brand new vagina

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:marseytrain: surgery seems like a massive contradiction of the Hippocratic oath and it is both shocking and disgusting that any doctor would do something so clearly harmful and life altering at the request of the mentally ill. One can only hope that it will eventually be seen as a dark time in medical history, much like Lobotomies or plague doctors.

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Money is money.

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Around 27000€

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We've already seen this shit in history, in the Weimar Republic (what Germany was called between WW1 and WW2). The first institute on earth that performed the first "sex change operation" was burned down by young Nazis.

They tried to stop this shit from taking root and sinking its claws into the world...

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bro, they did experimental surgeries on concentration camp prisoners without anesthesia, pretty sure that's more fucked up than consensual cosmetic surgery.

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They didn't give ugly dude vaginas and tell them they were real women

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ok cool, here's Berliners scavenging a dead horse for food in 1945

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At least the knew it was horse and didn't delusionally claim it a bear

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lol, man's literally flogging a dead horse

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Yeah, but they were Jews.

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And we still use all of their research even to this day.

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Nothing of medical use was discovered, the experiments were just sadistic. At best, we now know cool trivia like how long a human body can survive naked in the freezing cold, but there's not much we can do with that information.

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Since every death is a bit different im sure minor facts , tid bits were gained. Like how blood reacts to… how the skin can be stretched to… little odd shit like that. Totally worthless yes, but gauned some knowledge i guess.

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You think that they, while fighting a two-front war and running low on crucial supplies, just decided to waste resources on pointless experimentation?

The point of the experiment you’re talking about was to better understand hypothermia and frostbite and treatments for trying to reverse the two. They did this because they were fighting a war against the Soviet Union, known for its cold. Only the Nazis had ever gone that far and it still remains some of the only comprehensive research on the subject.

Or the Atlas of Topographical and Applied Human Anatomy. It’s controversial, but an incredibly in-depth and accurate anatomy book.

If the information was useless, there wouldn’t be discussions on whether or not it should be used. The subject is nuanced and is multifaceted in the sense that it touches on medical ethics, scientific ethics, etc. You seem to struggle with understanding that many issues aren’t just good guy-bad guy or black and white.

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Nah, it's actually pretty simple. There isn't a massive debate, nor can the "research" be described as "we're all using it to this day" as if it's truly indispensable. The hypothermia study was by immersing prisoners in ice cold water to test how long Nazi pilots could survive in the Atlantic if they ejected (answer: not very long). There was no attempt at finding a treatment, and it's naive to think so, all participants were expected to die. Amazingly, the Allies won the war without this information. But yes, the Nazis discovered some interesting trivia about the extremes of human suffering. Who's to say who the good guys were?

Whether it was a waste would naturally be disputed by the Nazis. To them it was incredibly resourceful of them that they liquidated populations of people they didn't consider human and save grain and free up land for the populations they did like. Once they concentrated people in camps to die, there was ample free time to do what they wanted with them, including slave labor. Of the millions, a few were given freely to a bunch of cunty doctors with free time. Not much was wasted for the sake of these experiments, and not much was gained. Just classic cunty Nazi behavior and why we all hate them.

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They lost the war by using too many resources in death camps. People were a resource of many different variety’s that could have helped them.

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nah, they used plenty of slave labor from concentration camps. They killed the ones they couldn't work to death

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Different governments you dumb fuck

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The holocaust was a hoax

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Rare Nazi W

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dude I remember looking up the Weimar Republic and reading about what they were doing and it's insane to think about what they were doing in the times they were doing it.

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So you’re defending nazis? You’re retarded. This person isn’t hurting anyone, let them live their life.

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You jump to conclusions on that, just pointing out a piece of history that most people don't know about.

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He's gonna harm the tree he'll be hanging off of

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They just hurt themselves. When they realize they were just gay, they will end themselves.

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No, he's saying the Nat Soc of Germany, once in power made sex change operations illegal, after their country pioneered the surgery under the previous government.

Stop getting triggered.

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Yeah they really need to leave train surgery to the professionals. This is unacceptable!

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I agree!

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Thank you for your great post

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Wishful copium

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Oh shut the fuck up adults can make decisions for themselves whether or not they have a mental illness, as long as they have a grasp on reality. Your “I know what’s good for you better than you do” logic is reminiscent of most commie dictators, and it’s fucked. You don’t have some god given authority over fellow adults. And if anyone tries to inhibit a voluntary transaction between you and their doctor, kill them. If you let other people make decisions for you you’ll just get washed away and die a nobody

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you'll never be a real woman

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I don’t disagree with that lmao. I’m not trans and yeah you’ll never have the right chromosomes, or ovaries, or a womb. But that wasn’t even remotely relevant to my comment

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If someone wants to cut their penis off to give themselves a "vagina" with the intent of becoming a woman, they do not have a grasp on reality. It is immoral for doctors to perform such surgery.

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Bruh they don’t have a lack of grasp on reality. They see what they want and they get it. It isn’t immoral for doctors to do anything as long as the patient is a consenting adult. Stop trying to make life decisions for others. If it fucks them up further (which it almost never does, whether or not you get the operation you’ll be fucked), it’s their fucking decision. This god complex is pissing me off. And wanting a fake vagina is indicative of issues, not a lack of grasp on reality

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They see what they want and they get it.

No, they don't. They want a vagina. The surgery does not give them a vagina. It doesn't make them a woman. It is extremely disingenuous to try to say these are being pushed as anything less than a way for a person to change their sex. It's not a "god complex" to say doctors shouldn't be mutilating people who can't accept the sex they were born with, especially when people are trying to defend allowing children to enter the transgender pipeline.

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If they want to be mutilated, and they are adults with a grasp on reality, saying they can’t is having a god complex. Adults can make their own decisions. Aren’t right wingers supposed to be about freedom? Take that stick out of your ass and just let adults make decision for themselves. Goddamn you people are a cancer. Plastic surgery is mutilation. So what ban it? How about you mind your fucking own business

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You are actively ignoring what I'm saying. People don't get surgery like this to be mutilated. They get surgery like this with to do something that isn't actually possible. It's pushed as a "treatment".

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And I could give a fuck about their reasoning. Because I’m a well adjusted adult that doesn’t believe I’m the arbiter and enforcer of objective morality

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You don’t need a vagina to be a woman. Some people want one because it’ll make them more comfortable with their body, but that isn’t a requirement to be a woman.

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and, why should it matter? if they don't have any grasp, then let them be, the same way you should just ignore an insane person cutting their own fingers off, if they want to, go ahead, plus the doctors probably did it because he's getting bread out of that operation

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i'm not saying they don't, i'm saying even if they don't

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... we aren't talking about a crazy person maiming themselves. We're talking about a doctor maiming a crazy person at the crazy person's request. It is neither moral nor ethical for a doctor to do so.

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well i mean, if he pays then why not? in the doctor's eyes he's getting a profit regardless

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You do understand that "moral" and "ethical" don't mean "whatever is profitable" right?

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Also morality is completely fucking subjective so holding your own values over someone’s head when they aren’t hurting you is arrogant and fucked

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Apply this logic to someone going around killing kittens.

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Okay we eat animals every day. Why do kittens get some special regard? Because they’re cute? That doesn’t hold any moral ground. And yea you can apply this logic to anything horrible, but it doesn’t matter. Reality gives 0 fucks about the ramifications of said reality. Once again there is no magic rule book in the sky

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Morality is absolutely not subjective. It's 100% objective. If it were subjective, you would have nothing backing you up in saying pedophilia is wrong.

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Bruh there’s no magic rule book in the sky. There’s nothing wrong with anything inherently, obviously (from an atheistic viewpoint). Pedophilia exists, I see it as wrong and so do most people. And there’s clearly a victim. But morality is subjective nonetheless. It’s all arbitrary standards, each made by their own person. It doesn’t matter. If someone is being hurt, we take action based on our subjective feeling, and that’s fine. But saying x is objectively right or wrong is just retarded

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Also your comment has cause and effect backwards. You basically said if reality and nature left pedophilia morally ambiguous, that could cause huge issues. And therefore reality can’t reflect that moral ambiguity. You realize if a cause or fact has negative ramifications or effects on society, that doesn’t make the cause or reality false. It’s like saying humanity naturally leads to greed and bloodshed, therefore that is not the nature of humanity. See what I mean? The logic makes no sense. But you don’t strike me as a very philosophical thinker so idk what to expect

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You have no moral standing to say a pedo is wrong. I do, because morals are objective. They never change no matter how someone feels. Morals come.only from God.

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My point is if nobody but the initiator is hurt by their own actions, they aren’t doing something inherently wrong. And since nobody else is involved, they should be left autonomous since they’re fucking adults

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If you actually believe there is an exact, specific set of standards that objectively apply to the whole world I’ll assume you’re a narcissist who believes you out of the 8 billion on this earth is the one with the “right” viewpoint. This is basic philosophy. Come on I could tell you this basic shit when I was 13

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If you have you're penis chopped off and stuffed inside you, you don't have a grip on REALITY

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That’s just not true. And it’s just fucking stupid. I mean come on are you 12? People voluntarily have mutilated themselves in different ways across all different cultures in humanity. Just because it makes you cringe doesn’t mean sane minds can’t crave it. You just don’t get it, and neither do I really, but calling all trans people disconnected from reality is delusional

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Self mutilation in any form is disconnect from reality. Trans people are delusional and think they are in the wrong body. They aren't. They are mental ill and doctors are chopping them up for profit and nothing more.

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They may crave a nonreality, but they’re not retarded. They can observe and view reality as is. Just because they’d make a different definition from you doesn’t mean they have a weak grasp on reality you narcissistic fuck

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Nobody swears this shitty oath these days anymore. While many think it contains just that one line about preserving life, it contains lots of pagan bullshit as well and is outdated af.

Pretty sure the doc thinks he is helping and the patient seems happy about the new private parts...

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No, the doctor is collecting a paycheck. He knows there is a high probability he sent the patient on a course towards the end of his life.

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The patient is happy now, but there's no guarantee they won't regret it, and if they do end up regretting it there's nothing that can be done. Before the procedure they had nature to blame and could try live a normal life accepting how they were born, now they can only cope with the fact that they permanently damaged their body and no longer have the option of a normal life.

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Gender-affirming surgery reduces suicide rates by numbers that would make your head spin if you actually had any regard for trans people’s lives at all. You say this like you lament their lives being “ruined,” when you actually just wish they didn’t exist for reasons you probably can’t even explain.

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Its genital mutilation at the request of someone who is mentally ill. If you support that, great but call it what it is.

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Shut the fuck up with your bullshit

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are you 11 years old? I refuse to believe an actual adult speaks like this whenever they are met with a topic on something they donr agree with

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Transgender surgeries are safe and have been proven to improve the lives of trans people. Stay mad :marseytransflag2::marseytransflag2::marseytransflag2:

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Safe is not the same thing as not being harmful. A person can very safely have their hands amputated. A person might even be happy to undergo such a procedure. But amputating perfectly healthy body parts robs that person of normal function and permanently alters the rest of their life. If at some point in the future they regret losing their hands, nothing more can be done. Whereas prior to the procedure they had other options available to them, such as therapy to help them get over their dysmorphia, now their only option is to cope with the damage they inflicted upon themself.

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You won't believe this, but therapy is required before any type of hormone treatment or surgery. Trans surgeries are not harmful, but nice try

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I know. I'm saying it's not a healthy method of treatment. It's attempting to do something that isn't actually possible and which does serious irreversible damage to a person and to their ability to live a normal life.

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According to the DSM5, it's the only known method of treatment that actually works. Conversion therapy has been proven to cause psychological distress for the recipient while transition helps to remove any distress dysphoria causes.

And changing your gender is 100% possible. Sex and gender are not the same thing

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FFS it's like talking to a brick wall with you people. It's not conversion therapy to encourage someone to accept the body they were born with.

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i mean, you should expect that when arguing with libtards

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Quite literally, it is. Hun, this is the agreed apon consensus of over 60 years of research. You're the brick wall in this scenario

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"M-muh concensus!"

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That has already been debunked you ignorant retard. Some people have had 1 consultation before being given them. Some countries go directly to the affirmation route so what you are saying is pure lies (your entire life is a lie so i'm not even surprised)

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Keep lying baby boy, it don't mean anything. 😘😘😘

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Expectant of you to bring 'baby boy's into it, paedophile.

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Nice spelling. Obviously, you're a moron. You don't know what a pedo is, you can't spell it, and you can't even be bothered to look up the basics of transgender Healthcare. You're a sad, sad lil boy.

Also, I fucking hate kids. I'm infertile and thanking fake God every day for that decision on their part

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We invented the language dipshit. You've just Americanised the way it's actually supposed to be spelt, which is paedophile. You're nothing less than a predator that will be looked back upon with the same fondness as Josef Mengele. Also yes, most predators usually do hate children, that is why they enjoy inflicting harm upon them, with hormones and surgeries in your case.

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Post your fake dick :marseyexcited:

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8=:=:=:=D It's pierced

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What a joke :marseylaugh:

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Like asking for nudes on the internet? Lol

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Pics of your phalloplasty abomination is not what I would call nudes, since it's not a real sexual organ and is more like a flesh-mache art project

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Lol did you know that trans men get the same exact surgery that veterans do when they get their genitals blown off in war? Such a silly lil snowflake ❄ ❄❄

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Did you think this was some kinda "gotcha!" moment? :marseylaughpoundfist:

I'm glad the trans community is finally realizing the connections between the surgeries they get and debilitating combat wounds, though!

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Come again?

Our Veteran's don't suddenly get a "vagina" if they lose their genitals in an IED of artillery attack- they don't suddenly decide to become the fuck-ee instead of the fuck-er. I've worked with a lot of veterans, and have never met one who changed their gender after being blown up.

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Keep believing the propaganda

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😂if your a whole women and you feel like your a man then your whole life isn’t worth living, just wait, when everyone is moving on and your personality is I’m gay we’ll see who keeps going

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Lol love the ignorance in your whole comment. The only people claiming anyone's whole personality is their gender or sexuality is you dorks.

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Chris chan vibez

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no lmao, no surgery have a 0% mortality rate, get it right

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I didn't say it had a 0% mortality? I said it was safe?

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it's not safe if you have a risk of death from enacting said surgery

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So then no surgery could be considered safe by your standards which make them ridiculous standards

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i mean, since when is a surgery safe? surgery has always carried the possibility of death

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So you're just an idiot then?

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lmao always going to adhoms

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!! 😂😂

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