Björk Fapper Ricardo Lopez Suicide

Who the fuck is "Björk" and who the fuck is that? No one will ever know but everyone will see his painful suicide since he failed to hit the central nervous system.

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Tl;dr Context from a previous post: Björk was an Icelandic singer. This guy was obsessed over her and stalked her. He got mad that Björk was not interested and had a relationship. He sent a letter bomb with sulfuric acid to her and committed suicide. Bomb was intercepted and safely detonated.

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Interestingly, his first attempt was to give Bjork aids, due to her being a "BIPOC lover". He attempted to construct something that looked like a business folder, with push in clips to open the package, that would be concealing two syringes filled with AIDS blood that he planned to get from prostitutes off the street. The idea being that when pushing down on the clips, the syringes would puncture her finger giving her aids. Part of the work was completed on the folder, but it was harder than expected to;

1 Get a prostitute to admit she has AIDS

2 Harvest blood from a prostitute

3 Keep blood from coagulating for the time needed

All in all, he was surprisingly proficient in these improvised devices he made, being that he was only an Exterminator, with little to no training in engineering, outside of a hate fueled hobbyist. Also bear in mind the lack of information available on the internet in 1996. Its almost respectable the devotion and effort he put into this.

A final applause the the cops who painstakingly watched his long ass tapes to determine what he was talking bout and discover his bomb plot before it reached Bjork. If i remember correctly the bomb would have worked, had the police not tipped of the Postal service in Bjorks town. If anticoagulants were better pre 2000, and he could have worked out some form of cold storage, we all could have enjoyed the most hilariously weird way anyone ever got AIDS.

A very classic video,

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Thank God it got intercepted or we would never have had homogenic or vespertine

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