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has anyone WPD irl? or seen gore?

Just curious about what yall have seen.

I have seen gore and seen some fighting 3 times but idk if it really counts bc i barely remember. i was between 6-10 y.o. (2005-2011) living in laredo.

  • first was a shooting at a gas station outside a mexican supermarket. (tx) didnt see much bc i was so short in the car without my booster seat and we skidaddled. also i was distracted by the snacks and toys we picked up on the mexican side of the border. good times.

  • very far in the distance a body was hanging from a highway bridge thing. idk where but somewhere in tamaulipas.

  • was with family member when he found the body of a border patrol agent in the boonies while we were fourwheeling. didnt realize he was dead until years later when I thought about how you probably cant breathe if you're lying ass up with your face in a puddle. (tx)

  • someone on the street came running and said they found a head or something in the trash. was in fast spanish so i didnt understand all. some people followed to see. me and my family went to a park instead. (also in tamaulipas)

did anyone else have similar spooky but underwhelming experiences with gore?

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I worked in a hospital lab and blood bank for a few years, whenever some was really messed up and in need for blood quickly we would run unmatched O Neg units ro the ER to try and keep them alive.

Saw a 4 year old who's father apparently kicked so hard, the poor kid had large liver laceration, kid was ashen and unresponsive as they were giveing him blood. That was fun because I had to run out with team to the helicopter pad because they were trying to get the kid to a child trama center and want to push blood the whole way so I was running behind them carrying bags of packed RBCs. Found out the next day the kid was called essentially as soon as then got the trama center, realistic the kid was dead beforewe got him to helicopter, but..you know let the trauma center make the call.

Another time some drunk guy was walking on the highway and got clipped by a semi truck, his left side was completely trashed, left arm was basically gone below the elbow and shoulder was hamburger meet, I dont know what vitals they had on the guy to even try treating him, i was watching them do chest compressions and it was clear his sternum and rib cage destroyed by the impact, so I can imagine what was left of the heart and lungs, So after wasting 4 units they declared him dead.

Another time I "volunteered" to help pathology clear out some old samples, I figured old slides, some tumor samples in jars and shit like that, I get there and it's like a scene form a bad comedy, Bob the old guy running the lab says "Heads up" and tosses a gangrene cover leg in a clear bag in to arms, I almost had a fucking heart attack, Bob thought it was fucking hilarious, in hindsight it kinda was, then was were talking all the shit down to mourge for disposable, he starts knocking on and opening the morgue refrigerator door looking to see if "anyone was home", luckily no one was that day.

But the worst one the one that about 20 years in still gets me was, seeing the remains of a woman's miscarriage when I was working on Christmas Eve, it wasn't the goriest thing Ive seen, it was just a large sample jar with a lot and blood and tissue floating in it, it was just the overall sadness of the whole thing, the poor kid and the mother who every Christmas will remember the kid she didnt get to have, it the only time working in the hospital, that I had a little cry in my truck before heading home and drinking a double before bed.

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Oh god the 4 year old. that is so fucked

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incredible stories, its crazy how some people work at mcdonalds and some people see this sorta shit for a living

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