Motorcycle rider was run over by a truck and his body was split into two.

A fatal car accident in Taiwan.

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Exactly what you get for bein a dumb fuck

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The biker?

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The biker used their brakes to swap lane and the lorry clearly has massive braking distance.

The lorry actually tries to get into the centre lane but swerves back to try get out the way of the biker, but the biker is changing lanes way too fucking slowly and the truck just can't stop that quickly.

So yes the biker was at fault.

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It also depends whether the biker signalled he was turning left or not. if he did signal with some good seconds of antecedence, then it's the truck driver's fault.

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it's kinda hard for me to tell what either of them were trying to do. The truck looked like it was trying to change lanes but also didn't really commit fully. And at one point he looked like he was speeding up, but maybe that's the camera or my eyes confusing me.

The biker just looked really unsure of what he was even doing.

But shouldn't the truck have been following behind far enough to stop in these kind of situations?

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Yes, completely too close. Even if the biker was at fault, you should never be that close incase of an emergency stop. Biker was at fault, technically, but the lorry driver should still be bummed because that was 100% avoidable.

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I wonder if he got charged for it. Too bad I couldn't find anything online; it's a pretty old video

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Exactly. He was changing lane like it was nobody's business and he was in truck driver's blind spot.

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Towards the end yeah, but I'm pretty sure the driver saw him before. The biker really fucked up though, I feel kinda bad for him. Lost his life because he was hesistant and acted unsure - I could probably have made the same mistake lol

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You know what, I take back what I said about exactly getting that for being a dumb fuck but it was his mistake thou and it happened to be his unlucky day. I also feel bad for him but when yo time is up, its up

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yeah, it was pretty dumb. Just a bad situation all round. rip

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