Car crashes into the back of a truck

Passos, MG, Brazil - Jun 03, 2024

An accident on Monday morning (3), on the MG-050 highway, in Passos (MG), resulted in the death of coffee producer, Altair José Capato, 70 years old (see video). The victim was from Batatais, a city 44 kilometers from Ribeirão Preto, SP.

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Thanks, mate!

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White truck was paying attention. Even moved over to give the other one room to use the other lane.

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Something straight outta a video game I swear

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Damn. One of my worst driving fears is this exact situation.

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Yeah I also fear being struck by a retard ray while driving. There's no way this wasn't a suicide.

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Well, what if he was distracted? What if there was a hill and he only had 1 second to react due to his speed?

A route he might have taken 1000 times before. Except this time, there's a fucking wall in the middle of the road.

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Maybe pay attention to the road, go slower if you can't see ahead? What point are you even trying to make here?

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About my worst fear.

Like, that one second I look away from the road, there might be a fucking wall in the way. That one second I stare too long into the rearview mirror...

And I might be going faster than usual, very relaxed, and maybe not looking very far ahead. It's a road I've taken 1000 times, after all.

I doubt it was a suicide. Dude might have even been drunk, who really knows. He had no idea that a truck would be stopped somewhere that it shouldn't be. He might've even slammed on his brakes, but due to the speed, he lost traction.

Lots of shitty ways to die on the road. I just like to think that this guy is a lesson for me to always pay attention.

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I feel like drowning or burning to death is worse. I was scuba diving once and both my regulator's mouthpieces malfunctioned, on my first ever dive. One mouthpiece fell off entirely, and the other was leaking water. Don't know how but I didn't panic and managed to get the instructors attention and made it to the surface. But when diving at the depth we were at, you can't just go straight to the surface, you gotta go up 5-10 feet at a time so your blood doesn't bubble up and kill you. So I was under for like 20 extra minutes half inhaling sea water. Got real lucky. If I panicked I'd be dead.

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That's fucking brave. You're much braver than I. Closest I'll get to that situation is fetching some fallen object from the bottom of a pool or something. Keeping cool under pressure is a great trait to have. Thank you for the reminder that I still got room to improve.

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You always have room to improve in every attribute. I'm lucky that keeping cool under pressure like that is something I'm apparently good at. If I has hesitated for even a few seconds I could've sucked in water and I wouldn't be here now. Anyway, you can't stop improving yourself. Do what you want to try, as long as you don't hurt yourself in the process, you'll come out stronger and braver. I didn't want to go through that, but it helped regardless. I used to have thalassophobia, but almost drowning 60 feet under water absolutely helped xD

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Accident? More like suicide

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Such an accident would have made sense if it was foggy. This just shows why people need ot get an IQ test before being able to drive.

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Hope that last text message was worth the pain...

[BTW, glad it was a massive truck who stopped him, and not a group of school children]

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bad reaction time just get better :marseyfacepalm:

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Skill issue

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Lol chicks.

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Damn... Another Hilux wasted

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Really goes to show force and the power of collisions with one part velocity has the most catastrophic results, to bullets to asteroids and even road incidents.

To everyone be vigilant and extra careful on the road

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Like half of the comments I've seen on this sub are so obviously written by non-athletes that it's almost humorous. When I was in high school (3 year starter for our varsity football team) I would get a full-on sprint going and clock the shit outta whoever had the ball. My coaches called me "speedhawk" as a nickname cause I had such a nose for the football and those three seasons I was considered the most feared safety in our conference. Senior year I led me team to the state semifinals only to get fucked over by the refs in the 4th but that's another conversation (DM me if you're interested in hearing about it) So, yeah. I hope yall can understand why I feel like their's such a big disconnect between myself and your typical redditor. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way lol


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Yeah, someone wants to DM you to hear about your high school football stories

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