showing of their cuts and what seems to be a muscle tendon ( not oc )

I don't know if this a repost or not. I haven't seen it in here atleast.

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it looks like fascia which the tendons are likely underneath, i don't think this was to muscle but it looks like superficial fasica might've been cut right above the deep fascia which can be seen at 0:11. i cant tell if it's to muscle or not but it looks too pale to be muscle

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also it really fascinates me how the first cut isn't bleeding. has that ever happened to you? and why does it happen?

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im not entirely sure but it's likely you hit a spot with less blood vessles. it happens to me as well

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the first cut just looks so clean. it's so pleasing to look at. how you can see everything so clearly

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when you say it like that, it makes much more sense. honestly thought she went thru the fascia already. but now that I look at it more clearly, I think you're right.

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it's definitely hard to tell if you aren't fully sure what you're looking at

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well thank you for answers blep! wish you a speedy recovery, I saw the progress on telegram. seems to be healing nicely!

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no prob! and yes, all seems to be very well so far

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