those creatures who do harm to animals. People kill for animals... and im all for it. Everything surrounding that shit, needs to be shut-sdown bro! I will put hands on them... even if i go to jail.

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My husband and I have discussed (hypothetically) what we would do if someone tried to kill our geese, horses or dogs, and I'd absolutely put a bullet between their eyes without another thought. In protecting our home, that includes protecting our animals.

He's a bit less tough than I am, I could shoot with a steady hand and not lose my shit til after. I've put down my own horse who I loved for 20 years (broken leg), I could absolutely put down someone who hurt our critters. So yeah, I'd go to jail for murder or attempted murder.

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I would go to jail for your animals if i saw someone try to harm them. I can nearly watch everything on this site... but animal abuse, no way. I dont even wanna watch animals killing animals.

Humans? im on board!

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Thank you!

People are jerks a lot of the time, but animals are honest and innocent. I have a line, and my family- including our dogs and geese who are about as smart as dogs, are our family. I'd protect them. I'd try to protect anyone who protected them, too.

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Were family now... aayeee!


Joking... have a nice day :)

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Have a good one, yourself.

See, we're nice people here? We just don't like animal abusers.

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Yeah, but you could make that same case about people making OC for this site with self harm, or even milling someone. As far as the quality of the userbase goes? I dunno…I guess it’s fine as is. Though I think the sort of people you’re worried about are already here.

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The self-harm section does enable self-harm. You're right about that. However, there is a big difference between hurting yourself and hurting an unwilling being. As for the argument that we might enable others to kill, murder is illegal globally with very harsh consequences. Animal abuse is barely a monetary fine in most places. The odds of someone getting away with abusing tens of animals with little to no consequence is very likely. The complete opposite can be said if you do the same to people.

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Depends where you are. Statistically, where I live, you have better than 50% odds of getting away with it.

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Yeah that's an unfortunate reality with murder in a lot of places. But I'm willing to bet the majority of people in that statistic aren't also recording their murders and posting it online solely for internet points. I'm also willing to bet where you live doesn't punish someone who kills a house cat the same way they punish someone who kills a person. So that statistic doesn't really mean much here.

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yes, but animal abuse is on a different level, there is no doubt those people are around, but they aren't getting attention or looking for it, because animal abuse is looked down here

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Well my post has gotten quite a lot of attention, and I’m just asking some questions. Of course that wasn’t the intent of the post, but if someone was seeking attention, then firstly they’d probably be okay with negative attention, and secondly, they’d probably get it.

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okay, good for them.. it will go nowhere here tho, because it isn't popular among gorewhores

also, selfharm is idiots hurting themselves, it lies all on themselves if they die in the process, and no loss.. but animals are defenseless and cannot defend themselves, we don't need idiots hurting animals just for attention(what does it really contribute?)

if you want animal abuse vids, go look on the dark web

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Answer is along the lines of "don't fuck with cats". Remember what caught Luka Magnotta.

We enforce it here, the community if you can call it that, does. While we're here to see people die, we aren't here to see animals die. Most of us are pretty soft hearted that way. Many have pets they adore.

It's like porn- there are other sites for that, just thankfully, not here.

I like to see animals getting back against people who are being idiots to them.

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I also like posting black people under the animal flair


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What in the national geographic!?!


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But I can’t be the only one here who wonders just how enforced that law is?

It is enforced. Breaking this rule can lead to deplatforming.

Is this site even hosted in the US?

Yep, hence why we enforce this rule (and most people don't like animal abuse either)

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Sounds like a reason to move the hosting. What are some situations where the law has been enforced?

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Nah, perfectly fine to stay where we are. Current provider is pretty chill. Also, fuck animal abuse.

What are some situations where the law has been enforced?

Can't really tell much about this as I don't have much info, but there are cases where instances request a takedown of a certain video because it is against US law. If valid, it gets removed. If not, fuck 'em lol.

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And the situations I described? Where do those fit into things?

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iirc, it's basically a "thou shall not upload the cat in a blender video". Then there are like a dozen more things you can't do. Basically any form of immoral pain to an animal is not allowed. I'm not a lawyer though, I probably skipped some stuff. Animal on animal violence (not sure), self defence and accidents are by law all allowed from my understanding.

We just don't want any animal stuff here at all. Firstly to avoid gray areas like a dude using a snake as a weapon to defend himself (which is animal abuse), and secondly because most people (including myself) hate animal abuse of any kind.

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“Dude using a snake as a weapon to defend himself…” 🤔

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Yes, the dude with the slavery flag is weirdly okay with watching animals fight to the death.

Is this site even hosted in the US?


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“The slavery flag.” God damn, I’m gonna start using that. The flag of slavery.

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That new to you junior? Did your pee-paw not educate you on heritage and pride?

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You are the first person I’ve heard in my life to call it, “the slavery flag.” I’m gonna start using that. Lol

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Google "slavery flag" images and your mind will be blown. Hell, Bing search it. Or yandex. It's not an association that few make.

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OP sounds like he wants an excuse to post animal abuse tbh

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The thought has crossed my mind. But mostly just to see what is and isn’t allowed. Pictures of a ham sandwich? PETA exposés on industrial farming practices? Animals being put down by veterinary professionals?

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But mostly just to see what is and isn’t allowed.

Legally? Here you are:

https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/meta/post/34763/reminder-animal-abuse-is-banned-here/860157#context A list of exceptions (which WPD still doesn't allow, though) is on the website linked, too.

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And don’t forget: spraying bugs with bug spray!

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Did you even read what I linked? 'mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians', so nope, spraying bugs doesn't come under this.

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I know, I’m just joshing you.

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shur up

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shur up


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Ys oky

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Any law will be enforced in the name of "getting you" for whatever they can when they simply dont like you.

People with money dont like WPD, so if we slip up on ANYTHING they'll push for it to be a reason.


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I like reading threads like this so much. A predictable fun with little changing when it comes to siding and any arguments / statements. Like a movie you would watch the 8th time, even though knowing how it goes. Another opportunity for virtue signalling... It's at least good if people go moralstrag about the actions, not reactions. IDK how to call these considering reactions to the videos 'not proper', can't do shit about not being terrified or not crying, but twisting on chair like crazy instead. It's bad and all that until they'd need this type of user.

Interesting how there's not even much people not from any of two main 'sides' (I don't count admins as any side, just because they have to care about the law and this site). And I don't mean any position 'in the middle', but the separate one. I don't mind coming across animal torture videos randomly, as long as there is no autoplay. I don't mind some users who watch them for various reasons, and don't really mention it in the comments. But I'd like the site to not go down, and if hypothetically law would allow this as a 'grey zone' - still, it would impact the userbase and just cause more arguments and moralstragging. People appreciate this site for not having ads, porn and animal content, so why not stay distinct? If allowing more and more, there wouldn't be much distint things left, apart from Marsey I guess.

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My opinion is only, I’m happy it’s not allowed because I wouldn’t be here if it was. Same with porn and not regulating people being unhinged.

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I wouldn't be there if 'people being unhinged' were moderated or porn allowed. Don't mind animal content as long as it's not gonna take site down and isn't forced (autoplay, no sorting etc.). But the userbase wouldn't be the same. And few other issues. Like someone mentioned below, that's just downward spiral - with animals there is much more possible to do and creativity levels just skyrocketing. Rest is... nevermind, just would be my overly emotional shittalk.

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The people being “unhinged” are moderated, banned and their posts deleted we just don’t usually see it. The mod team takes care of all of that pretty well.

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Lol, I'm apparently too tired as I understood not moderating them (like free speech if no one is actually hurt).

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Oh no I mean like ppl posting child P or trying to dox

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Well, it sounds like nothing is gonna change. Which is fine. But I just wanted to pick some brains and see what people thought. I’ll watch animal abuse if it’s an animal I don’t like. Though, you’ll probably have moralstragging and arguing regardless.

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These people who have the most to say - and actually something valuable / more insight view (as a viewer, I don't mean producing OC lol) / anything fresh - just won't do it. Some people go nuts when seeing 'animals' and 'torture' together, just would go aggresive upon slightest differences. Even if they'd agree with another user. Ah, and about 'most to say' - it's similar thing as with people being tortured / hurt / dying.

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What animal do you not like

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How about just not posting this shit... no matter what fuckin law. Do we really have to discuss this? Humans dying is worth watching. We idiots do it to our self...

How is this even a discussion?

I have two cats, and i would kill humans to protect them!!!!

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Yes, but cats are nice and good. As opposed to some other animals that just make racket, smell awful, and are generally disgusting.

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That gives you the reason to abuse them? And even worse.. filming and posting them?

If so... please, try that jacket on.. c'mon


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It’s the only justification I need to give myself. Are you a vegan?

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I love meat... dont start that discussion. This is whack bro.

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don't even think about it 👎

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I mean i get what yall are saying

And first of all I wanner say I’m not trying to defend it. Not at all!

But when humans torture each other and killing every human in the universe

Why would a. Video of a cat getting kicked off a freaking table be so bad. ( just a example )

Don’t get me wrong it’s not okay to mistreat animals but it’s also not okay to mistreat humans or anyone/thing

I own 2 cats myself and I love them so much

And I would be devastated if someone did harm to them but I got a gf also and I would also be devastated if anyone did harm to her

I’m not trying to defend anyone just saying my opinion. Everyone

Thanks. Everyone stay safe it’s a crazy world we live in!

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I would ask yourself how many sites there are like this. People are desperate to censor the internet and have only one point of view being projected. Just think of comments in places like Reddit or Twitter. I think it's best not to give people any unnecessary excuses to shut the site down. Animal abuse is pretty weak anyway, so I don't see it as a hill worth dying on.

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That’s true. And I guess changing the hosting site to somewhere outside USA is out of the question.

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Maybe it's better to have the limited protection of the usa then not? I don't know with this one. I know a lot of sites us .TV but maybe that place is more easy to pressure re taking sites down than the u s of a.

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idk why people here like animals so much

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Well I like some animals. But not all animals are equal.

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