
Kill the cameraman and all that I know. Still a crazy shot though so hence the upload.

To all the haters who only want to see one side die. :platyfuckyou: and go back to reddit.


full clip



True Crime: Russian Schoolteachers' Feud

Chapter One: The Online Schoolteachers' Feud

In Russia, two male online schoolteachers, Ivan and Dmitry, had been in a heated feud for months. The two men had never met in person but had exchanged insults online, mocking each other's love for Putin. The feud started after Ivan posted a video praising Putin's leadership and Dmitry responded with a scathing comment about Putin's corruption.

As the feud escalated, more and more people became involved, taking sides and adding fuel to the fire. Some people even started making memes and videos about the feud. It was becoming a sensation online and attracting the attention of the media.

Chapter Two: The Online Battle Intensifies

The feud between Ivan and Dmitry continued to intensify. They both posted videos and comments online, each trying to outdo the other. The insults became more personal, and they began attacking each other's families and personal lives.

The media took notice of the feud and began reporting on it. Both men were interviewed by reporters, and their comments only added fuel to the fire. The feud became a hot topic in Russia, with people taking sides and arguing about who was right.

Chapter Three: The Meeting in Moscow

The feud between Ivan and Dmitry reached its climax when the two men finally met in person in a mall in Moscow. It was an unexpected meeting, and neither man was prepared for it.

According to witnesses, the two men recognized each other immediately and started arguing. The argument quickly turned physical, and Ivan kicked Dmitry, who tumbled down an escalator.

Chapter Four: The Aftermath

After the incident, Dmitry was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. He had multiple fractures and needed emergency surgery. The incident was reported on by the media, and the feud between Ivan and Dmitry became even more notorious.

The incident shocked many people, and there was a public outcry for justice. Ivan was arrested and charged with assault, and the case went to trial.

Chapter Five: The Tragic End

After the trial, Ivan was found guilty of assault and sentenced to five years in prison. Dmitry's injuries were severe, and he was in a coma for several months before passing away.

The feud between Ivan and Dmitry had tragic consequences, and it served as a cautionary tale about the dangers of online harassment and cyberbullying. The incident sparked a national conversation about the importance of online safety and the need to take online threats seriously.


The feud between Ivan and Dmitry started as a petty online argument but quickly escalated into a violent physical confrontation. The tragic end of the feud serves as a warning about the dangers of online harassment and cyberbullying. It's important to remember that our words and actions online can have real-world consequences and that we should treat others with respect and kindness, even in the virtual world.


ukraine edit | soldier dancing comp.

(warning music) ukrainian uprising 2014 best clip

Ukrainian soldier tries to evacuate civillians out of Bakhmut, but they rather stay (English subs)

Ukrainian "police" drone 🤣 takes out Russian vehicle illegally parked on Ukrainian land (police edit)

Ukrainian Pegasus Drone Footage Killing A Russian

Ukrainian Military Holds the Line Against Russian Attack. Bakhmut

Ukrainian soldiers take a brief pause from the battle. Bakhmut (headphones warning)

CHILD WARNING 4/15/2023 Ukrainian police bodycam footage showing the S-300 missle strike in Slovyansk Donetsk region which killed at least 11 civilians. (Child Warning)

The search operation in Slovyansk, Donetsk region, after the Russian missile attack continues, currently there is information about the presence of bodies of the dead under the rubble of buildings.

As Censor.NET informs, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi said this in a video message on April 15.

According to him, only one strike of the Russian army damaged and destroyed more than 50 residential buildings, of which more than 30 were multi-apartment buildings.

"More than 20 people were injured, of which, as of this time, 11 have already died. Among them is a very small child - a boy born in 2021. My condolences to the relatives. To all those who lost loved ones. None of those who are guilty of this aggression you can forgive and forget," the president emphasized.



On January 13th, 1991, Russian Military tried to take over / destroy the main TV Tower in Vilnius, Lithuania to stop Lithuania from gaining independence. The Russians were unsuccessful in taking over. The Soviet Union Collapsed in December 1991. Lithuania joined NATO in 2004.

January 13 is an important day in lithuania, R.I.P to all those lost

the russians still lost to civilians :marseylaugh::marseylaugh:

russian foot blown up by drone

russian get crush by tank


anti tank missile + russian soldier = space program

russians runs into death

russian shooted in the head saved by the helmet bakhmut


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