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has anyone WPD irl? or seen gore?

Just curious about what yall have seen.

I have seen gore and seen some fighting 3 times but idk if it really counts bc i barely remember. i was between 6-10 y.o. (2005-2011) living in laredo.

  • first was a shooting at a gas station outside a mexican supermarket. (tx) didnt see much bc i was so short in the car without my booster seat and we skidaddled. also i was distracted by the snacks and toys we picked up on the mexican side of the border. good times.

  • very far in the distance a body was hanging from a highway bridge thing. idk where but somewhere in tamaulipas.

  • was with family member when he found the body of a border patrol agent in the boonies while we were fourwheeling. didnt realize he was dead until years later when I thought about how you probably cant breathe if you're lying ass up with your face in a puddle. (tx)

  • someone on the street came running and said they found a head or something in the trash. was in fast spanish so i didnt understand all. some people followed to see. me and my family went to a park instead. (also in tamaulipas)

did anyone else have similar spooky but underwhelming experiences with gore?

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Just a week ago, a drunk group of friends right next to my dorm were driving up the hill, and they hit the street lamp on the side walk.

Everyone in my dorm heard the noise, and we all went to investigate. 5 dead, organs and blood everywhere. My friends were freaking out and dialing 911.

But… I was so calm. I was composed, almost as if I had been in a war or something. I think I freaked out my friends, and I freaked myself out. I don’t know what they think of me now.

Crazy how desensitized I’ve become to death.

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Could’ve also been shock lol. Different people react to traumatic situations differently. Hopefully it hasn’t weighed to heavily on you since then.

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That is so tragic. I'm so sorry. That definitely sounds like shock. I hope that if any feelings catch up later you get lots of support.

Alcohol in universities is so dangerous. I've see someone throwing up with their eyes open and rolled back passed out while their friends were slapping them. It was outside a dorm but typing it now I think it might have been heroine. Still crazy how many kids get into dangerous situations like this at university.

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I worked in a hospital lab and blood bank for a few years, whenever some was really messed up and in need for blood quickly we would run unmatched O Neg units ro the ER to try and keep them alive.

Saw a 4 year old who's father apparently kicked so hard, the poor kid had large liver laceration, kid was ashen and unresponsive as they were giveing him blood. That was fun because I had to run out with team to the helicopter pad because they were trying to get the kid to a child trama center and want to push blood the whole way so I was running behind them carrying bags of packed RBCs. Found out the next day the kid was called essentially as soon as then got the trama center, realistic the kid was dead beforewe got him to helicopter, but..you know let the trauma center make the call.

Another time some drunk guy was walking on the highway and got clipped by a semi truck, his left side was completely trashed, left arm was basically gone below the elbow and shoulder was hamburger meet, I dont know what vitals they had on the guy to even try treating him, i was watching them do chest compressions and it was clear his sternum and rib cage destroyed by the impact, so I can imagine what was left of the heart and lungs, So after wasting 4 units they declared him dead.

Another time I "volunteered" to help pathology clear out some old samples, I figured old slides, some tumor samples in jars and shit like that, I get there and it's like a scene form a bad comedy, Bob the old guy running the lab says "Heads up" and tosses a gangrene cover leg in a clear bag in to arms, I almost had a fucking heart attack, Bob thought it was fucking hilarious, in hindsight it kinda was, then was were talking all the shit down to mourge for disposable, he starts knocking on and opening the morgue refrigerator door looking to see if "anyone was home", luckily no one was that day.

But the worst one the one that about 20 years in still gets me was, seeing the remains of a woman's miscarriage when I was working on Christmas Eve, it wasn't the goriest thing Ive seen, it was just a large sample jar with a lot and blood and tissue floating in it, it was just the overall sadness of the whole thing, the poor kid and the mother who every Christmas will remember the kid she didnt get to have, it the only time working in the hospital, that I had a little cry in my truck before heading home and drinking a double before bed.

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Oh god the 4 year old. that is so fucked

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incredible stories, its crazy how some people work at mcdonalds and some people see this sorta shit for a living

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My dad shot himself with a caliber 22 in his bedroom, literally 5 feet from me. He hit his lungs and when i found him on the ground calling my name, i couldn't find the bullet hole. So much blood, we're talking blood up the walls, all over the floor. I called 911, took 30 minutes for ambulance to arrive. He died of a heart attack about an hour after the act. I'm gratefull, in a way, that i could spend his last hour on earth with him, no matter how brutal. I know he regretted, also told me he loved me 1000 times. I am prety much immune to gore now, guess im here for that reason.

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Wow, that's a rough one, sorry you had to experience that.

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Thanks. I'ts been 12 years and i think about it every day. I'ts so surreal that you can't process it for months/years. Still talk about it like it hapenned to someone else. Made me reconsider how i treat people at least.

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I'm so sorry. I'm glad he got to tell you he loved you so many times. He was saying he loved you in that moment and for every time he won't get to in the future. My grandfather did the same.

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Once my brother busted his head open on a rock. He had to get staples and I watched him get them taken out a while later.

I also work as a crime scene cleaner so I see a fair share of gore.

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Re: crime scene cleaning- is that a relatively easy job to get? Interested in that sort of thing

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It is more or less if you’re in the right place. There’s certain criteria, that you have to meet to get the job. (I.e. ability to lift a certain amount of weight, ability to get to the scene within an hour, availability 24/7.) You don’t need a degree or anything (at least I didn’t) it’s very demanding. But it’s pretty easy if you live in the right place!

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Cool, thanks

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any interesting stories from doing that kind of work? also how does it pay ive also been interested in trying it out

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Not me

but my mom saw a woman fall down in front of a truck. She got ran over ofc. My mom said it sounded like a watermelon being broken open.

She also saw a row of decapitated bodies

She lived in guatemala so it makes sense

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latino parents have seen shit but act like it was another tuesday or mention it at a random time. my dad said he saw someone get assassinated in the street while he was eating ice cream with his friend and he was laughing telling me how awkward it was. (1970s Reynosa, Tamaulipas(

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Mountain biking ≈8th grade- girl is speeding down a rocky hill and gets knocked off her bike, landing on her knees, and some bone is exposed. Not that bad, but an interesting thing to witness

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Seeing bone exposed in person is always so weird. You never expect it to be that white or shiny.

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I used to work in a Neurosurgery ICU and I would see dead people all the time. It never really bothered me but I've been a regular to these sites since like high school. Craziest one was some stripper guy who had failed a shotgun suicide.

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wow you’ve seen quite a fair share, the only time i’ve seen gore was in wisconsin was when a guy was on bath salts and started disemboweling himself .

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I’d say that makes up for a good number of more mundane experiences lmao. Quality over quantity and all that

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Ok that would freak me out a lot more than seeing a shooting. Guts are nasty 🤮

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A guy on the floor with his face spilled open in the park, at night, surrounded by a crowd of partygoers in shock.

A man covered in blood, also in shock, walking around, asking people for a cellphone, not sure what was up with that one.

A man with ebola walking the streets of Congo TDR a few years ago.

A bike accident a long time ago, guy got his foot pierced by some metal pipe or something and was bleeding on the ground.

Besides that just some severely deformed people, that didn't seem to be getting the help they needed.

I almost lose a finger one time too, bleed quite a lot at first but it stopped after a while, didn't damage the nerve somehow but the cut was deep enough to get to the bone.

I really haven't seen many gruesome things I can speak of, maybe i'm just lucky, maybe that's the norm, who knows.

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yo what happened to the guy at the park?? was he beaten?

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No idea honestly, I checked the news/headlines for the next three days but I got nothing, so who knows?

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Gore ✅

Death ❌

I'm 19 and my brother is 16 but when he was 9 he fell from the stairs and his forehead opened (made it hard for him to focus and run for help) because of the blood. I went downstairs he was screaming but I'm surprised he didn't cry lol.

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I haven’t seen someone dead..but I have seen glass go on my foot..and MY WHOLE FAMILY LOVES TO BREAK GLASS AND THEN THE GLASS GOES ON THEIR FOOT. It’s a family tradition!✋😩😫.

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Seen only once long time ago. Guy on bike was speeding really fast like 200km/h, lost balance and hit concrete fence. The force of impact destroyed him like lego character, if i remember correctly his head was like 100m away from bike. Seeing arm without rest of body was quite scary back then

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At the minimum I see a dead person at least twice a week while working. As far as watching someone take their last breath in front me of I would say twice a month. Been a paramedic for 13 years and at this point in time it takes a lot to surprise me. As far as recently that was amusing I got to care for a patient who had an open femur fracture due to a MVA. Her right femur was so displaced it became lodged in the tape deck of some late model Chevy compact car. Was an interesting approach to remove her from the car.

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In terms of death, the worst was when I was like 7 years old visiting relatives in Mexico and stumbling across a crowd who all found a man hanging from a tree. Either cartel or suicide, but the man bulging tongue and eyes are what still haunt me and make me remember that shit.

In terms of non-death gore, I was in my house when I heard lots of screaming outside, and I went to check and found a teen with his bone sticking out of his left leg (shin area) like Kevin Ware. From what they told me, he was going downhill on his bike when he lost control and somehow knicked a telephone pole with his left leg taking the hit.

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Seen plenty of drunk driving accidents in Arizona growing up, one in particular I remember is when a drunk driver passed out in the middle of the street and a car ran into him and completely tore the truck into pieces and him. There was scattered truck parts and pieces of flesh on the asphalt while he was hanging out the truck.

Then when I moved to another state I became introduced into the gang life, one day someone rolled up and shot at us. My 2 homies were hit and all I could remember was grabbing the first aid kit and using the tourniquet on one of my boys while I told the other to start stuffing the bullet wound. That was a pretty intense moment, I still remember the feeling of not being able to do anything outside the hospital while cops tried to harass us saying we deserved to be shot.

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Saw the aftermath of a motorcycle accident once but that's it for other people.

I cracked my head open when I was like one and had to get 27 stitches on my forehead and cracked my skull

When I was like 7-9 I got bit by a dog and almost lost my left eye. Stitches on my eyelid and right below my eye, also a gash on the side of my nose but my parents got a plastic surgeon and I wear glasses so you can't really tell

Also self harmed for four years

That's really it but most of it was at a young age and I've almost gotten shot a couple times I believe. I'm way worse with loud noises than seeing blood and stuff because I know it's already over I guess?

:marseyyes: I just really love Marsey

Also I'm vegetarian oddly enough

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Snappy after seeing all the comments:😀.

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I opened my head last December and it was the best thing that I have ever experienced, I've seen multiple get run over and ambulances running everywhere multiple times.

In 2nd grade one of my classmates fell out of a window and opened his head as well so it was a pretty interesting thing to witness. I've seen people get knocked out and fights too but it wasn't anything that serious.

I fell off my bike and scratched my skin horribly and I was bleeding uncontrollably, have scars from that.

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Your head was opened as in surgery?? That sounds p cool

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Not, not as in surgery.

I was at school, trying to dodge a fist, and I slipped and opened my head open on a water heater or whatever you call it.

I had to get 5 stitches.

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Left church early, saw some smoke in the distance. Went to investigate and found the aftermath of a car/motorcycle collision. Had my camera with me and snapped some rather gruesome photos of the helmet with blood underneath it. The helmet was separated from the body

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Yea I’ve seen somebody get shot before

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I was 17 working for Pizza Hut we were having the restaurant renovated but only did carry out at the time. Bathrooms were being done too so we had a port a potty in the back. It was locked, some goo was coming out and there was an extremely foul smell so the police were called. Once they had it opened a body plopped right out onto the floor.

Got stabbed by my own dad for having a crush on someone in school.

Also stabbed my ex in the neck with a broken bottle for assaulting me while I was under the influence and unconscious. Sadly, he’s alive today, and have no idea where he is now.

Crazy stuff.

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