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Rip to bro, but alive and kicking for almost 3 minutes is crazy work

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Rip lil chigga :marseycrying: wasn't anything grandma could do after as I bet it was pretty silent, kids really are little suicide machines

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It's crazy that this is actually somewhat common too. Most buckets (in the states) have warnings on them for this exact thing.

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>Most buckets (in the states) have warnings on them for this exact thing.

"Attention: toddlers reading this message. Don't lean into this bucket."

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It's a warning for https://adults.it shoud state”attention parents:put down you fucking phones and pay attention to your kids,almost everything can kill these little fuckers”

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the messages are not intended to prevent drowning... only prevent being pursued. States are the only country in the world where Kinder Surprise eggs are prohibited.... leading pursuit from eating chocolate and plastic toy together.

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We also need to use screw drivers to change batteries on toys now. Not sure when exactly that happened or what caused it but I can make a guess.

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Yeah those damn kids and their rock and roll music.

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it's been like that since at least 2010 if I remember right, since I was 5 in 2010

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let me guess you're here from tiktok :(

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what, no?

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Keep kicking, Little Buddy!! That column really ties the house and yard together!


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Fountains are also dangerous, I knew about a case like that.

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As are wild hyenas

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You can't down in a hyenas den.

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if enough people die in there you can swim in their blood

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You haven't been at a farm, have you?

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no? what's that?

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soil sucks blood in...

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ik lmao I ain't 6

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this was the most affectionate use of a slur I've seen in so long

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Do me next! Im from Nevada.

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chigga 💀💀💀

what do we call white people, whigga??

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chigga = Chinese BIPOC

Just my thought.

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What a retarded way to go, even for a child. And no idea how the woman took so long to find legs sticking out of a bucket.

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Honestly, It's like me when I lose my wallet at home. It's always in some fucking obvious place right in front of me that I just ignore for like 5 mins of frantic searching.

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Same with me but it's not obvious until I manage to go through the ordeal of finding my glasses first lol

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Let me guess. They were resting on your forhead the entire time?

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I like to fart too

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I understand why she didn't notice, she was apparently consumed with the chores she had to do and in this case people tend to not notice stuff around. The dumb thing is that when you are looking after a toddler you should constantly think about it and not put your eyes off him for a minute, let alone 20 minutes. How could you not look for the kid for 20 minutes and you are thinking "he probably is fine, playing somewhere I just don't see him at the moment, nothing bad could happen". She deserves all the blame and devastation - this is probably her only grandchild

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Yeah it's probably the end of her family line. One child policy was repealed from the law there but not from the culture, most Chinese still only have 1 kid

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Only one kid and they can't even take care of that. No wonder Chinese people need mass surveillance and government control. Dumb retards can't even keep themselves from dying the most random ways and giving us content. People really need to be controlled and culled.

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Yes, there is a huge momentum of this policy, people can't just start making lots of kids after being subjugated for so long. I think they are pretty screwed mentally as a society and not sure how "horny" they are to rely on them turning the demographic crisis the one child policy created. Who knows though, maybe there is a baby boom looming

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Since their only kid died, I do wonder how long the grieving process would take in order for them to have another one... I mean not like it matters that kid is dying in a horrible factory accident once they're old enough to drive a forklift. China is insane

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Wild conjecture

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So 5000+ years of civilized experience taught them something... And they were right..

Better than Americans popping out 8 down syndrome kids for television shows being watched by single mothers with 3 kids with different disabilities..

Yet in China, these traits aren't being bred.

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Yeah in China they are bred to be slaves to the government

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To be fair to the granny, "The Young and the Restless" was on channel 4 that afternoon. It was the same story they've been running for the last 40 years - vile and pernicious - yet she couldn't look away.

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If there's one benefit I've gotten from watching all these videos, is that I've learnt to never take your eyes off a toddler for a second. There are ways they can get themselves killed that you'd never think of in a 1000 years.

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Totally share your view. My main reason for visiting this site is to get perspective on dangerous situations and I've learned so much, especially being a dad of 4 years old. I've become so cautious and never letting my guard down, although sometimes it could be something with a one in a million chance that you just can't do anything about, it is just God's will and you are helpless.

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Same, for me its also to help in situations where everyone is in shock. Like caraccidents etc. It helped me 2 times to react faster with an objective view over the situation. So worth it

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Oh yeah, it is incredibly beneficial to get desensitized over gore and broken bones in order to be able to think straight when most crucial. People lack spine in such situations and I think this site strengthens the spine nicely.

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I remember seeing a video of a guy trying to stop an ATV literally rolling down a hill at like 100mph and he just reached his hands out to stop it, before thankfully reconsidering and stepping aside at the last second.

It's hard to truly understand how easy it is for use to die.

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Yeah I always see people on here saying, "are you worried that gore sites will desensitize you?" But you have to remember that WWII vets saw their friends get their legs blown off in front of them, that's why they were able to handle tough situations.

If anything we're not nearly desensitized enough as a society

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It should desensitize you towards the sight of gore, not the human suffering. Like surgeons for example - I've always admired them being desensitized to a badass point, enabling them to help people we see on this site in the most horrible conditions. I strife to reduce my fear towards gore and increase my compassion towards people and it works for me

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It's so weird how Christians talk about their God as if it's not a totally insane thing to do

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I'm cultural Christian but also agnostic, so I use "God" as a representation of a compelling force, outside of human control, fate, destiny, universe, however you want to think of it. Basically most of the people in the world are religious, so you are calling most of the people insane. It is not insanity to believe in God, it is something that in most cases bring people to being more sane and live a moral life and follow society rules. Don't want to discuss different religions, not the time or place for that, just wanted to give you perspective of why people believe and why I use the idea of God above

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"being a dad of 4 years old"

Dare I even ask

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ask please, I don't know what you mean.

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I thought I was funny

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lol imagine having your dad browse gore sites, rather kms

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lol imagine having your dad browse gore sites, rather kms

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When he's older he'll understand, especially if I raise him smart enough to know why I do it. I don't enjoy the gore of it, I had curiosity in the beginning, now mostly skip them as they are no longer interesting to me, although some are fascinating. The situations and circumstances are a lot more interesting to me.

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Kids and babies are great at killing themselves no matter where you are. I used to watch all of my younger siblings constantly and my god those suckers just do anything in their damn power to die. My mom was one of those people who would have her kid(s) go outside and never once check on us. It's a damn wonder we survived. She would even allow 1 kid to go outside if that kid wasn't in school yet. So a 4 year old just hanging out in our backyard in a shithole neighborhood. Now that I'm an adult I can't believe how regularly in danger we were. We live in an area where crackheads scream in the street and teens love to shoot bb guns at cars. But yea, let's leave a bunch of dumbass kids outside where no one can see them and there's a direct alleyway right beyond the fence.

Fr, 90% of these videos I watch bc it teaches me how certain deaths look and how to try and avoid them.

You can't stop everything, but you can try. Accidents and mistakes will always happen- but I would maybe like to not know that a child died on my watch because I was too busy. If any of my siblings ever have kids I am going to be a hawk with those bastards

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You cant definitely take your eyes off them if you eliminate hazards. I just lock my quintuplets naked in a cage.

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Stupid kid, can't he read signs?


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the kid really said "that sign won't stop me because I can't read"

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Wow, I had no idea this was actually a thing.

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Sad video af :marseycry:

but bro you made me laugh with this comment

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Asking the real chinese question:


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as a chigga, thats pretty funny

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you took that way too far...

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I love watching those cave diving drowning stories, professionals risking their life, putting others in danger due a mistake they commit, needing a rescue, getting lost and running out of oxygen exploring these caves...

And then theres this poor fucker casually drowning on a bucket...


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something about the death of a child that generates sympathy from a more primal part of our pyche.

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