Eyewitness Video of the Death of George Floyd

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The following is an account of what is seen in the video which was filmed by a bystander, and details of his being pronounced dead.

The information was obtained from this wiki page.

(Chauvin, Kueng, Thoa and Lane relate to the 4 police officers mentioned in the text)

Chauvin kneels on Floyd's neck

" While Floyd lay on his chest with his cheek to the ground, Chauvin knelt on his neck. Floyd stopped moving around 8:20, though he was still conscious. Multiple witnesses began to film the encounter, and their videos were circulated widely on the internet. At 8:20, a witness across the street began recording video showing Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck, Kueng applying pressure to Floyd's torso, and Lane applying pressure to Floyd's legs, while Thao stood nearby. This witness stopped filming when one of the officers ordered him to leave. Also at 8:20, a second person, standing near the entrance of Cup Foods, began recording the incident. Floyd can be heard repeatedly saying "I can't breathe", "Please", and "Mama". Lane then asked for an ambulance for Floyd, "for one bleeding from the mouth". Floyd repeated at least 16 times that he could not breathe. At one point a witness said: "You got him down. Let him breathe." After Floyd said, "I'm about to die", Chauvin told him to "relax". An officer asked Floyd, "What do you want?"; Floyd answered, "Please, the knee in my neck, I can't breathe."

At approximately 8:22, the officers called for an ambulance on a non-emergency basis, escalating the call to emergency status a minute later. Chauvin continued to kneel on Floyd's neck. A passerby yelled to Floyd, "Well, get up, get in the car, man", and Floyd, still handcuffed and face down on the pavement, responded, "I can't", while Chauvin's knee remained on his neck. Floyd said, "My stomach hurts, my neck hurts, everything hurts", requested water, and begged, "Don't kill me." One witness pointed out that Floyd was bleeding from the nose. Another told the officers that Floyd was "not even resisting arrest right now". Thao countered that Floyd was "talking, he's fine"; a witness replied that Floyd "ain't fine ... Get him off the ground ... You could have put him in the car by now. He's not resisting arrest or nothing. You're enjoying it. Look at you. Your body language explains it." As Floyd continued to cry for help, Thao said to witnesses: "This is why you don't do drugs, kids."

By 8:25, Floyd appeared unconscious, and bystanders confronted the officers about Floyd's condition. Chauvin pulled out mace to keep bystanders away as Thao moved between them and Chauvin. Bystanders repeatedly yelled that Floyd was "not responsive right now" and urged the officers to check his pulse. Kueng checked Floyd's wrist but found no pulse; the officers did not attempt to provide Floyd with medical assistance while he was on the ground. According to the criminal complaint against Chauvin, Lane asked Chauvin twice if they should move Floyd onto his side, and Chauvin said no.

Medical response and death

At 8:27, a Hennepin County ambulance arrived. Shortly thereafter, a young relative of the owner of Cup Foods attempted to intervene, but was pushed back by Thao. Emergency medical technicians checked Floyd's pulse. Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck for almost a minute after the ambulance arrived, despite Floyd being silent and motionless.

Around 8:29, Floyd was lifted by paramedics onto a stretcher, then loaded into an ambulance. Lane boarded the ambulance and checked Floyd's pulse at his neck, and a medic instructed him to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A medical device was placed on Floyd's chest to provide mechanical chest compressions, and the ambulance departed for Hennepin County Medical Center.

En route, the ambulance requested assistance from the Minneapolis Fire Department. At 8:32, firefighters arrived at Cup Foods; according to their report, the police officers gave no clear information regarding Floyd's condition or whereabouts, which delayed their ability to find the ambulance. Meanwhile, the ambulance reported that Floyd was entering cardiac arrest and again requested assistance, asking firefighters to meet them at the corner of 36th Street and Park Avenue. Five minutes later, the fire department reached the ambulance; two fire department medics who boarded the ambulance found Floyd unresponsive and pulseless.

Floyd was pronounced dead at 9:25 at the Hennepin County Medical Center emergency room."

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This is just outright murder no matter your political views you can’t even disagree on that fact, and i honestly don’t think politics matter when watching this video.

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I think it looks worse when they don't include the part of him resisting arrest for several minutes and also screaming he can't breathe/don't kill him before he was in the knee hold or on the ground. Guys may have genuinely believed he was being melodramatic to continue to resist

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Exactly - also CNN and friends marketed THIS version as "the full video". They also completely neglected to mention that autopsy results show no bruising or damage to the neck and that he had a fatal level of drugs in his system, The reason he couldn't breathe was because he had just overdosed to try avoid a felony posession arrest. The cop couldn't just "let him go" either, driving intoxicated would have killed someone else, AND I also read that the people in the car with him were partially responsible for either calling the cops or telling them they were concerned about his behaviour - although I haven't verified that.

Doesn't absolve the cop for kneeling on his neck for so long but the riots and further loss of life perpetuated by the media were not remotely justified, there's a significant chance he would have died regardless.

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It means they didn't know he was being killed...

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True but it's important to remember what police officers go through and what they are taught, they are all trauma victims, that's why they do what they do.

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not to be that guy but being a police officer doesn’t even crack the top 10 dangerous jobs in America. people who chop and chainsaw trees down are at risk of being in the most dangerous job if I’m not mistaken. don’t get me wrong, police are obviously humans, but don’t feel too bad for them when they have police unions who will protect them 90-99% of the time and still pay them whenever they do something like say shooting unarmed citizens.

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Ok but trees are predictable, lumberjacks know what they are doing and what could happen. A police officer once got shot all of a sudden when they thought they were saving a dying baby. A lumberjack doesn't have a random tree once in a while pull out their own chainsaw. Different issue man, you know nothing about psychology if you think extrema jobs have the same affect on the kind as unpredictable ones like policing

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no trees are not predictable, otherwise it wouldn’t be the most dangerous job. i understand mentally law enforcement officers might be more severe but law enforcement officers aren’t living in a country where they’re being mass murdered. police departments are still one of the most overfunded places in America when we could easily put that money towards more infrastructure, housing, education, medical care, etc. instead of police departments where they’re not solving the root problems of crime. it’s like putting a band-aid on an amputated limb.

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Well it should be, otherwise the academy is just withholding important information from their officers.

Also, stop writing such fuck shit on some of your posts. You're way too edgy sometimes.

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There is always one piece of Shit that i come across everyday on here and you are it!

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Actually I would agree with the other guy up until the point where Floyd became unresponsive. Like ok, you think the guy is faking it because he's been screaming the same thing even before you did anything. But then he goes completely quiet and unresponsive and you still just sit there?

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No, but it gives vital information to bust the whole "George Floyd, he a good boi, he dindu nuffin! Da evil copz be kneeling over him fo nuffin! Much evil wypipo" narrative

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it sounds like you’re still excusing the murder because “Floyd wasn’t a good guy” but that’s why the justice system exists. not always fair but it’s why it exists so people who have committed crimes can be reformed and be productive members of society. he did his time for his past crimes so to ask a question: do you think people who have had past crimes deserve to die by government entities sworn to protect its citizens and the community. i can send you a few paragraphs about the code of ethics law enforcement officers have to take when doing this job if you would like to be more informed about this?

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2 things can be true at once.

this was absolutely murder, i dont see the point of keeping ur knee there for such a long time on a handcuffed dude.

it can also be true that the dude was a piece of shit who pulled a gun on a pregnant woman among a fuckton of things.

so protending like oh this poor soul got murdered im like no, a piece of shit got murdered.

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I never once said he was a “poor soul” and I never ignored what he did, but what they did was absolutely wrong and they definitely didn’t follow protocol. I’m just saying what I see is objective

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not murder. this was not planned out. manslaughter. and yes, George Floyd was a huge piece of shit

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He was a 100 kg basketball american high as a kite. There is a video on this site where a drugged man is repeatedly shot and still moves towards the policeman. So the knee was justified imo

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lmao well no, those two things can’t be true at once.

you either believe in the fact that once you’ve paid for your crimes, ex: spending your life in facilities that are for reforming people to make up for laws that you’ve broke. or the murder is excusable because he had a record of other past crimes.

the history of anyone’s crimes are completely irrelevant when you’re dead, especially by the hands of law enforcement lmfao.

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So what?? If a child predator doesn’t get a death sentence then why tf should a fraud be one? You’re a moron. That bitch ass cop was prob your dad.

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No, this dude overdosed on fentanyl lmao

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When a murder is carried out on an untried, non-violent and subdued civilian by state security forces, I don't see how you can argue that politics don't matter in this situation.

If this happened in Saudi Arabia, nobody would even think to say "politics don't matter when watching this"

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And no one gives a shit about your “ifs” - This didn’t take place in Saudi Arabi, and I still stand by my point that it’s just outright murder, i don’t give one fuck about your little shitty politics lmfao

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you seem to be pretty mad which is definately a type of caring

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But of someone saved his life by attacking the murderer then the defender would have gotten in big trouble and then maybe the officer would have gone back to finishing his "job" so wtf was even supposed to be done? That man just had the power to end his life because he felt like it.

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