May your soul and spirit rest in heaven, massive respect for this former prime minister and great leader.

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They didn't even know what the sound was at first, if it was in the US everyone would have been running immediately after the first shot

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Its hilarious when gun people say that guns aren’t the problem. Ok so we’re the only non-third world country that has daily mass shootings and coincidentally we’re also the only one with pretty much unrestricted gun ownership laws. Wow, now that is strange.

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America has a mental health problem disguised as a gun issue

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We have both. Mental health is sorely neglected, underfunded, and thrown aside by our government, primarily those who are right wing. Guns are easily accessible, more affordable these days, and easily traffickable across state lines. It really doesn't help gun owners, republicans, and the NRA that majority of these shootings take place with a legally owned, registered firearms. Doesn't help that the right spreads insanity top to bottom, and entices violence. Tucker Carlson, Steven Crowder, Fox news as a whole push a rhetoric of violence. They push lies. Conspiracy. Delusions. There's plenty of variables that go into what's causing these shootings, but above all else, the common link in all mass shootings isnt mental health or political leaning, it's access to firearms that can cause tragedy. Guns are the source of gun violence. If americans can't play with their toys in a safe manner, they should taken. The 2A is a stupid fucking argument too considering "well regulated milita" is consistently ignored.

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Only country in the world with more guns than people but people blame a lack of guns by good guys and unlocked doors for gun violence. 🤦‍♂️ I don't care if you want to own a gun but denying the statistical reality of American gun violence is simply stupid and called denial.

Also your 9mm is doing jack shit to anyone who ambushes you with an assault weapon.

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remove the weapons, perpetuate the illnesses, enjoy the chaos

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Then address the mental health problem instead of using it as you get out of jail free card.

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Yea that makes sense. So I guess mental health issues are exclusive to America, right? Mental health problems don’t exist at all over in Europe or Asia or Australia? The Chinese communist party, you don’t think that leaves anyone feeling a bit blue now and again? You think the Chinese are quick to step in and help you if god forbid you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps?? If you think that any these Euro countries have programs to quickly assist and not let people fall through the cracks, let me assure you, they do not.

So All of those billions of people are all just happy and mentally stable huh? Wow, now that is TRULY amazing! What the hell are any of us doing living here then!?

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we have a lot more than Americans, I don't really care about American politics or gun legislation But the top 6 countries with the best mental health programs are all European (

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japan: 1 gun, 1 dead PM

usa: 300,000,000 guns, no dead politicians recently

we need to do better

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Oh I forgot about the mental health argument. Apparently nobody in Europe, Asia or Australia or anywhere else in the world has any mental health problems whatsoever, but god forbid they do then their government is quick to intervene before it’s too late with state programs so they never have to feel alone. 👌🏼

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Its even more funny that you think a gun will go off without someone touching it.

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And he did it with a homemade shotgun fucking nuts..

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I often wonder how fucked shit will get when people realize just how simple guns really are..

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luckily homemade guns are very illegal, and usually inefficient beyond a few rounds. Definitely not weapons of war. A knife would be as effective against just about anyone other than a celebrity, politician, executive, or any other rich person with a security detail. Guns like this are particularly effective in places like Japan, as people do not expect gun violence.

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The legend didn't even flinch after the first round went off

I am not Japanese, but as an outsider I really don't know of anything that would make someone want to kill him

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He was a war crime denier (the crimes denied make it tantamount to holocaust denial), started a trade war with Korea, tried to "reform" the education system by changing the way history was taught and expanded state powers.

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Apparently he was friends with Putin but idk anything about his recent relation ship or if he spoke out against or for Putin since the war or anything like that

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The first shot struck him in the neck, the second shot was the fatal one, it pierced his heart. Many victims of gunshots report that they didn't notice that they got shot until they saw the blood. So he probably didn't feel the first shot but when his heart got struck his body collapsed.

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Big rip to the homie.

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Did the motherfucker use a cannon or something?

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It was a homemade double barreled shotgun

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And you could see the bullet impact too...

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Wow, what happened

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He was the longest running president from the Japanese LDP and was assassinated today. Seems like he's held in high regard by many but this is the first time I've heard of the dude personally.

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I just learn about this news here, this site is good

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A lot more than death happens on the news

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I'm not super familiar with Japanese politics but I studied Japanese in university so at the time I was vaguely tuned into Japanese media stories, the main controversies with him that I've heard is when he has prayed at war shrines that had names of war criminals (but other people as well) and China and South Korea were upset at that.

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Ironic he got shot in the heart and his name is shinzo which means heart in Japanese

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Down with that fascist, many more to go

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he was the one distributing not 1 but 2 masks to the japanese people during the coronavirus pandemic. he made sure that the japanese are well protected and getting back to work through distribution of masks. he was a legend and my condolences goes out to his family, RIP.

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Check out the two guys jumping in front of him after the second shot and the one holds up his little bag as a shield.

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Good to see abe in here! Oh what? Dead? 🤷‍♂️

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OOOOOh! Good job! I'm sure your country will improve immediately!

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Why isn't anyone talking about this bro trying to block shots with a briefcase?


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Based Briefcase

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Idolize the murderer, die by the murderer

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I've seen this video before

is there no other video?

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Eh? Eh eh eh? EHHH??!!

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The Japanese "gun" is made out of tubes and lead bullet and matches head powered i think idk

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Love when awful people die. The gunman is a damn hero.

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the racist Americans in this comment section make me want to commit crimes. but luckily none of the racists on this site ever contribute any content so I can just block them and enjoy my life <3

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the racist Americans in this comment section make me want to commit crimes.

Which crimes, bro?


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Bye fascist

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Damn. Best video I’ve seen so far. It’s crazy how much time the shooter takes between shots. Perhaps if Japanese people were allowed to keep and bear arms and had a culture of gun ownership and usage he would have realized he was in serious trouble and had to bail.

Gun control didn’t stop the shooter either. The gun was homemade 😂

Exhibit 2377 for why gun control is dumb.

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More weapons = more dead. That's the only truth.


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That actually just shows where people live. Middle America is not very densely populated, but there are more guns in the middle area than in California, for example, but California has a ton more shootings.

Your image is further evidence that gun control doesn’t work. If it did, you wouldn’t see so many data points in places like California, New York and Illinois.

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Gun control is a necessity; all out ban is, of course, the best option.

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You guys quoting Hitler and Stalin again?

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sEe GuYs GuN cOnTrOl DoEsN't WoRk !!~!!!

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It clearly didn’t here, did it? 😂

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are you dumb

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One reason exists for gun control.

Use disarmament to cause a power imbalance between the state and the populace.

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