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Do we know if he was convicted?

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There have been no criminal charges or arrests in this case.

No charges will be filed


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Thank you, Sir!

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Came in to say that. That’s 100% correct. God bless America 🇺🇸🫡

As a general rule of thumb, if you are on someone else’s property and they tell you leave, whether it’s a business or a private residence, leave.

He not only refused to leave but started threatening the property owner and tussling with him after he got his gun.

Dude died unnecessarily, over something really, really stupid. Glad that the laws in America, and particularly in states like Texas, are based on reason, humanist enlightenment principles and human rights.

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This is a foreign concept to me. But I guess the idea is that it’s your property, you tell people to leave.

This isn’t some random man, coming and starting a fight, it was a father looking for his kid.

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It doesn’t give you the right to enter someone else’s property and stay there when they tell you to leave.

That’s when you go the legal route instead of getting shot in the fucking chest.

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This is unfortunately the correct answer.

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No, he was using the kid as an excuse to get in that dude's face. He could have called the police and they'd get his kid back. But this guy clearly had an ego/anger issue. He's waaaaaaay too comfortable being that out of control with a loaded gun pointed at him.

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This is an interesting point.

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It really doesn’t matter if the guy was a stranger or not. The situation had clearly escalated to screams and threats. Even if the guy who got shot was his child or a family member the principles would be the same.

Perhaps it’s because I carry a gun on me at all times and I teach this shit, but this makes a ton of sense to me. If things are escalating and quickly approaching violence, and if there’s a tool of deadly force around, whether in your hands or the hands of another, you disengage.

I respect people’s property, and if they ask me to leave I leave, no matter how I feel about their decision. I try to avoid violent altercations. This whole thing strikes me as super dumb and completely avoidable.

I’m sympathetic to the guy, this is about his kid. But his kid is not better off with him dead, his kid is worse off now, and it could have been avoided if he didn’t threaten a guy with a gun after he told him clearly to leave his property.

He had other avenues to dispute and resolve this without fighting some armed guy on his property.

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This 10,000%.

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Can you imagine what impact this video would have had in court if he showed how the step dad pulled a gun on him when he was trying to see his kid?

Imagine if he had retreated and tried to use the footage against him and the mom in court. He could have gained custody of the kid easily, or at least have a fighting chance. Like I already said, I’m sympathetic to the dad and I think this was a needless death.

But the second the dude escalated the issue once he was asked to leave (which was legally binding at that point) and continued to threaten and escalate the issue after a gun was drawn he went well beyond the realm of what is acceptable, reasonable and smart. He was in full retard territory and he is the main reason his son is now an orphan.

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Another day, another opportunity to tout your pro gun stupidity, huh. Seems the only way youll shut the fuck up about them is if youre taken out by one whether its yourself or another. One could hope.

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I noticed you didn’t actually refute anything I said.

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Actuallyyyyyy if would have only fucked him in a custody case. The video shows him getting violent and attempting to grab the gun. If you are on someone else's property and you are told to leave and you don't the home owner has all rights to defend their home. The father would have looked like a fool to the judge and been told that he should have handled it in court.

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What I am trying to say is that if he had not gotten violent or attempted to grab the gun he would have solid footage he could use against the property owner and his former wife.

Instead, the guy decided to “keep it real” and now his kid is an orphan.

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Yeah, but that doesn't mean the shotgun guy didn't commit a crime here. I still think they should try to charge him.

Edit: Just checked the thread and apparently you're allowed to use lethal force in this situation in Texas. So yeah, I was wrong.

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Thanks for being intellectually honest. Few people openly admit errors like that. Award coming for the sincerity.

Ps: that’s not a shotgun. I’m pretty sure is a Ruger Carbine chambered in 9mm because I own one and it looks and sounds identical.

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I was very torn over all of this, coming from NJ my initial reaction was, yea that guys an idiot thats 100% manslaughter at the very least, you def doing time. Then I remembered this is the real world and lets make sure what the laws are in this state because ive had to learn that the hard way before. Sad to say this was legal and no charges will be filed, morally I think that was an ego battle and guns have absolutely 0 business being involved in your ego, but at the same time regardless of whats right wrong or any grey area in life, you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Flip off a Nazi wearing the star of david in 1944 Germany, get shot. Same premise.

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Im not sad it was legal for a guy to use deadly force to protect himself against someone threatening him and trespassing in his property.

Im sad the dude’s kid is gonna grow up without a father because of the incident, but the fact that the law is the way it is doesn’t bother me at all, I’m actually a big fan of the principle and application of the law.

And yes, while I disagree with the comparison to Nazis -since they were big enemies of rights, specifically property rights- this is a big reminder that getting in the face of someone who is armed on their own property is not going to lead to a good outcome. It’s a stupid move and I also agree it was mostly driven by ego and the fact that both men fucked the same woman.

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Ive googled it and i still cant figure out the difference between a shotgun and a ruger carbine. I know guns like i know cars: i dont at all.

I'm guessing theyre both equally lethal but one has a bigger spread so youre more likely to die from it. Any idea?

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The carbine is a rifle length barrel but shoots standard pistol ammunition. In this case the ruger is chambered in 9mm.

The shotgun can shoot a variety of different shells, from bird shot (small pellets, wide spread and unlikely to kill a human at mid range), to buckshot (larger pellets, narrower spread, likely to kill you) to slugs (a big projectile that takes a pound of your flesh and throws it far away).

The 9mm carbine is significantly less powerful than a shotgun, and is only shooting pistol calibers even though it looks like a scary aSSauLt wEaPoN.

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Castle Law in Texas. Source; am a Texan resident.

Even morally speaking, gun guy did no wrong. The other guy was aggressive and grabbed his gun. That’s a very very very very VERY clear cut “you deserve 2 new holes in you” situation.

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Yeah, I found out a few hours ago. Thanks, though.

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I hope every gun lover gets killed on god

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How do you kill someone on god? 😂

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Well really the main aspect of this shooting that makes it a "legal" shooting so to speak is the fact that you can see in both videos that the man invading on the property tried to take the owner's weapon out of his hand, which gave him authorization to use lethal force. I know every state is different and considering that this is in Texas is probably is acceptable to shoot anyone who comes on your property uninvited but in some states the threshold for lethal force varies and it's not completely acceptable to shoot and ask questions later everywhere which can be very misleading.

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You posted a smart comment, I’m about to give you some coins dude. Yes, everything you said is correct. A non-retard, thank god.

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God doesn’t exist. You’re the retard for believing in one.

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Im an atheist

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Then you make atheists look idiotic with comments like “God bless America” and “Thank God” 🙄, it’s embarrassing. You’re embarrassing.

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Most atheists are commies and embarrass themselves on their own. I don’t really care what they think about anything.

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I say "god bless america" all the time as an atheist, and I usually say it ironically in response to shit like gun violence. What other country has epidemic school shootings and enables the mentally ill to spew conspiracy theories about murdered children for millions in profit?

Often I disagree with public policy, but this idiot was already trespassing when he grabbed at a lethal weapon. You can't expect the law to be on your side while you are breaking the law. Don't be a bitch about a figure of speech

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Atheist here: “thank god” is just an expression, we don’t mean it literally. Just like saying bless you when someone sneezes.

Get fucked and ratio’d retard

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I hope this is not Satire and your actually being serious if so I agree with you so much

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I don’t get why you’re so downvoted…? Every word of your entire comment was absolutely and entirely correct. Castle law and stand your ground in Texas means if someone is on your property, they get violent with you, and refuse to leave, you can fill them with lead with no repercussions. As it should be.

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I have a lot of haters. Most of them are commies/leftists who hate it when people say things that are true.

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when people say things that are true.

What things are you referring to?

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Dunno why you got downvoted for this

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A lot of people hate America, reason, humanist enlightenment and human rights.

A lot of people on here also hate me, so they downvote whatever I say even if they agree.

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I can understand why they hate you now you piece of shit, I thought I was on your side but seeing as you support Russia you can suck a fat one

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I only support America but ok

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Fuck guns.

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Shooter gives off small-dick energy... this shooting is controversial af to me. Yes you can defend your home (especially w/ Texas laws...) but for crying out loud, let the father have his weekend with his son! To me, there was zero reason to shoot let alone bring your rifle out to the porch. If the father wanted to throw fists, then let's go bro!

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It's the wrong state to throw hands with an armed SDE homeowner on his doorstep.

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You're 100% correct, but why bring a rifle outside? Ffs, just let the dad pick up his son and everybody can go about their respective weekends. Custody battles suck enough without actual battles interfering, too. Like i said, controversial shooting enhanced by Texas laws. Just sad, now your 'stepson' lost his real dad and knows exactly who shot him and why. Sounds like a healthy household moving forward. Stupid shoot, in my humble opinion.

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Don't worry, the mom will make up a lie to protect the stepdad so the son never finds out the truth

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Until he does and he starts shooting other kids at his school who do have real fathers. And then probably the cops won't do anything about that either since this is in Texas....

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The stepmom is going to make sure her stepson knows the truth.

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Stepsons are trash anyway

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Stepson spotted.

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Got me

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“Zero reason to shoot”

He grabbed the dudes gun. That’s like the #2 biggest reason in THE ENTIRE WORLD to fucking shoot. How god damn retarded are you??

The only higher reason to shoot is if the other guy had a gun, too.

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I understand your point completely. In fact, if somebody grabs my gun then that will be the last thing they ever grabbed with that hand. I get it. What I'm asking is this: why bring a rifle outside to a father/son custody arrangement? Seems rather extreme and egregious.

Also: What are the odds the son is going to kill his stepdad now?

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iirc the woman habitually refused to let him see his son during his approved custody time.

he just wanted to see his son.

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Yeah but i dont think using a gun would be the best solution to that

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dad isn't the one with the gun...ex-wife's new man killed her son's father and wasn't even charged

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The guy who killed him is also married to a local judge. He’s a total scum bag who killed some man looking for his kid. He doesn’t even care about that man’s kids or the woman he was fucking.

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i may be retarded :marseybrainlet:

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Understandable, but doesn’t change the fact that the was technically trespassing and then got aggressive with an armed man.

His custody issue should have been handled through the legal process, not through a screaming match while trespassing.

While he has my sympathies, I don’t feel sorry for him. He made a stupid decision and chose the worst time and manner to make his objection heard and paid with his life.

His ex’ new man did nothing wrong, and I’m glad Texas objective self-defense laws recognized that.

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I disagree. That man is apart of with holding the man he killed from seeing his son.

In my opinion, the guy in blue shit should have killed the man in cold blood. Taking a man’s child is dramatically worse than trespassing. I’d say the woman and that man should have lost their lives.

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It’s a good thing American laws don’t follow your emotion-driven, subjective reasoning and are based on objective principles 🤷🏻‍♂️

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I think you are the one being emotional here.

Unless you are perfectly okay that someone invite you and your family to his home and proceed to seduce and fuck both your month and sister, and tell you to leave, and when you argue with him he shoot you.

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Damn, you really can’t type. That’s a total mess dude, get help.

I think I understand what you said there though, and yes, if someone invited me to their home and then told me to leave I would for sure leave. I wouldn’t argue with them over it and if they pulled out a gun the chances of me getting in their face would decrease, not increase.

If you are suggesting that the man was entitled to threaten and assault the other guy in his house because he is now fucking his former wife then yes, you are for sure the one using a standard that is completely arbitrary and emotion-driven. You don’t have a right to behave this way in other peoples homes because you are salty your woman left you for them.

Again, I’m glad the laws in Texas are smarter and more objective than you 🤷🏻‍♂️

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wow you just downvote me without reply? I know I should have block edgy kid like you.

You know people like you like to think the guy deserved to be killed because he violated the law, it is because deep down you can't accept how fuck up sometime life is, and by thinking it that way it make you feel safe and warm.|

Yep going to block immature people like you to save me sometime.

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I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about, I’ve replied to every single one of your idiotic comments.

I never said he deserved to get shot because violated the law lol

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99.9% when normal people talk, they talk about what is "right" not only from a law POV but also from a moral POV, practical POV..etc

So if the law in Texas changed so that women should be stoned to death if they stopping her ex-husband to to visit his children, do you still stand by the law 100%?

In practical POV Chad is pretty stupid, but me and the other person is also pointing out the moral issue of the situation, which you seem to pretend not a thing, which is not very wise.

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Let the courts figure it out. Don’t start trying to pull a rifle from an aggravated dude when he’s already told you to get off his property.

Darwin Award winner

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Of course it's stupid to attack someone who has a loaded gun in their hand. on the other hand, I wonder why he fired so quickly.

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Strangest part of this is the woman who came with the guy who got shot had literally 0 reaction to him being killed, wtf hahaha

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Absolutely. I’m surprised more aren’t talking about this

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Like it or not, using deadly force on an intruder in Texas isn’t against the law. Does the shooter display all signs of little man syndrome? Absolutely. Weak ass way to shoot someone, but legal. ‘Murica!

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What signs of little man syndrome does this dude even show?

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I uploaded this one a while back on reddit, caused a lot of mixed reactions and anger.

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"mixed reaction."

I tell you, reddit is the most toxic place in the world.

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Anger on Reddit???

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Based on the details that the killed man was denied by his ex-wife to see his child ILLEGALLY, the main reason behind he being killed is not because of his emotion, but because he is not "vicious "enough (or some may say practical) .

If he really want to get back to his children he should find a way to sue the shit out of his ex wife and her man, instead of going there to "reason" with them, when they are ready to kill him.

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"No charges filed against Kyle in the death of Chad" - Lubbock Texas

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Big brain to come up on someone else's property to threaten them then grab their weapon

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castle doctrine, bitch!

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not his house lol

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What type of absolute retard gets aggressive against someone with a loaded gun? He should've checked his ego but he paid the price.

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just fucking leave his property lol. his too much of a "man" has too much pride got himself killed haha

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The dad there to get his son threatened him with his own shotgun then proceeded to go for the shotgun after her threatened him I see no problem🤷‍♂️

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That’s what he gets for trying to make out with him at the start

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America! Fuck yeah! Grabbin' muh gun cuz I'm a motherfucking wimp yeah! Someone's never been in a fight and it shows.

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I will never understand why people want to have kids. Theres entirely too many humans and they end up ruining your life.

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Could have sworn I saw them kiss

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