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Only some weird deranged cute twink like you would post clips on here and say "enjoy".

We get it you're angry about Ukraine losing and Zelensky admitting that he's going to have to surrender.

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Oh fuck off. How easily your pro-Putin mind gets offended. Most people wouldnt be here if they didn't enjoy watching this stuff.

Also, no, Ukraine are not losing. If anyone is losing more, it's Russia. Go live with the rice!

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Why oh why wouldn't Ukreein just surrender and accept the peace and happiness that is so generously offered by the Great, Elegant, Eloquent and Elephant President Vladimir Putin the Magnificent, peace be upon Him? The Ukreenians could live in prosperity and love, just like Russians, and praise President Putin every day for His glory and mercy. Putin akbar!

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@Guvnah ^^

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Oh shit :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Oh here we go with you projecting again, we dont give a fuck pussy, btw i love the name. Im happy to hear i inspire you 🫡

:marseymacarthur:Warheads On Foreheads :marseymacarthur:

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cry me a river, we Chinese are waiting for cheap Russian hos once Russia fk itself over.

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Yes, Ukreein must surrender! Why won't they just accept the peace and order that the Great and Tall Leader, the One and Only President Vladimir Putin so generously offers them... They will be so happy being a part of the Russian Mir, national surveys and referendums will undoubtedly show that. Praise the Magnificent President Putin and the First Lady of Russia His Right Hand!

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Fuck Putin

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He's being sarcastic

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You would wish that! The Great Beautiful President Putin is out of your league and would never fuck with you. The one and only who can fuck the Magnificent President Putin is the First Lady of Russia, President Putin's Right Hand!

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Those flies are even worse than the drone itself.

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If you were there ,the first thing you notice is the smell of the meat getting toast. Smells almost like a deer meat getting burn. But stronger.

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But humans are carnivores! It must smell like peaches hanging in the sun

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Cameraman has to be a premium wpd user praise him

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Poor katsaps... One moment you're invading happily, minding your own business, looking for a hiding spot for a quiet masturbation session to a shirtless photo of your loved one, the Great President for Life and Afterlife, Vladimir Putin the Magnificent, peace be upon Him, the next moment you're dying in terrible pain, comparable only to what it must feel like being penetrated by the Great President's Massive Penis. Except the latter is desired and withstandable by every Russian. Rest in peace, katsaps, you died for the everlasting glory of the Fabulousest Leader of the Nation, the Strong and Handsome President Putin, peace be upon Him, and the glory of His Exceptional Penis, peace be upon It.

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This shit is making me afraid of the open sky.

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Who tf wants to be a ground trooper these days with war technology only getting deadlier? :marseyobamanope:

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Russian peaceful invaders do want that! It's such an honor to die for nothing else but the endless glory of their Fabulous Leader and Beautiful Father of the Nation, President for Life and Afterlife, Vladimir Putin the Magnificent, peace be upon Him.

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died thinking about their daddy putin

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Damn, I was Watching a video of a Marine recounting Fallujah & he said the flies would swarm dead bodies instantly. got to the point where seeing a fly in his home triggers his ptsd and he NEEDED to kill it.

Anyways, war is hell.


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Just sad

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Shut the fuck up you absolute lobotomite. What a joke. Get a grip on reality, stop saying "cope" during a serious conversation just because your two braincells cant ever send signals to eachother to form a response. Honestly pathetic. Oh guys look at me Im so funny COPE! Its so funny and quirky right guys? Hahah. Shut the fuck up you absolute fucking dusty toilet. I would flush you down the drain in an instant.

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makes me sad

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Don't be sad, they died prodly and happily for the everlasting glory of President Putin the Magnificent, with a smile on their faces and with their penises in their hands, thinking about President Putin without a shirt. There is no better way to die for a Russian.

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Rip those heroes. The good thing is that Ukraine suffered way more losses and is loosing the war. Slava Rossij

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Yes, praise Russia! And the Greatestest Leader of All Time President Vladimir Putin, peace be upon Him! He brings so much happiness to the World, even doesn't hestitate to bring it by force to those who don't know how happy they can be! The Great President is basically raping whole nations with Happiness and Love, praise be to Him! And His Muscular, Massive, Veiny Penis!

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