
Lower leg crushed by tractor

The employee of a plant installed in the city of Atalaia, 50 kilometers from the capital of Alagoas, suffered amputation of his right leg after having the member crushed by a tractor while working this Tuesday (29).

According to witness reports, the worker was working as a tractor driver when he trapped his limb in the PTO. In the images it is possible to see the despair of colleagues trying to help them in addition to the exposed femur. The victim's foot was forwarded, but could not be reimplanted.

The State General Hospital confirmed that the victim was admitted to the unit around 11:30 am. Felipe Jadson da Silva, 32, underwent an amputation procedure and his condition is considered stable. The circumstances of the accident at work must be investigated by the Civil Police of Alagoas.

Medical Bulletin

The State General Hospital (HGE), in Maceió, informs that Felipe Jadson da Silva, 32 years old, underwent surgery to amputate his right lower limb and is in Post-Anesthetic Recovery (PACU) in stable condition. The patient arrived at the hospital yesterday (29), victim of an accident at work in the city of Atalaia.

Exposed heart beating.

My Appendectomy Incisions

Two of my surgery incisions from my appendectomy two days ago. There are sutures in the deeper layers and the top layer is sealed with a glue.

CHILD WARNING Boy In Africa With A Rare Birth Defect Called Diprosopus :marseybrainlet:

Also known as craniofacial duplication, where a baby is born with two faces on one head. This condition is extremely rare and often not compatible with life.


They had to examine the baby from that back as the front was pretty much chared and impossible to cut without disintegrating the skin surrounding the chest cavity (which I would assume would not be a fun leak to fix/clean )

Man with a necrotic head.


A 71-year-old man presented to the emergency room with loss of consciousness after he was found to have drowned in a river. Upon presentation, initial examinations and investigations revealed an E1V1M5 score on the Glasgow Coma Scale, anemia, hyperammonemia, severe inflammation, electrolyte disturbance, hepatic dysfunction, and hypoalbuminemia. He had lacerations on his face, bilateral pneumothorax, multiple rib fractures, and mediastinal emphysema. Therefore, the patient underwent resuscitation after being diagnosed with shock. One of the most conspicuous signs on his body was the presence of a large periosteal defect of the head filled with malodorous necrotic tissue and slough. A bacterial culture of samples from the head ulcer was positive for Fusobacterium gonidiaformans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Aeromonas species, all of which had been reported to cause necrotizing fasciitis.

Three days after hospitalization, history obtained from the patient revealed a suicidal intent due to pessimism about his general fatigue and economic conditions. According to the CT scan findings, no major injuries were present in the brain. However, a psychiatry consultation to obtain a detailed history was indicated. Subsequently, the consultation revealed a history of ulcer on the head, resulting from a head injury due to a fall from a bridge, which occurred approximately 10 years ago. Two weeks before the drowning event, he had a sense of malaise and episodes of vomiting.

Since more than two-thirds of the cranium was covered with grimy and necrotic tissues, extensive debridement was necessary before mapping biopsies. The first mapping biopsy yielded basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in one sample from the temporal skin and actinic elastosis in samples obtained from all other regions. A whole-body CT scan did not show any suspicious mass to be metastatic. Therefore, a second mapping biopsy, with a focus on the temporal regions, was performed under local anesthesia to determine the extent of resection. A radical resection under general anesthesia was performed with a 5-mm margin from the ulcer or BCC-positive area. The left external auricle was resected, whereas the BCC-negative regions, periosteum, and temporal muscle fibers were preserved. Thereafter, the large defect was reconstructed using a meshed split-thickness skin graft (STSG), which was 12 thousandths of an inch in thickness, obtained from the right thigh.

Five months after the radical resection, the patient presented with ulcers surrounded by melanotic macules at the outpatient department. The pathological examination revealed a recurrence of BCC. A head and neck CT scan showed the presence of a subcutaneous nodule in the temporal region without lymphadenopathies. Therefore, a second radical resection of the subcutaneous nodule, temporal muscle, residual periosteum, external table of the skull, and grafted skin was performed. Eight samples of these tissues were sent for pathological examinations, which revealed the presence of BCC in the subcutaneous nodule but not the other tissues. This result indicated that radical dissection was performed with a sufficient margin in the cranium. The defect was reconstructed using a latissimus dorsi (LD) muscle flap, the vessels of which were anastomosed with the superficial temporal artery, the superficial temporal vein, and a subcutaneous vein. The 26 cm × 8 cm skin island over the flap was separated to create a meshed graft at a ratio of 1:3 for covering the LD muscle body. The graft and flap were taken, and no suspicion or sign of recurrence has been found 6 months after the last operation.


CHILD WARNING MORE TERATOMA!! :skellydancefast: :skellydancefast: :skellydancefast:

i absolutely hate this one:


(p.s. PLEASE don't eat it)


-how tough are ya?

-I survived suicide!---via beheading--with a chainsaw!!


here's what the hospital said:

A 16-year-old boy presented to our hospital because of a huge mass on the face and a large ulcer on the scalp. Physical examination revealed a giant necrotic, ulcerating mass involving the two third upper part of the face (Fig. 23.1) and an ulcer sized 10 × 7 cm on the cranial vertex of the scalp (Fig. 23.2). The mass covered almost the two eyes and half of the nose with multiple bleedings and pus-discharging. This mass had been gradually progressing for the last 7 years. There were also diffuse hypo-hyperpigmented atrophic lesions all over the body (Fig. 23.3). His skin was unnaturally dry and rough. Telengiectases were observed over some lesions. These lesions have increased over the skin since the age of three. There was no palpable lymph node. He had a significant alteration of general condition with a BMI (body mass index) of 13.6 kg/m2. He has a family history of consanguinity, but no other person in the family has similar presentation.


An X-Ray Of A Failed Suicide Attempt

If Anyone Has Any Idea To WTF This Even Is Let Me Know I've Been Trying To Figure It Out For Like 2 hrs🤣

X-Ray Of A 12 Gauge Suicide Attempt

Cyclopia is a rare birth defect in which the body is unable to properly separate the two eye sockets so they remain merged as one. The majority of babies suffering this disease are stillborn but if they survive it is not usually for more than a few hours.

Enlarged Bosom

This rather unfortunate woman suffered from bilateral hypertrophy of both breasts. Amazingly she survived an operation to remove them both. After removal the left breast weighed seventeen pounds and the right weighed forty-three pounds.

teratoma!! :marseyslurpfast:

long story short: teratoma is a rare type of germ cell tumor that may contain immature or fully formed tissue, including teeth, hair, bone and muscle. most teratomas are non-cancerous, however they CAN be cancerous,

Face Removed :wolfmarseyfacepeel:

if you are ever jealous of someone's looks just remember, this is what we all look like underneath...

|| Degloving and Skin Avulsion Injuries || :marseyfacepeel:

A degloving injury is a severe trauma where skin and tissues are torn away from the underlying structures, exposing bone, muscle, or tendons.

“In the worst degloving injuries, the flesh peels away from your body as if you removed a glove.”

A 24-year-old woman was driving at 100km/h on the highway with her left arm outside the car window. She lost control of the vehicle, which then flipped onto its side and slid 20-30 meters. Paramedics found her hand trapped between the car door and the asphalt.

Penile and scrotal skin degloving injuries are rare, often linked to farm machinery accidents.

A 26-year-old man's pants caught in a tractor's driveshaft, degloving his penile and scrotal skin and exposing internal structures. He reached the hospital 14 hours later…

Within 48 hours, he had a successful skin graft surgery and was discharged in 6 days. At his 8-week follow-up, his grafts were well-healed, with restored sexual function and normal urination. (I would never want to jerk off again if this happened to my penis or my clit.)

Car accidents can sometimes cause severe injuries, including facial degloving. Facial degloving is when the skin and soft tissue on your face gets severely torn away, exposing the underlying structures like bones, muscles, and nerves. This type of injury is very serious and requires immediate medical attention and often surgery to repair the damage. It can lead to scars and long-term effects.

A 30-year-old white woman sustained significant facial trauma in a rollover car accident. The small vehicle, lacking airbags, carried five passengers. The woman, who was seated in the back without a seatbelt, appears to have been ejected, as her injuries indicate a high-impact collision with a hard object, such as a guard rail. This contradicts reports claiming no ejections. The other passengers had only minor injuries.

She was awake, alert, pale, and had a fast heartbeat and breathing. A head scan showed no brain injuries. Her face had a large cut full of dirt and food, stretching from one cheek, under her chin, to the other temple. Her upper jaw was barely attached. The injuries broke many bones in her face, especially around her nose, cheeks, and eye sockets leading to major fractures and bone loss. A fracture in her mouth interrupted some blood vessels, reducing blood flow to her upper jaw. Despite these injuries, her vision was fine.

Degloving injuries to the top of the foot occur when the skin and tissue are stripped away. This can happen if the foot gets caught in machinery or under heavy objects. It's a serious injury that needs fast medical treatment to prevent infection and promote healing.

A 72-year-old white man injured his right foot when it got caught between a car door and a metal cupboard in his garage, tearing off the skin and tissue on the top.

This is his foot 9 months post-op.

Degloving injuries may be serious, but they're definitely avoidable. To keep yourself safe, always be cautious around machinery, avoid placing delicate areas like your penis in tight or dangerous spaces, and stay mindful of your surroundings. Simple safety steps can go a long way in preventing injuries. Stay safe and protect yourself!


From What I Could Find She Is Perfectly Fine And Healthy Now


gross :marseydisgust: :marseypuke:

Mb if this is repost :marseyposteditagain:


Vibrio vulnificus is a type of bacteria that can cause a fatal infection. You get it from eating uncooked or undercooked shellfish or when seawater enters a wound. Symptoms get worse quickly. They include fever, low blood pressure and painful blister which can develope intro necrotic wounds.


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