Woman commits suicide by poisoning after divorce

Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, PE, Brazil - Date unknown, but it happened recently

A young pet shop businesswoman, identified as Andreza Moura Nunes, committed suicide by poisoning. She recorded a video directed at her husband before taking her own life.

Translation of the video:

“I don't want anyone to blame you (husband) for anything... I just want to live in eternity and that's it. I loved you with all my strength possible, I went through a lot, I stopped experiencing a lot to be with you, but that's how it is, we choose, we reap what we sow! So, I love you, I love you, I love you so much that it hurts me, that's why I don't accept sharing you with anyone and I'm not going to be with anyone after you, so I'm going to kill myself”, she said before drinking the poison.


Andreza was the owner of the Mundo dos Animais store. Her body was sent to the Legal Medical Institute (IML) in Caruaru.


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What a beautiful gift for the husband, I am sure he's happy she chose to live in eternity now. 🙄

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now thats just sad.

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Why would you kill yourself for some one i will never understand, i will one die for my kids no dout for my kids i do everything

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So about that whole "someone has to die in the video" guideline... presumably so people don't have their time wasted on low effort posts of a still pic and some bitch crying.

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Im very disappointed...

Another reason to drink alcohol, just to get over it.


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I want to fuck the conservative out of you. I can't help myself. Every time you come into my office with your low cut shirt and cross necklace subtly splayed across your immaculate breasts I think about taking you, right there, as a man (with your consent, of course, rape culture is not okay). I want to pull off your panties and eat your pussy until your juices trickle down to the lower classes. I want you to moan so hard and so loud that you can't form coherent words, let alone talk about what Rush Limbaugh said about immigrants the other day. Each time 'those people' crosses your lips I think about your mouth wrapped around my prodigious cock as my little people spill out of it. I want to make an anchor baby with you. I want to throw all the papers off my desk and ride you until gay marriage is legal in a majority of States or until you've come enough times to admit that maybe universal health care makes sense. And I mean all this respectfully, of course. I'm a feminist. Why do you do this to me. Why. Do you know what you're doing? Every time you come into my office and sit across from me and cross and recross your legs and talk about the weather and then (somehow) about how unemployment insurance is actually bad for poor people do you know that I'm wondering if your panties are equally as conservative? That I'm curious what you'd look like on top of me, my hands tweaking your nipples like doing so would be tweaking taxes on the top one percent? That I'm thinking about you looking back at me as I fuck you from behind, your Jesus necklace swaying back and forth as you scream "Drill, baby, drill!" You're not crazy, just politically hypocritical. Social conservatism is selfish and untenable. Your adherence to laws written when people owned slaves and the largest city was 1/10th of what it is now is ruining this god damn country. And I want you so bad. I want you so so bad. Ugh. Be my Monica Lewinsky. I'll be your Bill Clinton. Let's reach across the aisle... and into each other's pants.



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This is both incredibly wrong and fucking tremendous lol

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well... this was.... something

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bro what?

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Copypasta time

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what the fuck is this, just kys

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He's the alpha male you know,😉

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What a needy bitch. Probably why he left her

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