
EFFORTPOST Anorexia Nervosa (Info + Image Dump at End)


What is Anorexia? In order to understand anorexia, we have to understand what an eating disorder is. An eating disorder is usually a behavior condition in which there is a severe and persistent disturbance in normal eating behaviors, and usually associated with distressing thoughts and emotions. Anorexia falls under the class of an eating disorder, and is generally characterized by the loss or denial of appetite and food. Some other types of eating disorders include: bulimia, consisting of binge eating and then either throwing up or starving to get rid of the calories, and binge eating disorder, in which people usually tend to eat large amounts of food in short periods, commonly when stressed, and feel like they can't stop. People with anorexia will usually struggle with an intense fear of weight gain, an unhealthy and low weight, extreme restrictions when it comes to food, obsession with food and calories, and distorted perception of their weight (usually consisting of false beliefs that they are above the weight that they actually are).

How to spot anorexia: Those who suffer with anorexia usually have very restrictive eating patterns, and these often tend to include: eating in private and never around others, refusing to eat meals with others, repeatedly checking their weight, talking about their weight and generally obsessing over it. They may also loose a large amount of weight rather quickly, obsess with excessive and have a strict work out routine, and refuse to eat certain foods like meat, dairy, or sugary foods. Anorexics may also have repetitive food behaviors, like mashing food, chewing way too much, or just moving the food around the plate rather than eating it. They may also tend to drink large amounts of water, right before meals in an attempt to feel too full to eat*.

What effects does anorexia have on the body? Anorexia has many effects on the human body, as the nutrients from foods are vital to it for everything. Some effects are short term, and some are long term. The short term effects of anorexia can begin the first time you decide to starve, and when regular restriction starts, the body has no choice but the adjust, even going as far as to go into ‘starvation mode' if it has to. This means that since no nutrients are being provided to the body, they have to be taken from elsewhere within it. This often includes breaking down muscle mass or pulling the nutrients from the bodies bones. To help this change to the body, the brain releases hormones that over long periods could negatively affect the bodies overall health. After a long exposure, the effects of anorexia can became chronic and fatal. Some short term effects of anorexia include:

    1. Weight loss: the most visible and common sign to those who have anorexia. In order for people to fit the criteria to be diagnosed with anorexia, they must have a body weight of 85% or less than the normal person of their stature. The drastic weight loss comes from the restriction of vital nutrients for the body and the taking of the nutrients from elsewhere.
    1. Hair loss: hair is made of primary proteins, and protein is used by the body for many of its regular functions. When in starvation mode, the body must redirect nutrients to more important parts of the body, meaning that the hair is no longer receiving these nutrients.
    1. Loss of periods: the endocrine system is usually thrown into chaos during the body going into starvation, and due to the inadequate function of this system, periods are usually completely lost for those with anorexia, making reproduction hard.
    1. Anemia: when starving, your body already lacks most vital nutrients from food. One of these important nutrients we need is iron, which many with anorexia don't have enough of. This lack of iron can lead to weakness, fatigue, and irregular heartbeat. Those with anorexia may bruise easier than others, and take even longer to heal than a healthy person. Nearly 17% of all anorexics suffer with anemia as well.

The long term effects of anorexia can be deadly. Usually the longer a person suffers from anorexia, the more damage is done to the body and the longer the healing process becomes. Some longer term effects of those suffering with anorexia can include:

    1. Heart damage: due to anorexia affecting almost every muscle in the human body, it's unsurprising the heart is also affected. Without the proper nutrients for the body, the heart becomes more vulnerable to heart failure, disease, and arrhythmia. Due to the lack of nutrients, the heart is forced to work harder, which can cause tears and lead to cardiac arrest.
    1. Blood pressure issues: since the heart is unable to beat as it should, topped with malnutrition, low blood pressure may become an issue for those with anorexia.
    1. neurological problems: the bodies nervous system, of course, relies on the vital nutrients from foods, which the act of starving affects negatively. This can often cause nerve pain, muscle weakness, headaches, fainting, seizures, and movement issues for those with anorexia.

while most issues associated with anorexia are reversible with proper care, in severe cases, transition should be done under guidance of a professional.

What causes anorexia? Anorexia is usually caused by underlying triggers or possible genetic components. People who have experienced trauma in their lives, especially in childhood, are more at risk of developing anorexia in their lifetimes. Social causes also contribute to the development of anorexia when people feel like a failure to fit into today's society and beauty standards. Peer pressure and social media are big contributors to unrealistic body goals and beauty standards for the population, especially the younger ones. Other factors can often include those who tend to have a perfectionist personality, low self esteem, or jobs and hobbies centered around the important of weight, like modeling*.


  • 9% of Americans will have an eating disorder in their life

  • Every 52 minutes, one dies from direct consequences of anorexia

  • 22% of the population worldwide showed disordered eating

  • Eating disorders have the second highest mortality rate, behind opiate addiction

  • Less than 6% of people with eating disorders are considered medically underweight

  • 15% of woman will have an eating disorder by age 40 and only 27% will receive any help

  • People with eating disorders are 11 times more likely to attempt suicide

  • 70% of those with eating disorders have other issues, commonly anxiety

  • By age 14, 60-70% of females are trying to lose weight

  • Men make up 25% of those with eating disorders

  • Only 20% of adults with eating disorders ever seek help


If you or someone you know is currently struggling with an eating disorder, please don't be scared to reach out for help. It does get better, and there is help available. You are not a lost cause. You are perfect. Please DO NOT scroll if you are sensitive to or cannot handle photos of ‘thinspo' as they are nested below. Some free resources are listed below.

♡ National Eating Disorder Associates Helpline: 1-800-931-2237

♡ Hopeline Network: 1-800-442-4673

♡ National Associates of Anorexia Nervosa: 1-630-577-1330

♡ Eating Disorder Hope Website: https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com

♡ ANAD Website: https://anad.org


Disclaimer: All images were found on anorexia based twitter accounts






































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new thinspo just dropped 🥵

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Now someone has to do a post about morbid obesity.


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Anorexia can fall under the category of self harm, it is a mental illness since it involves extremely distorted belief or perception, which anorexic people have totally zero control of.

Obesity on the other hand, arguably is more of a lifestyle than a disorder, not a healthy one at that, which sadly over the last few years has been constantly promoted by the mainstream media as part of 'body acceptance' or 'positivity'.

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Actually over eating and binge eating is a disorder, you can be addicted to food and eat constantly. I eat normal food but when I am super hungry (when I haven't eaten all day or not enough) I binge eat and literally eat everything I can lay my hands on until I feel sick. I hate how people think that fat people don't have a disorder when most of them will, they might not know about it……

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Aa someone who used to 'over-eat' a lot in the past, i tend to disagree with the idea that the act of binge-eating is a disorder on its own.

Contrary to mainstream belief, it simply is not, there is a fine line between disorder and (bad) habit/choice, you always have control over what, when and how much you eat and this is where anorexics become the exception. Disorders in the context of unhealthy eating "habits" only come as negative outcomes of such choices.

Agree to disagree.

Edit : I dont hate fat people who see their eating habits as perfectly normal and intend to stay that way forever. But when they say dumb shit like "Eating moderately or losing weight is a hate crime", then its a different story.

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You're objectively wrong and binge eating is classified as an eating disorder.

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Like any other disordered eating that is a result of bad mental health and not the cause of it, binge eating is caused by a bad mental state and not the cause of it. Over-eating is a loss of control and fits in the same description you gave the other disorders

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Not quite...

Are "Binge-watching" and "Over-sleeping" disorders? No?

Both are activities done without moderation and they fit the description given by people who CLAIM/BELIEVE they somehow 'lose control' of what their bodies are doing.

All these "over-x" are simply poor habits that slowly builds up and deteriorates mental states (poor choice = poor result, common sense) which can get worse to the point of ACTUAL mental issue like "Depression".

In a nutshell, lacks of self-discipline plays major role in this modern problem. Reading articles is good, but the use of reasoning is also important ;)

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You're a fucking retard. Over eating and over sleeping are both the result of your mental state and can indicate deeper psychological issues. Just because you do it doesn't mean it's not a disorder. Poor self control is a result of bad mental health. You're an idiot arguing with emotions just because you want to convince yourself that when you binge ate it was “different”. It wasn't.

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Results of studies support a positive relationship between suicidal behavior, suicide attempts, and obesity.

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obesity named "Body positivity" is abomination of this social movement

real Body positivity is not promoting obesity

but i aslo noticed second part of your comment - "Obesity on the other hand, arguably is more of a lifestyle than a disorder, not a healthy one at that, which sadly over the last few years has been constantly promoted by the mainstream media as part of 'body acceptance' or 'positivity'."

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Some people get anorexia from food poisoning to

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Well yes - anorexia is just the medical term for someone who isnt eating

Anorexia nervosa is the mental illness and while it can be triggered by a lot of things, to say you get AN from food poisoning is a bit of on over simplification

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This example is just a big fat, but it is not morbid obesity, morbid obesity is the level of not being able to stand, 300kg type shi

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no i cant 😭😭😭💀💀😂

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I feel like hugging them, but I don't want to turn them into dust in the process.

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em ribs be making foul noises

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Gotta quote a comment i just saw on here https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17107854613667834.webp

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Anorexia seems scary as fuck :(

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It is. And it's hard to get out of as well. You keep telling yourself it isn't enough, everything you eat, you're extra wary of. You think of yourself as "tainted" or "dirty". I'm a survivor of this, and lemme tell you, it's not worth it. The one thing that keeps me from diving back in is my fiance. He loves cooking, and it's reignited my love for cooking and for food as well. We explore each other's cultures via food and different dishes. I try and make my food accessible for him (he has dietary restrictions) while also showing him my culture, and he makes sure to do the same for me.

Its terrifying, what a disease that essentially lives in your head does to your body. I hope the people pictured here got some help and have good support systems. And if anyone else is struggling, it does get better. Just need to reach out. ❤️

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im so proud of you. reading what you wrote about your fiance and how you turned eating from something shameful into something you enjoy bonding over put a big smile on my face. i wish you the absolute best <3


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i farted reading this

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Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Seeing your comment makes me realize I might be on the verge or anorexia nervosa too, that description feels very accurate to how I feel. I want to be so much thinner than I am, I only eat once a day, I feel guilty whenever I eat or whenever I'm hungry. I feel so shameful when it happens it gives me nausea.

Now I don't think I could ever get to the point of the girls in the photos because even for me that's way too skinny, but I remember when I weighed 42kg and I desperately wanted to get to 40, maybe even lower. Now I'm at 45 (I'm 1.55m tall btw, me smoll) and I wish I could go back to 42 but now that my boyfriend lives here and cooks almost every day I can't skip / greatly shrink my meal anymore.

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I'm glad that you have that support system and you're coming out of it!! I hope your bf knows how lucky you are to have him, he sounds like an angel <3 It's gonna be hard, and recovery isn't going to be linear, but you're doing amazing, I guarantee it. And if you need help, always always always reach out. You're doing so good, hon. Much love n healing to you!!!

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How do all the intestines and organs fit inside such a flat, small space?

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and to think that there are pages on internet that encourages people with their ED...... unbelieveble

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I honestly saw soooo damn many pro anorexia accounts while finding those photos it was sad

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and theres nothing we can do about it. I reported lots of then and theyre still on air

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I participated in a lot of ED and pro-ana groups when I was younger. They were often based around solidarity and supporting each other through life's challenges. Forming friendships rather than just pushing each other to lose as much weight as possible. We'd share daily food pictures, body-checks, and journal entries. Sure, sometimes it could get toxic and competitive (usually specific individuals), but I have mixed feelings. Ultimately, we were all struggling, hurt people that found connections.

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Unfortunately, 99% of the accounts I came across with this study, consisted of pro anorexia and the encouragement of weight loss, becoming thin, and supported others in the community to do the same. I know this isn't always the case, and a lot of accounts aren't supportive and more so to vent, but the sad truth is a vast majority are pro anorexia / ED, even when stating they are not.

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Can't disagree with that. The groups and forums I used had people will all types of bodies and forms of ED. Most people weren't as thin as the ones pictured here (sometimes the opposite if it was BED), but it's the mentality that's the issue. "All or nothing" is too rigid a goal; finding a healthy balance with diet and exercise will always be an ongoing pursuit. Perfection is impossible.

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For me 99% of the accounts rn are pro recovery but anti recovery for themselves yk, obviously they are supporting each others in the weightloss cuz its a disorder but shen somebody says theyre going into recovery, theyre are happy for them and saying theyre proud, and hardly any are fatphobic

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nobody treats any desease by putting the sickos together and letting em be., even AA has professsional people helping em. Its wrong. In the first sentence you showed why it must end, PRO-ANA.

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Yes, I wouldn't call it a "recovery" space. A lot of people congratulated each other on recovering and wanting to leave the group (to maintain their progress and peace of mind), but it was more about current acceptance. I certainly don't mean to advocate for it.

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halloween is over.

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Very funny making a joke about an eating disorder 😐

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No way you said this after talking shit about an infant who got her brain splattered on the walls lol

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Womp womp

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This you, pumpkin?


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Absolutely Nooooooone:

My deranged brain: Oh look, their butts are missing.

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No one or none. Nooooooone isnt a word

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Fixed it:marseyokay:

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their lore


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If they smoke weed, they would get the munchies

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Womp womp just eat

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Tħαиκš føя чøυя ωøяκš łøνe.

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I do it all for you :marseyrosepink: :marseygeisha:

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I had anorexia when i was in the age of 4-11

Pretty much was the same as the pics :goodnightretard:

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Telling my kids this is Bone thugs & harmony

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Bro that's smooth

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Thx fren, its a custom gundam idea ive been working on for awhile now

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Its a WIP don't judge too hard ;D

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Spooky scary skeleton

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one day I'll get better

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That day starts TODAY PIMP ! NOW CHUG A BOTTLE OF GLUCOSE , DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 20! :marseyvietnam:

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Thats disgusting

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that's a disorder

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"I can still fit into the dress I wore at my baptism."

They'd better be careful or they might breathe in some fog and gain weight.

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what's attractive about this

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twitter calls this "deathspo" or "thinspo" if they're really fat, they use this horrifying image as body dysmorphia, basically they're all retards who are self conscious about how thin they are

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