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What Is Your Opinion On Gay Marriage?

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The concept of marriage licenses as a whole is absurd. I need the government’s approval to marry? Cousin ain’t gonna take care of herself, you know?

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Bro you need licenses for everything its all about the money

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The goverment only gets involved because of taxes, inheritance and so on. The whole legal side of it. If you only do the religious ceremony, there´s nothing legally binding.

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Some places you don't need to pay you just need to sign a form and wait 3 days.

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Yeah, but it’s called a license. A license implies that permission is granted by them, as if I do not have an inherent right to marry.

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well, you don´t have that inherent right, there are requirements. You can only marry a person who is legally able to consent. They have to be old enough and in a mental state that allows consent. They can´t be pressured into consenting, that´s not allowed. You can marry only one person that isn´t already married to someone else. and so on and so on...

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Some restrictions may apply, as with other rights. But I don’t need a license for a right.

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It has to be approved by the coverment and you have to meet certain requirements. Isn´t that a license?

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No, a license is effectively a permission slip. Meeting some requirements? Fine. A necessity. Approval from the government? Who are they to approve or disapprove of a marriage at all?

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The goverment males the laws so they decide what they aprove or disapprove of

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You don't need the governments approval to get married. People get married within their own religious groups all of the time and the government can't touch them. It's 100% legal. You just don't have access to the benefits of a government marriage license.

The government uses licenses to start the process of recognizing shared medicare benefits and social security/retirement benefits upon a spouses death. Where I live the cost of a license is between $40 and $75. That's a small price to pay to potentially save and gain hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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They shouldn’t really charge for it at all. But who am I kidding…

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I'd agree with you if the process was just signing a piece of paper and throwing it in a drawer, but it's far from that. We have to consider that the paper it's on, along with its ink, cost money. The people filing the paper need to be paid for their time. They need to work within a building with desks, computers, fax machines, printers, scanners, chairs, doors, utilities, etc. Whoever programs the software or manages the networks needs to be paid. This information is provided through a nation wide network with its own buildings, employees, and bills. The medical providers aren't accepting people and providing their own paperwork, computers, managers, employees, etc. for free. There are thousands of employees, bills, and resources who are taking only a fraction of a penny of that $40 - $75.

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Take it out of my taxes.

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You'd still have to notify them of the marriage in some legal and verifiable capacity, like a notarized form signed by both parties among third party witnesses, which is what that license is. And if the fee is with state taxes then you'd be paying for every marriage and divorce in the state rather than just your own. How is that situation any better or less costly for you personally?

If anything change the terminology to leave marriage and license out of the wording. "Form UCB-T2 - Betwixt government benefits for dedicated partners and families." or whatever. Marriage can remain a social contract/status within your community. Filing form UCB-T2 will allow two dedicated partners to merge health care, social security, and pensions.

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Yeah, but notifying them is one thing. We’re talking about license, though.

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I think if consenting adults are in love and want to get married, they should be able to, period.

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I support it because it’s none of my business.

It shouldn’t be anyone’s business.

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Dude. This is the place where we watch people die. Why did you ask it here?

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watch people die has changed alot recently

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so many people have left us

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Gays should be allowed to marry. After all, why should the mundanity and misery of marriage be solely experienced by the straights?

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Plenty of married republicans who suck penis behind closed doors. So lots of gay people getting married anyway. A waste of a straight woman. So it should be legal so the gays leave some women for the rest of the world.

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you REALLY don't like Obama!

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Problem is they demand to have babies (obviously not themselves) and the raise them to become gay, too. Homosexuality should remain a evolutionary malfunction that corrects itself within one generation not a social movement that grows like a cancer.

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Not many married gays want kids. The percentage is small.

You're a fucking moron if you think gays raise kids to be gay. Do you think 'gay' is something that you could be 'taught'?

Gays have existed in every country and every culture - for thousands of years.

And if you were smart enough to read a little anthropology or sociology, you might learn about how gays are a part of all societies - even those to try to deny them, or disapprove of them.

If you had the courage to actually have a civil conversation with 'a gay' - you might learn that they will tell you they were born that way. They didn't learn it. There were not 'converted.'

And you wonder why, generation after generation, gays continue to be born? Well, interestingly, sisters of gay men end up having MORE CHILDREN than the average woman out there. Why? Because women who have a gay brother are MORE sexually active than the average woman. Read at least the second paragraph of this article:


I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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it's gay aF, like this post and your account description

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I support gay marriage. There are no downsides to it.

Straight people don´t have any disadvantage because of it and gay people have the same rights as the rest.

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I don’t think gay marriage should be legal because I don’t think marriage should be a legal thing at all. It’s a promise between two people - and their god if they believe in one. I don’t see why the government should be involved in that. But since they are, I don’t see a legitimate reason for it to be exclusive to straight couples. However, I do have to admit that it seems that all of the dumb slippery slope arguments were actually kind of right.

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Bah j espère qu ils crèvent

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I think gay marriage buys into cis-gender bigotry. if we would buy into the new notion that gender is a malleable illusion, we wouldn't have gay marriage. if someone says they are gay, they are buying into bigotry. i hate gay bigots (even the cute ones).

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I am gay and obviously I will think it's okay. Like love is love

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I simply dont care

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I'd really love for someone to explain the argument of, "It's a religious institution."

Does that mean only people of abrahamic religions are allowed to get married? What if a non-abrahamic religion has the same concept without restrictions? The union of one person to another has developed independently all across the globe. What about polygamists of abrahamic religions?

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Im an ordained minister.

Marriage is not a religious institution nor is it a religious affair. I dont care what my counterparts say. It is a symbolic ritual that has been observed in almost ever human culture throughout the world and history. Predating all modern religions by 10s of thousands of years

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Don't care. It should never have been a "thing" imho. If churches/ other religious places refuse to marry open new ones that will. In the UK peeps could get civil partnerships which "I think" is the same as marriage. Issue was there are gay industries whose whole reason to be is to support oppressed gay people. No oppressed gay people = no money = no business. So essentially they have to look for stupid things to moan about. Marriage in church was the latest one, which the gov passed and no one really cared about. God knows what they'll find to be oppressed about next. Maybe gay staff quotas at work? Idfk. Most gay ppl I know don't care and are embarrassed to be used for these groups to make money out of. Such is life.

Prob diff kettle of kippers elsewhere in the world. UK is pretty chill on religion.

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