Woman on phone falls into river and drowns (backstory in pinned comment)


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The background story said that the water is only about 5 feet deep, but have a slippery underground (I assumed it's meant the bottom is slippery)

It was a freaky accident, and one might wonder why couldn't she save herself if the water only 5 feet deep.

First of all, she's look like not that tall, maybe as tall as the water was deep (5 feet or around 150 cm), meant if she stood upright in the water her nose and mouth would still be underwater.

Second, her attire (maybe her pants) might absorb water and clung to her legs and/or become heavy, hindering her movements so she could not not swim (and she's not much a swimmer by the look of it)

Third, maybe this was low key critical, her feet might slip continuously on the slippery bottom, so she could not get any footing at all, and kept slipping as she panicked and tried to recover her footing in vain.

This almost exact same accident led to my stepmother's demise a few years ago (she's 42 years old at that time). She's taking a short cut when walking home from a neighborhood gathering. She's wearing high-heeled shoes and she slipped and fell into a pond, just like the woman in the video. Her high heels slipped on the moss-covered bottom and she's unable to save herself and drowned. The whole ordeal caught in a couple of CCTV.

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I'm so sorry this happened to your stepmother.

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thank you

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underrated comment youre actually fucking smart (or im just stupid)

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lol, I'm not. It's just my late stepmother had almost the exact same accident, she drowned in 5 ft water, which was hard to believe until we saw the cctv footage

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In my stepmother's case, she's wearing tight, long traditional dress and high heels. She slipped and fell into a pond, maybe 5 to 5.5 feet deep. The bottom was tilted and slippery. From the CCTV footage we thought that her high heels slipped and slid on the slippery, tilted bottom and she slipped repeatedly and could not stand upright and her heavy long dress soaked with water hindered her more, she struggled for a few minutes before drowned.

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Thanks, mate!

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You're welcome !

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"Around 20:22 on Dec 29 a 28 year old Chinese woman playing games on her cellphone, like she normally did every evening, walked down a street, where a 45 meter wide river runs next to, and with no railing or other barrier separating them was so distracted that she fell in the water and drowned within 2 minutes.

They have no railing there as villagers wash their clothes in the river because the quality of the water is pretty good.

The husband, who worked overtime that evening/night came to find his wife the next day as she wasn't home and he found her shoes floating in the river and alarmed police. Family told the woman was addicted to game playing on her cell-phone. The water is only 5 ft deep there but has a slippery underground.

She leaves two kids under the age of 10.

This is not the first time people died in that province this year from mobile phone overuse/distraction police told.

In June a guy was found dead in bed laying on his side with his phone still in his hands. He was addicted to microblogging all nights long. Autopsy revealed he suffered a cardiac disease and had a sudden death. He left behind a 6-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son.

In Oct. a man was watching TV on his mobile phone and crossed the street right in the path of a truck who mangled him to death.

Nov. A 41 year old man crossed a railroad crossing while playing games on his mobile phone. He dropped his phone, tried to pick it up before the train arrived but was grabbed by the train and died on the spot.

May: A young woman wearing a short skirt answered a phone call while crossing the street when a van appeared from her right and knocked her to the ground where she was greeted by a dump truck who run her over.

Dec. A BMW driver answered a phone call while driving on an overpass and didn't notice a traffic police officer who he hit. The officer died due to a cracked skull.

Other provinces report a rise in deadly traffic accidents also caused by mobile phone use."

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Bro how long did it take you to find all that shit

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3 minutes; I learn from the best :marseyfedpost:

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Explains why some of it makes no sense

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Mandarin-to-English translation by the article source

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The background story said that the water is only about 5 feet deep, but have a slippery underground (I assumed it's meant the bottom is slippery)

It was a freaky accident, and one might wonder why couldn't she save herself if the water only 5 feet deep.

First of all, she's look like not that tall, maybe as tall as the water was deep (5 feet or around 150 cm), meant if she stood upright in the water her nose and mouth would still be underwater.

Second, her attire (maybe her pants) might absorb water and clung to her legs and/or become heavy, hindering her movements so she could not not swim (and she's not much a swimmer by the look of it)

Third, maybe this was low key critical, her feet might slip continuously on the slippery bottom, so she could not get any footing at all, and kept slipping as she panicked and tried to recover her footing in vain.

This almost exact same accident led to my stepmother's demise a few years ago (she's 42 years old at that time). She's taking a short cut when walking home from a neighborhood gathering. She's wearing high-heeled shoes and she slipped and fell into a pond, just like the woman in the video. Her high heels slipped on the moss-covered bottom and she's unable to save herself and drowned. The whole ordeal caught in a couple of CCTVs.

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Are those steps in the right corner? They are just past the bridge and seem to lead into/out of the water. They're kind of obscured by the darkness. Regardless, never underestimate water, it gives no fucks about you and your limitations. Sometimes there's no way to tell what kind of currents are underneath a seemingly calm surface, especially when it's this dark.

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Natural selection at its finest

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Doesnt even look like she tried to save herself

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>Live next to a river

>Can't swim.

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Glad to see natural selection at work

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Died doing what she loved-being a phone zombie.

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My heart bleeds for her watching helplessly as i or anyone would have had time to save her.

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Holy shit the first fucking normal comment I find on here, first watchpeopledie user to ever go outside

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The only question is... what game was she playing?

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Flappy Fish. Y8 games. Suitable for most platforms.

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For God sake Please take the time to learn and teach your children to swim, even that is no guarantee but it would surely limit the senseless drownings, like this one.

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What a dumbass she walked right into it

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She looked like she could swim? Wonder why she didn't try to get to the side. Idiocy at its finest

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I reckon she was hit by one of those meteorites.

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Yall are too harsh. Like, yeah, being addicted to your phone is bad and stuff, but does it really deserve a death sentence?

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There are several ways she could have avoided this. She could have learned how to swim, she could have been watching where she was going, or she could have not been born in China

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Did they get the phone? Sometimes, they still work if it's freshwater.

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Good riddance to the mindless zombie.

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Chinks usually have horrible eye sight.

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