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I was that stupid kid once and nearly got hit by a car. I got lucky and the driver had great brakes. Learned my lesson to look both ways.

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When I was 14 I was hit by a car on my bicycle at 35mph and landed in the windshield. Messed me up and broke 7 bones (ribs, legs, sternum & left arm)

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Bet the vid went crazy thoo

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I didn't even THINK to look for incoming traffic when trying to cross the street before I heard a massive suv hit their brakes and stopping not even a few feet away from me.

Kids can be mega retarded sometimes.

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Sadly, it MOSTLY comes down to luck. Now there are wide variations of stupidity among kids, for sure. But no kid, no matter how 'smart', has done reckless shit that could easily kill them. Just comes down to how often they test the stupity roulette and how many chambers they're packing. I remember basically drag racing my buddy in a pos van on a 30mph four lander... Going like 90. My dumb young self thought 'hey I've won, so let me go in front of my buddy in the adjacent lane to assert my dominance! I'm SOO TEEEENNN RAGE YESHHH! lol story being, if my buddy didn't brake in the fractions of a second I would gone for quite a spin and died. And put him, and any randoms nearby in serious physical danger but at minimum a psychological detriment lasting a lifetime.

Fuck kids.

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I still remember running across the street with my eyes closed, suddenly I heard the the sound of the brake and the curse of the driver. I didn’t look back. Now I’m wondering if all my life is a dream, I already died as a child.

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Damn... Bro I'm 18 and I always look both sides and Im very careful with everything but there is a road near my house and rarely some cars go through that road... Every single time I have tried to pass there a car has appeared out of nowhere and nearly killed me... I've started t think that road is cursed. And I'm not being iconic when I say every single time...

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