May your soul and spirit rest in heaven, massive respect for this former prime minister and great leader.

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Damn. Best video I’ve seen so far. It’s crazy how much time the shooter takes between shots. Perhaps if Japanese people were allowed to keep and bear arms and had a culture of gun ownership and usage he would have realized he was in serious trouble and had to bail.

Gun control didn’t stop the shooter either. The gun was homemade 😂

Exhibit 2377 for why gun control is dumb.

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Nice, now do how many murders and suicides they had per capita 😂

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  1. About half of all gun deaths in the US are suicides.

  2. Once you go through the remaining deaths most of them are justifiable homicides (defensive shootings or shootings that were found to be justified, cops shooting criminals etc).

  3. The vast majority of actual malicious murders with firearms are taking place in democrat controlled areas with strict gun control laws.

  4. Gun laws can’t stop people from killing themselves (see Japan) or stop criminals from getting them (see Mexico and Democrat-run states).

You are not really concerned about preventing deaths, you just want the state to control guns. You are what the soviets referred to as a “useful idiot”.

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Gun laws absolutely reduce suicide success rates, and the fact that half of gun deaths are suicides is strong evidence for gun control.

The legal & prevalent nature of alcohol & guns leads to way more successful suicides than would otherwise be the case (yes, ban alcohol too for all I care, it’s a shitty drug).

Older white men suffer an astonishingly high suicide rate, and are almost always successful when they attempt because they almost always use a gun.

I’m not foolish enough to argue with someone as obviously disingenuous as you, but I had to set things straight for other readers who may pass by.

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Then why does Japan have such high suicide rates? Gun control clearly has no impact on the rate of suicide.

You are also calling for banning alcohol, which was already tried and it was a catastrophic failure.

You are just an authoritarian who wants to control other people’s lives and give more power to the state. Go be a fascist somewhere else. Go back to Reddit and mingle with your kind.

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Of course more homicides happen in urban areas because most of the country’s population reside in or around a city. It’s the same reason why Donald Trump so badly lost the popular vote to both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and yet still won the election.

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A great reminder that the electoral college is one of the most genius moves by the American founders. Without it America would be run by California and New York pretty much. It’s a genius way to provide representation and ensure power remains relatively decentralized.

Mexico has a nearly identical Republican system of government but they don’t have an electoral college. As a result all political power is concentrated in Mexico City.

But yeah, you are wrong about that. The number of crimes and murders involving weapons in democrat run cities is far is not just a factor of larger, denser population. You see far fewer instances of such cases in similar population sizes and densities where the right to protect yourself with a firearm is protected.

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Again, you are just regurgitating a Marjorie Taylor Greene, boneheaded, long since debunked talking point that has no validity whatsoever. If you look above, I cited Newsweek when I said that the states with the highest firearm murder rates are (in order) 1. Louisiana 2. Florida 3. Missouri 4. South Carolina 5. Alabama 6. Tennessee

Notice a common denominator there? Well if you’re slow, I’ll tell you, they are all Republican controlled states. Sure, New Orleans might get a democrat mayor, but he can’t go anything about guns with republicans in charge.

And PS- “Similar population sizes and densities?” I want to know what make believe city exists in bumble fuck Alabama or wherever it is your from that rivals the size of New York City, Chicago or Los Angeles.

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“I cited Newsweek” 😂

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"I like that the 'woke' people aren't properly represented in our democracy! I like that our democracy is kinda broken because it benefits me. ☺"

What a dumb take to have

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That’s not my take but ok dude 😂

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Exactly the point. Asian men commit 1/1000th of the violence rate black men do in usa.

Think about that.

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They killed the fucking president. Happened once my ass.

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How many nigers in japan?


Take out black violence .

Stop counting suicides as gun violence .

And usa gun violence rate is on par with disarmed populations.

A fact you can't cope with.

Nor can you cope with knowing that your government seeks to harm you. That you believe lies

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More weapons = more dead. That's the only truth.


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That actually just shows where people live. Middle America is not very densely populated, but there are more guns in the middle area than in California, for example, but California has a ton more shootings.

Your image is further evidence that gun control doesn’t work. If it did, you wouldn’t see so many data points in places like California, New York and Illinois.

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Gun control is a necessity; all out ban is, of course, the best option.

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You guys quoting Hitler and Stalin again?

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sEe GuYs GuN cOnTrOl DoEsN't WoRk !!~!!!

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It clearly didn’t here, did it? 😂

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are you dumb

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One reason exists for gun control.

Use disarmament to cause a power imbalance between the state and the populace.

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