Man hit by train, becomes its figurehead

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Christ, I didn't see the guy at first and spent the first couple of seconds wondering the fuck a dumbass gets killed by a train going THAT slow

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Speed alone doesn't matter when colliding with something. Momentum does. And trains have so much mass that even if it's going 10 mph (faster than a normal human walking pace), it's massive enough to kill you.

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That's not quite right. Beyond a certain point, the train's mass/momentum is irrelevant because it becomes equivalent to the train being stationary, and you hitting it at 10 mph. This is equivalent to falling from a mere 3.3 feet (onto a hard surface) which will accelerate you to 10 mph. That's almost never going to be fatal.

And of course, we're only talking about initial impact here (mass, momentum, etc). Of course, a train might continue to run you over.

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which will accelerate you to 10 mph. That's almost never going to be fatal.

You completely disregarded that speed and momentum are entirely different.

YOU falling and impacting the ground at 10mph vs. a train colliding with you at 10mph have completely different momenta. The former isn't fatal, but the latter is almost always fatal because the train has much more mass than you. In the first scenario, the ground is stationary and will not move after impact, but in the second scenario, YOU are stationary, and you WILL move after the impact. Why do you think people get injured when they walk into each other without paying attention. The impact speed there is a grand total of 6mph.

You didn't refute anything I said. You just misunderstood physics with a false equivalence.

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I can assure you that I have a strong grasp of the physics for this, and I'm happy to discuss the physics of this further if you want.

I will address speed and momentum. When you fall and hit the Earth, you have a two body system in which the Earth is a huge mass, just like the train. However, above a certain mass, the other object (train, brick wall, Earth) can just be considered infinite mass. It doesn't matter if you're hit by a 5 car train or 100 car train, you'll get the same injury because the train is so much more massive than you. Given that we are impacting a very large mass (train, brick wall, Earth), we can entirely drop the concept of momentum, and injury is simply caused by how fast one's body changes speed. These are all equivalent:

1. Train traveling 10 mph hitting you.

2. You traveling 10 mph hitting a stationary train.

3. You traveling 10 mph hitting a brick wall (immovable hard wall).

4. You (positioned horizontally) falling from a height of 3.3 ft, flat onto a very hard-surfaced ground. (you hitting the ground at 10 mph)

One reason these are all equivalent is because of Newton's 3rd Law. For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. The force of the train on the body is the same as the force of the body on the train.

It doesn't matter which object is "doing the moving" before impact. Put this entire experiment in deep space with a spaceship hitting a floating astronaut. From the spaceship captain's point of view, the spaceship seems still and the astronaut is moving 10 mph towards the spaceship. From the astronaut's point of view, he's still and the spaceship is moving towards him. Both perspectives are correct from their respective frames, and for the sake of this issue -- injury to the astronaut -- there is no preferred frame to determine who is "actually moving" and who is "still".

Another way of thinking of this is that all above scenarios will quickly accelerate your body from 0 to 10 mph or from 10 mph to 0 mph, which is the same in terms of impact energy and injury.

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bro same

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lol i doubt the train was going slow when it hit him. Looks like it's coming into the station for a stop. Weird how they didn't care to stop when they hit him.

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They put meat-hooks on the front of trains now?

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India special hook.

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I don't generally like pink shirts, but in this case the color choice was perfect. It gives new life to what could have been another dreary Indian train scene.

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Panjeet became one with the train, at least a change from finding solace with the designated feces.

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Holy shit haha. I guess they're going that slow so he doesn't fall and go under the train or something, but it just looks like the train is showing off its kill.

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I wonder what his feet look like after getting dragged for what seems like forever.

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It's like the ending in Toy Story 3 when Lotso gets tied to that truck

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Thomas the train engine

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That's the temu version.

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Well, that is one way to ride for free...

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That's how urban legends start damn

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Why did they just keep going lmfao????

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At least take him off the train lmao what the hell

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They were warning others

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Hoffentlich gibt es in Zukunft ein medizinisches Gerät mit dem man feststellen kann was du für ein Mensch bist und bei dehnen sich eindeutig beweisen läst das sie die Verdärbnis in Person sind wird eine Beseitigung auf Staatskosten verfügt.

Ich glaube dad so mancher staunen würde wss für abgrundtief schlechte menschen neben ihm wohnen

Ich spreche hier von menschen die sie eiskalt sterben lassen würden nur weil sie einen ehering abgreifen können ,dieses nivoe ist gemeint.

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The "Titanic"

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That's crazy. I'm an engineer for "Uncle Warren's Railroad" and these videos amaze me how someone gets ran over on a road in China, and the people walk by, pay no attention or do anything for even an injured person. It's so different here in the US.

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Bizarrely, the majority of videos here of vehicles hit at a railroad crossing are from the US

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Of course Bollywood remake of Mad Max would involve trains

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Free ride

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Now that's a way to catch a train

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Hey look everybody, it's me, a superstar, I finally got exposure in this hell hole shithole country. Woohoo

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He got to his destination in style, with a fantastic view of the countryside and top of the range air conditioning.

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He's an Indian Odysseus lol

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tbh it would be weird and not so scray if we ragdoll without bleeding or turning to gibs when we die irl

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Camera guy had one friggin' job

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He is despawned

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Should never have brought a Third Class Ticket


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More like he became a hood ornament...

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figurehead came to mind first :marseyfacepalm:

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If i was in a death metal band, this would be my choice of transportation. :marseythumbsup:

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They used the man as a decoration for the train, brilliant!

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How it feels to chew 5 gum:

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Pretty metal 🤘

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nice Cadillac Bipoc v24

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Now THAT is something special.

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I understand what I just saw, but I am still confused somehow.

Take my votes.

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I like that gif you post, where is it from?

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I did not know, so I did a little searching, and it turns out it's a real person. :marseyemojismilemouthtighteyes:

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thanks bro <3

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Was he wearing a magnetic shirt?

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Dispenser going up!

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Being displayed like a trophie while passing through other towns

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i like trains

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what about fishsticks?

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Das ist wieder das was ich von den wiederlichen Indern erwarte ,kein Respekt vor dem Leben ,Dumm bis in die Socken und genauso premitiv wie afrikaner .

Man sollte die Inder ausrotten.

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Mir wäre es lieber, wenn die Menschheit als Ganzes ausgerottet würde, aber das ist nur meine Meinung. :marseyshrug:

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They took this from you.


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