Buffalo Mass Shooting full livestream video

6:05 is when the action starts.

A couple fun facts about this video:

  • At 3:47 you can see him pull up Martha Speaks furry porn on his phone. As if this wasn't embarrassing enough for a self-proclaimed Nazi, the artist who drew it is black.

  • He decorated his AR-15 with such tasteful phrases as "Tarrant", "SygaOwn", "mogged" and "BIPOC". Have a look for yourself!



Oh and if you want to read his manifesto, it's here: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/4erruo9.pdf

Be warned though, it's shockingly boring. It's full of /pol/ infographics, gun talk, and he also literally just copy/pastes from Tarrant's manifesto in some parts. Little originality from this fellow.

And here's a slightly lower-quality but longer video, courtesy of @sdsdsdsdsdsd (13 minutes, the additional 6 minutes are the driving part so you're not really missing anything):

(Clarification: there's "more" of this video out there compared to these vids so it's technically not the full video, but it's never been posted anywhere, so you can't see it.)

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He shot a lighter-skinned woman in the beginning outside he shot a couple lighter skinned is he thinking they're automatically Hispanic? Because that's not accurate there's plenty of lighter skinned people with dark hair. He sees that guy crouched at the end and says sorry! And Spares him so he was basing this off of looks alone? I would like to know the story of the guy in the red shirt he spared... he may have talked to him earlier that day since he did Scout the location. The criminal psychology of it all and these people's outrageous egos and validations that are somewhat contradictory are quite baffling.

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