Car Crash (Rollover) Kills One

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That's a bad rollover when 3 wheels are knocked off.

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Why did the truck crash in the first place? It seems like the driver was scared by the green car.

That green sucker should get so close. I HATE these drivers. :marseyvibing:

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Why is eating a cow better than fucking it? I honestly don't understand bloodmouth logic.

Fuck a cow:

1. It forgets it 10 minutes later, tops.

2. It might even enjoy it.

3. No harm is done unless you're like, super rough I guess? A bull penis is 25 inches long, your sad little human cock isn't going to disturb a heifer.

4. In a vacuum, once the sex is done, the cow can go on and live a full and complete life with the rape having 0 impact on it.

Kill a cow:

1. It's dead.

2. It's dead.

3. It's dead.

4. It's fucking dead

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