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What a bunch of dumb fucks. Except the poor crying kid, of course.

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Death by pure incompetence

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Sorry but if i know i cant swim i would NEVER going to bath in a lake or at all going into water accept my bathtub...

Anything else is just dumb.

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I didnt knew how to swim, we went to beach with fams, they tossed me into water and I realized that I can float.

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Poor Lil child 😔

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The pussy + retardation combo is killing it in Thai video, literally.

Dude murdered his whole family because he couldn't swim two feet to the left.

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Don't go near water if you can't swim!

So sad to hear the kid screaming break my heart :marseyretard3: :marseytears:

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Its fucking astonishing to me that there's probably over a billion people on earth who literally can't swim 3 feet to save their life. I know two people who can't swim, and it's nerve wreaking to me that them jumping/falling into some still water is much more likely to kill then than if they fell of a 40 foot cliff. Not knowing how to swim is like being surrounded by death traps on a day to day basis.

I've seen A LOT of people drown for my 10+ years of watching people die online. I'd say at least 50% of the vids, people drown within 5 feet of land.

Here's is probably one of the most frustrating drownings i have seen the first guy who can't swim luckily manages to cling to the piece of drift wood he is risking his life for. Then for seemingly no fucking reason, he let's go. He's trying to grab it again, it's an inch or so away from his fingertips, yet he couldn't manage to close the miniscule distance. Someone jumps in to save him, and the guy pulls his savior underwater killing them both. Fun fact, some dummy retrieved the piece of driftwood the men died over and thought it'd be helpful to the families to make it a permanent public memorial to honor the memories of the two dead men. His efforts made it on the news. It never went into fruition, probably because rather than the driftwood display be a reminder of the dead mens legacies, it'd probably be a seen as much better reminder that those men died over a piece of drift wood.

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The US Navy has special courses to teach recruits how to swim if they don't already. An amazing number can't swim.

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those men died over a piece of drift wood

So that was the reason the first retard jumped in? because of some FUCKING wood?

Honestly? i only feel bad for the guy that jumped in to save the useless waste of human resources that was the black guy, like legit the only good thing about all of this is tha he won't be using oxygen no more.

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From what I remember, he was a carpenter/artist who was gonna use it for a piece.

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I'm one of those billion who simply cannot swim. Taken plenty of courses, survived an attempted drowning, been beat over not being able to, spent a summer at the Mississippi River on a boat… yet I still don't know how and I'm now in my late 20s. My body is small and refuses to float the way is needed, and my brain refuses to cooperate whenever I attempt to manage my breathing in the water. I doubt that it's something I will ever be able to overcome during this lifetime.

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I am a skinny guy who struggles to float but I was snorkeling around in the ocean last summer with ease. I was very surprised, turns out saltwater is easier to float in. Hopefully that eases your mind if you are ever at sea.

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How the fuck you gonna drown in a lake 10 feet from shore? If you can't swim stay the fuck out. I know the ocean can have undertows, do lakes?

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ZERO undertow there. Just ignorant uneducated backwards people who have no clue about how to swim.


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Only extremely large ones like the Great lakes do.

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So what the hell happened here? :(.

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There was probably an overhang or drop off that was much deeper where they all drowned. If you can't touch the ground and don't know how to swim you just start treading water. Also people freaking out drowning will grab onto you like a rock pulling you under too even if you are a strong swimmer.

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That's a good point.

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Can someone explain why they are all drowning?

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they're dumb fucks who dont know how to fucking swim, atleast learn how to swim first :marseyfacepalm:

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poor kid, it's not hard to swim though how do they not know how to swim at their age

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because judging by the apparel, they are from a dogshit country with no proper education.

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Shutup bitch it's india far more educated than you people

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You can't be serious

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A more iconic duo than Indians getting ran over by trains?

Indians drowning in shallow waters.

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Superpower by 2020. Smart not dumb like westerners, we designate streets so that not all of them have shitting people in them, only the ones which have been designated. We engineers we think ahead. Plz show bob

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sexy Indian dude country filled with poop water bathers lol, retarded pagans

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I met some Indians in college. They were not good students. They had to be carried academicly. My college friend got a job in a lab for one of the professors maintaining and operating a special machine. Something about making carbon nanofibers. He replaced three indians after working with them for a week. The guys had no clue what they were doing or even how to use basic hand tools. One bottom of our class American kid was able to quickly do what three indians had been working on for months. Can't even say they did all the ground work prior as everything they did needed to be undone. No one sends their worst students overseas...

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LMAO Indians are so fucking retarded what are u on abt

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Um bro wt actual fug

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x to doubt. Norwegians have a decent educational system and learn to swim when we are 3y.o.

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USA here. My kids had swimming lessons at 3. Not all kids do, but some live near water or have pools so it is a good idea to be able to swim good enough to self rescue. A 5 years old tossed into this lake where those people are should be able to swim back to the shore if they are near a lake. Otherwise keep some floaties.

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Compa sei serio?

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Un italiano siciliano

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Looks like these suckers are caught in some sort of riptide..a tide that opposes another or other tides, causing a violent disturbance in the sea and creating a strong force that is difficult to control.

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this really is heartbreaking.

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Why so many emojis

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I'm marsified, sorry!

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That. Mighty. Sucks.

Hope the community pooled together for the kid.

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can't even fathom the fucking trauma dude

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Man thats tough. Teach your kids to swim while they are young. It blows my mind that we got adults out here that cant swim, meanwhile you got a newborn baby fresh out the womb who knows exactly what to do if theyre born underwater.

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I've always thought that's crazy how a baby knows how to swim as soon as it's born. I learnt very young, my parents took me to the local pool at six months and more or less chucked me in. Ironically, neither of them can swim tho. Didn't want me making their mistake I guess. I still swim now, four times a week

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yeah I've seen clips of people 100% capable of learning to how swim or just hold themselves above water and then drown like they lacking limbs :brainletcaved:

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Umm the child was screaming jaldi ao jaldi ao which means come fast come fast

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Wholesome and heart warming content :marseyembrace:

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They go charging in like they don't know they can't swim...

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Should have brought their water wings...

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Better run!

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Sad 😢😭 poor kid

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How hard is it to learn to swim? like treading water is the easiest shit imaginable.

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it seems really not that far but who is the cameraman

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Okay I get the other child drowning there, but the parents? Tf is this even if they can't swim, why go there at first ? ☠️

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How tf is it possible to drown 2 meters away from shore🤣 fucking coward

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I know one shouldn't go in water if not knowing swiming or depth of water but you saying coward and puttin laughing emoji is disrespectful

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Phone addy

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i don't miss apex-mong

but no need to repost his reposts

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How you drowning 3ft off the shore?

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Undertow obviously got them.

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you're telling me people don't know how to float?

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I honestly wonder how people drown, pretty sure the water wasnt low?

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naw fr

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The problem I'm seeing here is the people commenting calling this family "stupid"- would probably have died the same exact way on this day. The woman rushes in because though she knew something was wrong, she still seem to "assume" it was more shallow then it was. Just like the boy, just like alot of people here. Going based off what it looks from the outside- was the issue to begin with. Which the dad was just unfortunate to select this area. But that means anyone assuming that spot was shallow in the comments- would of been as likely to die this day as well? So it might of not had anything to do with swimming ability overall, because the fact that I see 3 people "struggling" in the same area means there simply is something else going on here that we dont see. I'm guessing a unfortunate hole in that area. Their body movements once they fall into what maybe was most likely a hole in that area, also indicates it must of been pretty deep, the way it seems they all try to "pop-up" for air. I also see ripples going in a round fashion, which may simply be from the struggle of the bodies, or it could also indicate water sucking down that area "kinda like a drain in the bathtub." So, dont call people stupid when you probably would of made the same mistake at that same time. RIP to them. And I only hope that last kid also didn't jump in.

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But they ARE stupid.

Never fucking thread or swim in water you can't see through, simple as.

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I don't believe this.


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dumb fuccers

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I feel bad for the kid bro

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Fucking little shit couldn't even do a decent job of holding the camera

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Bet if they were ur parents and u a kid, u would be pissing and screaming like a bitch too

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My parents died when I was a bit older than that kid. Their camper trailer started rolling and went over a cliff.

I told the cops it was an accident. They believed me. But I'd hidden the log and lever that did the trick.

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I hope it happens in real life and you die like a bitch

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I feel so awful for the little one's sake, I'd be an absolute wreck if, God forbid, I saw my family even now preventably dying in front of me knowing there was nothing I could do to save them, let alone if I was a young child.

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My parents accidentally drowned - after they told me they were going to take me out of the will.

At least - I told the cops it was an accident.

(Don't tell anyone.)

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next time the child asks for a PS5 for its bday or Xmas you better buy one

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Alot of people are confused by this. But theres evolutionary reasons as to why some people sink and others dont. Cultures and people who rely on fishing or island hopping became adpet to swimming. Northern european for babies for example, come out of the womb with an inherent ability to swim. Same with polynesians and south east asians. Its built into them at a basic level it seems. Secondly, 3rd world nations have much skinnier people. Fat tends to float. So them being skinny AND fully clothed means they are not buoyant at all.

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This shit is fake as a selfharmer`s morals, it only lacks the tiktok logo at the end

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bro how the hell??? what??? this cant be for like a reason u cant swim for, stuck at the same place :marseyconfused: :marseysurprised:

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i actually cried because of something on this website for once, that little kids screams just broke my heart :marseycry:

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learn to swim idiots

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Kys nigga 🗣️🙏

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But your mom will miss my dick....

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Bad cameramam

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from here you can realize how retarded someone can be, man how can you die in this spot?

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Here in New Zealand they taught me how to doggy paddle at like age 6 why don't they teach that in India????

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Fairy tales do not tell children communists exist. Children already know that communists exist. Fairy tales tell children communists can be killed.


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