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It really doesn’t matter if the guy was a stranger or not. The situation had clearly escalated to screams and threats. Even if the guy who got shot was his child or a family member the principles would be the same.

Perhaps it’s because I carry a gun on me at all times and I teach this shit, but this makes a ton of sense to me. If things are escalating and quickly approaching violence, and if there’s a tool of deadly force around, whether in your hands or the hands of another, you disengage.

I respect people’s property, and if they ask me to leave I leave, no matter how I feel about their decision. I try to avoid violent altercations. This whole thing strikes me as super dumb and completely avoidable.

I’m sympathetic to the guy, this is about his kid. But his kid is not better off with him dead, his kid is worse off now, and it could have been avoided if he didn’t threaten a guy with a gun after he told him clearly to leave his property.

He had other avenues to dispute and resolve this without fighting some armed guy on his property.

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This 10,000%.

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Can you imagine what impact this video would have had in court if he showed how the step dad pulled a gun on him when he was trying to see his kid?

Imagine if he had retreated and tried to use the footage against him and the mom in court. He could have gained custody of the kid easily, or at least have a fighting chance. Like I already said, I’m sympathetic to the dad and I think this was a needless death.

But the second the dude escalated the issue once he was asked to leave (which was legally binding at that point) and continued to threaten and escalate the issue after a gun was drawn he went well beyond the realm of what is acceptable, reasonable and smart. He was in full retard territory and he is the main reason his son is now an orphan.

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Another day, another opportunity to tout your pro gun stupidity, huh. Seems the only way youll shut the fuck up about them is if youre taken out by one whether its yourself or another. One could hope.

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I noticed you didn’t actually refute anything I said.

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Why refute when there's zero change. It's like talking to a brick wall with any and every gun nut.

2A shouldn't protect every random citizens gun ownership considering well regulated militia was the goal, not shooting your fellow dude because you dont have hands. I agree this shoot shouldn't have charges brought since the dude was acting belligerent, and said he'd take the gun and use it on him.

Doesn't deter from the fact you're some clown in anonymity pushing gun culture since it's the only thing you can self identify with.

Doesnt deter from the fact gun laws are a proven concept, with both fool proof evidence, and empirically.

Doesn't change the fact we have the most shooting per capita, most mass shootings, the fact we're an outlier for them alone should be telling.

Doesn't change the fact that guns should be restricted more, laws enforced more, and mental health and poverty need more attention, considering they cause most of them.

I can agree on this being a good shoot. But if nobody had a gun, odds are nobody dies. They duke it out like men and go their separate ways or they talk. There's oh so many variables, yes. But where guns go, death follows.

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Yeah, who’s doing the majority of the shootings? Not White people. White gun violence in America is comparable to gun violence in Norway. There isn’t a gun problem, there is a negro problem.

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Name one black guy outside of christopher dorner that went on a mass killing spree or just an outright large scale attack. I'll wait.

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There was just one in Waukesha on Christmas you fucking moron, how dumb are you?

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Are you joking, or just an idiot? There was one just months ago on a NYC subway. There’s also a long list of black serial killers.

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You don’t understand what you are saying. “A well regulated militia” refers to average citizens. We are the militia, retard. The founders recognized that a free state could only be maintained if the civilian population was armed and ready to fight tyranny like they did against the British.

The amendment doesn’t stop after the second sentence either. You conveniently stop reading before the most important line:

The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.

Individuals have the right to keep and bear arms, not militias, and you don’t even seem to understand what these terms meant at the time this was written.

You don’t know American history. Read a book. The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental human right, and América needs to be praised for being one of the only nations in history to explicitly define and defend this right.

Ps: eat shit commie. You won’t disarm us. We will fight a civil war over it if you continue pushing and we will fucking kill you. Killing tyrants like you is America’s signature move and favorite pastime. Keep fucking around…

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Ah yes the old "we are the militia you dork" retort.

No, shit like the national guard is well regulated militia. You're just some bitch on the internet that deepthroats gun barrels. Along with the rest of the idiots that share the same idealogy. If you live by the sword you will die by the sword.

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I don’t give a shit what you think man. The second amendment and the interpretation im giving you -the correct one- are settled law. The Supreme Court has even confirmed that the second amendment is talking about an individual’s right to keep and bear arm.

The plain text of the amendment is clear. It talks about the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Not some militia. By the way, they had a word for “army” back in the day. Clearly when they said “militia” they were not just talking about a national guard, but armed citizens who were armed and, if needed, could take up arms to defend themselves, their family and their nation.

Get mad all you want. You just make me laugh. You are not going to change anything 😂

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Actuallyyyyyy if would have only fucked him in a custody case. The video shows him getting violent and attempting to grab the gun. If you are on someone else's property and you are told to leave and you don't the home owner has all rights to defend their home. The father would have looked like a fool to the judge and been told that he should have handled it in court.

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What I am trying to say is that if he had not gotten violent or attempted to grab the gun he would have solid footage he could use against the property owner and his former wife.

Instead, the guy decided to “keep it real” and now his kid is an orphan.

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Yeah, but that doesn't mean the shotgun guy didn't commit a crime here. I still think they should try to charge him.

Edit: Just checked the thread and apparently you're allowed to use lethal force in this situation in Texas. So yeah, I was wrong.

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Thanks for being intellectually honest. Few people openly admit errors like that. Award coming for the sincerity.

Ps: that’s not a shotgun. I’m pretty sure is a Ruger Carbine chambered in 9mm because I own one and it looks and sounds identical.

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I was very torn over all of this, coming from NJ my initial reaction was, yea that guys an idiot thats 100% manslaughter at the very least, you def doing time. Then I remembered this is the real world and lets make sure what the laws are in this state because ive had to learn that the hard way before. Sad to say this was legal and no charges will be filed, morally I think that was an ego battle and guns have absolutely 0 business being involved in your ego, but at the same time regardless of whats right wrong or any grey area in life, you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Flip off a Nazi wearing the star of david in 1944 Germany, get shot. Same premise.

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Im not sad it was legal for a guy to use deadly force to protect himself against someone threatening him and trespassing in his property.

Im sad the dude’s kid is gonna grow up without a father because of the incident, but the fact that the law is the way it is doesn’t bother me at all, I’m actually a big fan of the principle and application of the law.

And yes, while I disagree with the comparison to Nazis -since they were big enemies of rights, specifically property rights- this is a big reminder that getting in the face of someone who is armed on their own property is not going to lead to a good outcome. It’s a stupid move and I also agree it was mostly driven by ego and the fact that both men fucked the same woman.

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Big business loved the Nazi regime.

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eh, you can go in your house close the door call the police. If its property damage youre worried about its never worth a life. Im not gonna tell you how to live yours, just saying Id value a stray dog over yours if I ever had a choice knowing it was you

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In America you have rights to your life and your property and you are under no obligation, legal or moral, to call police and wait for them to arrive when someone is on your property threatening you.

And no, we are not talking about property damage here. We are talking about someone threatening you on your property while trespassing.

If you ever came to my house and tried to pull that shit I would 100% kill you without hesitation or remorse.

It really bothers you that Americans have rights and that they can defend themselves without having to rely on the state. You would have made a fine German during the 1930’s.

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Ive googled it and i still cant figure out the difference between a shotgun and a ruger carbine. I know guns like i know cars: i dont at all.

I'm guessing theyre both equally lethal but one has a bigger spread so youre more likely to die from it. Any idea?

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The carbine is a rifle length barrel but shoots standard pistol ammunition. In this case the ruger is chambered in 9mm.

The shotgun can shoot a variety of different shells, from bird shot (small pellets, wide spread and unlikely to kill a human at mid range), to buckshot (larger pellets, narrower spread, likely to kill you) to slugs (a big projectile that takes a pound of your flesh and throws it far away).

The 9mm carbine is significantly less powerful than a shotgun, and is only shooting pistol calibers even though it looks like a scary aSSauLt wEaPoN.

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Castle Law in Texas. Source; am a Texan resident.

Even morally speaking, gun guy did no wrong. The other guy was aggressive and grabbed his gun. That’s a very very very very VERY clear cut “you deserve 2 new holes in you” situation.

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Yeah, I found out a few hours ago. Thanks, though.

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