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Does any one have the video of that streamer with black or brown hair getting punched by her bf for not turning down her music or some shit?

Gimme video

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I am more interested in a video of her stabbing him in the neck while he sleeps for hitting her for having her music too high.

More women need to get violent. Remember, ladies, no matter how big and strong he thinks he is, he will bleed to death if you bite his cock off, literally. And he'l be a bit busy dealing with it to worry about you or the knife sliding in his back or neck.

Course, the easy not larpy path is actually just a sharp thing in his neck while he sleeps. Fast and deep.

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& i wish i had a unicorn 🦄

Welcome to reality 🤜🙍🏻‍♀️😵

Happy dreaming bitch😂👍

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Oh, I agree. I am telling women to do it NOW. Kill your partner if they are abusive. Its literally self defense. Youl get out in a few years. They won't.

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I also eager to see that 🤔

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Because the community got taken over by them.

The gaming community is as close you get to a white supremacists eithout going to a white supremacist rally And kids play games. The future is fucked in ways I don't think people realize, if you think these days are bad, oh boy wait untill the 12 year olds who have grown up around people saying the N word constantly become adults. Yeah...

Basically gaming has legitamatley been a fucking horrible plauge on the world and has been a massive cause of the recent rise of racism.

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