woman ignores construction zone fences and gets hit by train [translated+backstory] 11 may 2023

11 may 2023 bilzen belgium


a woman (60) was going to get her grandchildren from school. at some point she encountered a closed road at the railway crossing due to construction works. instead of taking a different route, the woman removed the construction zone fences on one side of the road and kept on driving. after this she encountered another construction fence on the other side of the railway. it is at this point that the video starts.

as the woman wants to remove the second set of fences. the bell for the oncoming train goes off. this strikes fear into the woman. it also doesn't help that the construction worker is telling her that she will be fined for this. this increasing panic puts the woman in a shock like state. the construction worker removes the second set of fences so the woman can pas. (it is believed) when the woman opens the car door, the car puts itself in park brake mode. when she closes the door again and wants to get away she has the instinct to put the car in drive, but the parking brake wont allow the car to move (hence the revving engine). it is moments later that the woman is hit by the train as she is still too shocked to think clearly and get out in time.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1710100937050765.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1710100937178646.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1710100938538197.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17101009392303824.webp

the woman survived.

however there exists another video of her removing the first set of fences. this video seems to be removed from the internet. without the first video it would seem like the woman casually drove in to the construction zone. the video used here (the second video) is also the "go to" video that the media uses as it seems to shift the blame to the construction worker for not helping her.

i will be giving out a 569 coin reward for anybody who can find the first video


as for the people claiming this is a repost:

12 may 2023: https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/social/post/35743

20 jan 2024: https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/social/post/116895

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She was retarded enough to cut through construction barriers and too retarded to put her car in drive under slight stress. She's way past her expiration date, for the sake of others around her

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One wouldn't automatically know that the car engaged the parking brake. Honestly I have never heard of this. I can put my car in drive while the parking brake is engaged. Older cars had a big hand that would be pulled up so you couldn't miss it, but newer cars have a switch that is very similar to a power window switch. There is no obvious sign other than a light on the dashboard. With a train coming she probably never even looked at the dash. I am guessing that a safety feature she was unaware of is what kept her on the tracks. If I open the door on my car while in drive the car does nothing and will let me keep driving.

All that said she moved a road block to get to that point. So my sympathy is a bit limited.

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Yeah, but there is a time and a place for everything. When someone is on a railway track with a train bearing down on them it isn't time for a road rules lesson.

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Sure lady, lets call your husband and tell him he married a dumbass karen.

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Dumb fucking bitch

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Fucking retarded karen

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“Crazy bitch”


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Sometimes. You're kept alive by the big man to learn some real harsh lessons.

With a side of trauma lol.

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I hate new cars for features like this. When I first got my qx80 a year or so ago I was this close to returning it, but it's mostly for my wife. I couldn't figure out how to start put the shit in reverse and when I did it felt like driving a down syndrome boat. She had a 2018 x3 before that and I couldn't drive that shit either. I stick with my 2016 challenger (which still has some newer car bullshit) and refuse to buy anything newer anymore. I'll be sticking to mid 2010 cars at the latest. They feel too automated these days. I miss just having a gas pedal, break pedal, clutch and radio. Nav system helps but most people use their phones these days. When I was in grade 11 in 2010 and got my license my dad bought me an Infiniti g37. That was the last car I actually enjoyed without any of the modern (in)conveniences.

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why can't they include safety features like guns that fire backwards if your iq is too low

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Daddums bought you an —INFINITI — ?!? Geez did you fail physics or something

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That's a luxury Nissan nothing wrong with that.

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Stupid old rotten-pussed cunt. Too bad she wasn't back another three feet or so.

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She was a fucking dumbass but it still pisses me off that the Mercedes wouldn't move with the door open. What a shitty “safety” feature. Reminds me of how my car won't allow me to turn off the headlights while the engine is running and it's dark out. Of course under normal conditions I'd never drive with my headlights off. But there's no override if I need to cut the lights because I'm trying to hide from someone. Soon we'll have cars that won't allow you to violate the speed limit, even if something crazy is happening like escaping a tornado, or if a person with bad road rage is chasing you, or a blue light bandit pulled you over.

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A fine and now a new car added to that.

Dumb broad.

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Looks like it happened in Belgium, Flemish language.

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It stated on top of the clip its in Belgium, we got a saying over here (the Netherlands) that Belgium people are the most dumbest people on earth and it shows :mysides:

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I'm not even Belgian, dumbfuck. I didn't read anything I only watched the video.

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well try to read next time dumbfuck lmfao, straight stepped on that lil dick of yours :marseylaughpoundfist: and try to read in context aswell i was sayin the women is dumb... fuck your dumb... maybe you are belgium after all

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As a CDL Class A I see stultifying, boneheaded maneuvers like this ALL THE F'N TIME. I like to use my air horn to distract people from their distracted driving.

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Tf is cdl

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as usual


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Good old Belgium... This happens almost weekly, people ignoring signs and even train barriers. And then this stuff happens and if they lucky they survived they blaim someone else (anything or anyone would do) 🙄

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Some people need to learn the hard way

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now this fucking idiot has to walk from place to place. it fits so perfectly.

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Is this the same lady that screamed as she ran over the little kid on their bike??? Lol

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Creo que no pero es igual de inbecil ajajjajajajaja

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That's the one who did all the screaming before she even hit the kid and just kept on trucking through it

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die arme vrouw kon niet door rijden :(

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take her damn license away :marseykekw:

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Dumb bitch much

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Proud to live in this country full of dumbasses

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je moeder is een plopkoek.

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Fack fack bakkes dicht eh

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He did waste precious time when a train was coming. I wouldn't be surprised if he loses his job for this.

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old people while driving.

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Ram the gates in this situation, they are supposed to be flimsy

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My own mother is a female driver I worry about her every week when she goes to the supermarket to buy our weekly food and my 48 bottles of beer! If she doesn't return one day I'd be dead on the inside.....

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what would life be without those 48 bottles of beer :marseycry:

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I don't ever wanna find out....

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shame, poor old bat, she was just thinking of her grand kids...

her husband must be a peach of a guy...

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Of course its a woman

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I can imagine the Facebook comments

"Omg she could help her instead of yell"

"Why he didnt hel hurrrr"

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''I couldnt drive''

Put it in gear, and go.. Not that hard. dumb granny.. I never understand why old people still drive. clearly they are past their expiration date,

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Im disappointed she dudnt get killed. Stupid car feature though

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Why do I feel lowkey bad for her tho :sadeyes:

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because you are overly empathetic and feel like you could do something this dumb, which you are most likely not this dumb to drive through an active workzone with signs and decide to park on train tracks that are in service. she is older and knows better. if she doesn't then she is not capable of following traffic laws

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Fair point. I don't think her actions were justified or that anyone could just make this ‘oopsie silly me' mistake. Just the way she was crying and probably in shock and the guy kept yelling at her after the ‘accident' already happened. She was probably just in a panic and wasn't able to get the car started or didn't see the sign idk. Car accidents are scary.

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yeah, i think he was really pissed and then freaked out and didn't know what she was doinh while the train was coming...this is literally a very rare situation to find oneself in. he doesn't seem like a dick tho

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she keeps saying "i couldn't" in the most shocked tone possible. i believe she truly tried her best to drive away but didn't know how the car worked.

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Yeah and she's like what, in her 60's? Just a confused old lady that was probably in panic.

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Yep, pity her until she confuses the brake with the gas pedal and run over a kid.

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or drive her car through a school or house or something

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Helppp no cuz I'm actually laughing out loud at this. Sorry yeah shouldn't feel sorry for every one of this damn planet.

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Which is exactly why driving tests should have to be retaken every 5 years once you hit retirement age. As we get older our reaction times and perception get worse. That's why our grandmas drives like a turtles haha. All you have to do now is pass a simple eye test

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Always reminds me of that one South Park episode were they were all scared of the elderly people driving

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Fucking train is coming and dude is lecturing her about fines. Both of these people are dumbasses but the construction worker is by far the bigger moron. Jesus he's even yelling at her after the god damn train ploughed through her car.

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Oh no it's retarded 😢

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His first priority should've been to get her out of the car, instead he rambled some bullshit about her getting fined when she was literally FACING DEATH. When I was studying my driver's handbook for my written test there were literal procedures on how to deal with a situation exactly like this. If you drive onto tracks and are unable to move your car then you gotta get your ass out ASAP and then head faaar away from the tracks, ideally diagonally from the direction of the train to minimize getting struck by debris. Depending on where you are there are also numbers posted on railroad signs that you can use to call the railroad company to let them know your car is in the way. I know that anxiety was probably making it hard for both of them to think clearly but cmon this is like the first thing I was taught in driving school.

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That sounds like a "her" priority lol why is her life his responsibility all of a sudden? She's a grown ass human being who's liver for at least 50 something years can't understand the danger of oncoming train while they sit on the tracks. I'd expect this reaction to danger from a child what if her grandkids were in the car they'd be dead right now

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I'm not saying that her life is his responsibility, but she was clearly in shock and not thinking clearly. If the guy was already approaching her and trying to get her off the tracks then he could've done a bit more to reason with her and get her out the car.

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