Eyewitness Video of the Death of George Floyd

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The following is an account of what is seen in the video which was filmed by a bystander, and details of his being pronounced dead.

The information was obtained from this wiki page.

(Chauvin, Kueng, Thoa and Lane relate to the 4 police officers mentioned in the text)

Chauvin kneels on Floyd's neck

" While Floyd lay on his chest with his cheek to the ground, Chauvin knelt on his neck. Floyd stopped moving around 8:20, though he was still conscious. Multiple witnesses began to film the encounter, and their videos were circulated widely on the internet. At 8:20, a witness across the street began recording video showing Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck, Kueng applying pressure to Floyd's torso, and Lane applying pressure to Floyd's legs, while Thao stood nearby. This witness stopped filming when one of the officers ordered him to leave. Also at 8:20, a second person, standing near the entrance of Cup Foods, began recording the incident. Floyd can be heard repeatedly saying "I can't breathe", "Please", and "Mama". Lane then asked for an ambulance for Floyd, "for one bleeding from the mouth". Floyd repeated at least 16 times that he could not breathe. At one point a witness said: "You got him down. Let him breathe." After Floyd said, "I'm about to die", Chauvin told him to "relax". An officer asked Floyd, "What do you want?"; Floyd answered, "Please, the knee in my neck, I can't breathe."

At approximately 8:22, the officers called for an ambulance on a non-emergency basis, escalating the call to emergency status a minute later. Chauvin continued to kneel on Floyd's neck. A passerby yelled to Floyd, "Well, get up, get in the car, man", and Floyd, still handcuffed and face down on the pavement, responded, "I can't", while Chauvin's knee remained on his neck. Floyd said, "My stomach hurts, my neck hurts, everything hurts", requested water, and begged, "Don't kill me." One witness pointed out that Floyd was bleeding from the nose. Another told the officers that Floyd was "not even resisting arrest right now". Thao countered that Floyd was "talking, he's fine"; a witness replied that Floyd "ain't fine ... Get him off the ground ... You could have put him in the car by now. He's not resisting arrest or nothing. You're enjoying it. Look at you. Your body language explains it." As Floyd continued to cry for help, Thao said to witnesses: "This is why you don't do drugs, kids."

By 8:25, Floyd appeared unconscious, and bystanders confronted the officers about Floyd's condition. Chauvin pulled out mace to keep bystanders away as Thao moved between them and Chauvin. Bystanders repeatedly yelled that Floyd was "not responsive right now" and urged the officers to check his pulse. Kueng checked Floyd's wrist but found no pulse; the officers did not attempt to provide Floyd with medical assistance while he was on the ground. According to the criminal complaint against Chauvin, Lane asked Chauvin twice if they should move Floyd onto his side, and Chauvin said no.

Medical response and death

At 8:27, a Hennepin County ambulance arrived. Shortly thereafter, a young relative of the owner of Cup Foods attempted to intervene, but was pushed back by Thao. Emergency medical technicians checked Floyd's pulse. Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck for almost a minute after the ambulance arrived, despite Floyd being silent and motionless.

Around 8:29, Floyd was lifted by paramedics onto a stretcher, then loaded into an ambulance. Lane boarded the ambulance and checked Floyd's pulse at his neck, and a medic instructed him to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A medical device was placed on Floyd's chest to provide mechanical chest compressions, and the ambulance departed for Hennepin County Medical Center.

En route, the ambulance requested assistance from the Minneapolis Fire Department. At 8:32, firefighters arrived at Cup Foods; according to their report, the police officers gave no clear information regarding Floyd's condition or whereabouts, which delayed their ability to find the ambulance. Meanwhile, the ambulance reported that Floyd was entering cardiac arrest and again requested assistance, asking firefighters to meet them at the corner of 36th Street and Park Avenue. Five minutes later, the fire department reached the ambulance; two fire department medics who boarded the ambulance found Floyd unresponsive and pulseless.

Floyd was pronounced dead at 9:25 at the Hennepin County Medical Center emergency room."

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One less to worry about.

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This is just outright murder no matter your political views you can’t even disagree on that fact, and i honestly don’t think politics matter when watching this video.

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2 things can be true at once.

this was absolutely murder, i dont see the point of keeping ur knee there for such a long time on a handcuffed dude.

it can also be true that the dude was a piece of shit who pulled a gun on a pregnant woman among a fuckton of things.

so protending like oh this poor soul got murdered im like no, a piece of shit got murdered.

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I never once said he was a “poor soul” and I never ignored what he did, but what they did was absolutely wrong and they definitely didn’t follow protocol. I’m just saying what I see is objective

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not murder. this was not planned out. manslaughter. and yes, George Floyd was a huge piece of shit

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He was a 100 kg basketball american high as a kite. There is a video on this site where a drugged man is repeatedly shot and still moves towards the policeman. So the knee was justified imo

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lmao well no, those two things can’t be true at once.

you either believe in the fact that once you’ve paid for your crimes, ex: spending your life in facilities that are for reforming people to make up for laws that you’ve broke. or the murder is excusable because he had a record of other past crimes.

the history of anyone’s crimes are completely irrelevant when you’re dead, especially by the hands of law enforcement lmfao.

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I think it looks worse when they don't include the part of him resisting arrest for several minutes and also screaming he can't breathe/don't kill him before he was in the knee hold or on the ground. Guys may have genuinely believed he was being melodramatic to continue to resist

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Exactly - also CNN and friends marketed THIS version as "the full video". They also completely neglected to mention that autopsy results show no bruising or damage to the neck and that he had a fatal level of drugs in his system, The reason he couldn't breathe was because he had just overdosed to try avoid a felony posession arrest. The cop couldn't just "let him go" either, driving intoxicated would have killed someone else, AND I also read that the people in the car with him were partially responsible for either calling the cops or telling them they were concerned about his behaviour - although I haven't verified that.

Doesn't absolve the cop for kneeling on his neck for so long but the riots and further loss of life perpetuated by the media were not remotely justified, there's a significant chance he would have died regardless.

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No, this dude overdosed on fentanyl lmao

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When a murder is carried out on an untried, non-violent and subdued civilian by state security forces, I don't see how you can argue that politics don't matter in this situation.

If this happened in Saudi Arabia, nobody would even think to say "politics don't matter when watching this"

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And no one gives a shit about your “ifs” - This didn’t take place in Saudi Arabi, and I still stand by my point that it’s just outright murder, i don’t give one fuck about your little shitty politics lmfao

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you seem to be pretty mad which is definately a type of caring

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But of someone saved his life by attacking the murderer then the defender would have gotten in big trouble and then maybe the officer would have gone back to finishing his "job" so wtf was even supposed to be done? That man just had the power to end his life because he felt like it.

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I really don't understand why there was any controversy about this. The police were absolutely in the wrong. None of his prior crimes have anything to do with this day.

I get that a lot of people are pro-police and that's fine but if you're so pro-police that yoi ignore the obvious bad ones like Chauvin, then you really need to rethink things. And this isn't just a race issue. There's scumbag cops of all colors that abuse their powers to harass and even kill people of all colors.

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I think this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The controversy had existed for a long time already, BLM originated in 2014 or something. This was just an example of police brutality so egregious and unjustifiable that even people who normally stayed home hit the streets and broke windows for this.

...also it was peak covid and liberals were really looking for any excuse to get out of the house without being seen as morally in the wrong for it, so that really helped.

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FBLM, they took the money and bought houses, spent it all on themselves. They raised over 100 Million during the summer of love. Covid was planned to screw up 2020. I don't understand why people stayed inside, but the mostly peaceful protests came and all the democrats were Burning, Looting, and murdering. Stay 6 feet apart, wear masks- all those hypocrites out that summer. A autopsy show Saint Floyd of Fentanyl, died of Fentanyl. He was in another vide in May 2019, getting stopped by a police officer, as the cop proceeded to talk with Saint Floyd, he witnessed George swallowing a bunch of Fentanyl. Their is a video on this.

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Don't use fake money. Don't take drugs, especially all at once. Don't resist arrest. It's literally that simple

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So it’s the cops fault some piece of shit career criminal overdosed on fentanyl?

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Well that's not what happened. He was killed by asphyxia caused by the cops knees in his neck and back. So yes it is the cops fault. That's why Chauvin lost and is in prison for the next 20 or so years.

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Go try 8 minutes of a grown man kneeling on your neck. Tell me how much it tickled.

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It has been done. Thats not what killed him. He died of an overdose.

Skip to 1:17:00

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Oh ok lol

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LMFAO STEVEN CROWDER? What a non biased, educated, reliable source. Are you 14?

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Hey don’t get me wrong, I think the dude is a complete retard and painfully unfunny. But he does show what you are saying is wrong. The move won’t kill a man, Floyd died of a drug overdose.

You could have at least watched the part of the video I told you to watch and then respond honestly to that. But no. All you can muster is all caps reeing. Like the 14 year old you ironically accuse me of behaving like.

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weird, that’s not what the court decided! Or chauvin’s cellmate/fuckbuddy! but you ate that king

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lmao the sources you people will use to back up your own biases is pretty hilarious. wonder if there are any other news sources of yours that are neutral in telling news stories because if you believe people like Cold Feet Crowder to be “neutral” in telling actual news then you’re just extremely gullible and i feel pretty bad for you in the most genuine caring way possible.

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breathtaking video

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the policeman was wrong! completely lost control of the situation the moment an unnecessary emergency occurs. professionalism was lacking. but at the same time, Floyd was a thug shit. Both sides are wrong, from the police killing him and creating a totally unnecessary situation (which was seen days later also in the United States, a lot of angry people protest) and Floyd, who pointed a gun at a pregnant woman. and he was a fucking thug. the fuck is that there were demonstrations all over the world, even though people knew who George Floyd was. The actions of the police were inhumane, and what this criminal had already done was even more inhumane. well, one less shit in the world, and less 2 other uncontrolled and undisciplined cops on the streets of the United States. that's my point.

Anyway, I believe Karma has come to both sides. Karma knocked on the door of these police officers (who perhaps should have done wrong things) with the right person, who was Floyd's thug (who ended up dying, which he may have already done, which is to have already killed someone innocent)

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I feel bad for people like you from 3rd world countries, pretending like you know what you’re talking about. “Thug”? Aren’t you Brazilian? You people are all thugs

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The biggest bandit here is you, who is defending a bandit. If a guy pointed a gun at the person you love the most, what would you do? oh of course! for those who have 2 neurons, they can think that you would ask the guy where there is a drug dealer to start taking drugs, while his wife would be being murdered. You call us thugs, but the biggest killers in the world are you, who bomb the fucking Middle East with chemical weapons, who were the ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD that dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan killing thousands of innocents, which has several racist organizations and neo-Nazi groups in your country, who do not even respect their own culture, have killed all the Indians that existed, who cannot walk peacefully through the streets of their country because you don't know if the person walking next to you is carrying bombs through your body and could explode at any moment, a country where you can't trust to drop your child off at school or even go to a coffee shop to have your breakfast because a madman with guns can appear shooting at everyone. With all these "qualities", I think being a crook is still profit. Now if we are third world countries, then shame on your face and stop coming to Brazil to spend your "valuable money" and shake your ass at carnival and have sex with gays, you fucking cute twink!

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not reading, also I’m not American but nice try

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as much as you are not, your lack of respect does not justify where you are from or what you do. I also have a veiled hatred for several things, and I don't attack people because of it, because I have the head to understand that that person has nothing to do with what I hate, for example, I hate the government of Emanuel Macron, I hate some French people who tarnish the image of their country, but I don't hate all French people because they are ordinary people, it's not their fault what happens in their country. another funny thing, you're not american right? and he's defending an American bandit. So you're a bootlicker who follows the masses of people, who raises the flag of something that everyone raises and you don't even know why you're doing it. I thought you were an American saying that, but the worst thing is that even if you're not an American, you think as if you were one. this just reinforces that you don't even have the morals to say something also if that's the case. if you disagree with my opinion, act respectfully, fairly and morally, and use your argument to the same degree that I used mine against my thesis. Or are you stupid enough to know how to do this? I don't like to offend people, but unfortunately I'm just the mirror of someone who addresses me in some way

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you got a lot of time on your hands huh?

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tldr brother

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I wonder if he had any fentanyl in his system? 🤔

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Gas was $1.89 RIP

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fuck your politics, this was a murder and you all somehow got fooled into this turning into a black and white political matter, the fact people defend this is insane.

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The fact that people defend a violent career criminal monkey

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bro just say you don’t like black people lmfao why pussyfoot around his criminal records when criminal records are irrelevant when being murdered? 💀

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Not murder. Drug OD.

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