Car crashes into the back of a truck

Passos, MG, Brazil - Jun 03, 2024

An accident on Monday morning (3), on the MG-050 highway, in Passos (MG), resulted in the death of coffee producer, Altair José Capato, 70 years old (see video). The victim was from Batatais, a city 44 kilometers from Ribeirão Preto, SP.

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Like half of the comments I've seen on this sub are so obviously written by non-athletes that it's almost humorous. When I was in high school (3 year starter for our varsity football team) I would get a full-on sprint going and clock the shit outta whoever had the ball. My coaches called me "speedhawk" as a nickname cause I had such a nose for the football and those three seasons I was considered the most feared safety in our conference. Senior year I led me team to the state semifinals only to get fucked over by the refs in the 4th but that's another conversation (DM me if you're interested in hearing about it) So, yeah. I hope yall can understand why I feel like their's such a big disconnect between myself and your typical redditor. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way lol


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Yeah, someone wants to DM you to hear about your high school football stories

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