2 Construction workers get electrocuted (Chile)

2 Angles + Rescue efforts

Two workers were electrocuted on Tuesday in the city of Talca while carrying out tasks in the construction of a shopping center in the capital of Maule. Both sustained extremely serious injuries due to burns after receiving the electrical shock, which was preliminarily attributed to their manual crane making contact with electrical cables.

Following the accident, the workers were not taken to Talca Hospital but to nearby private health centers in the Maule capital, where they were treated and are in critical condition.

The incident occurred around 2:00 PM at the intersection of Lircay Avenue and 13 North Street, causing an explosion that could be seen from a considerable distance.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1706203622958838.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17062036231424.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1706203623404296.webp

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Another fucking retard taking a video. How hard is it to FUCKING RECORD THE GUYS ON THE GODDAMN WIRES! And NOT the goddamn building!


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Dangling from an arcing cherry picker a story or so above ground? New fear unlocked!

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I don't think you understand this community. You're going to get fucked over, real hard. Stalked, Doxxed, Harassed, you name it. I guess that's what you wanted though, because you never had attention from your parents so you look for it online. Besides, her bussy was taken down twice already before, and it always comes back.


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