
Released 05-02-2005

A tape showing the confession of seven members of the special missions police who were captured by the Mujahideen after clashes in the Abu Ghraib area, after twenty-nine of them were killed, with God's judgement being executed upon them by firing squad.

CHILD WARNING Kid got into hospital after this💀


good friend :marseyagreefast:


from what i know, this happened in Brazil, Sao Paulo


On August 28, 2022, a gunman "Ethan Miller" Shot and killed two people and injured two others at a Safeway supermarket in Bend, Oregon. He then committed suicide when police entered the building.


Born October 31, 2001, Miller lived in the nearby Fox Hollow apartment building with his mother and his younger brother. Miller attended and graduated at Mountain View High School, according to a former classmate of Mountain View High, Miller would often get into trouble at school and 'Picked on" other students. Miller would describe his high school experiences much differently, saying that he had "No Good Memories About That School" in one of his writings, however giving no reason or story as to why.

At some point Miller's mental health started to decline and he started to become infatuated by the Columbine shooting, he purchased several firearm's and began to write a journal titled "The Downward Spiral of Ethan Miller" over the course of a month. In the journal he blames society for "creating him" and claims that he wanted to murder people due to isolation, loneliness, feuds with his family and frustrations at being unable to find a girlfriend.

Miller planned to attacking his former high school, Mountain View High School on September 8 2022. However he did not go through with this as he "couldn't wait long enough for the high school to reopen" He would also write posts on Wattpad talking about his thoughts and emotions.

(Miller's Wattpad account)

During this time he would also upload videos of him shooting guns, edits and photos on YouTube and Instagram.


On August 28, 2022, Miller would post a journal on Wattpad titled "Goodbye"

He then presumably loads and equips his weapons. A Radical Firearms RF-15 rifle and a Stevens Model 320 shotgun. At some point Miller Puts two molotov cocktails and a sawed-off shotgun in the trunk of his 1997 Ford F-250.

The Shooting

At 7:03 pm Miller then leaves his apartment and walks outside to his truck, for some unknown reason Miller fires three times into his truck and then walks away.

  • (Map of the shooters movement)

at 7:04 pm Miller began to fire into the Costco parking lot as he was walking to the forum shopping center. Once he had reached the parking lot of the Forum shopping center at 7:06 pm he fires into the Big Lots store adjacent to Safeway. After this he can be seen on CCTV walking right by the big lots store heading towards the Safeway supermarket.

At 7:07 pm he reaches the Safeway and fires through the front doors and enters the building.

As he enters the building in he discards his empty magazine and inserts a new one. After reloading his weapon he spots and fires at Glenn Bennett fatally wounding him.

He then begins to aimlessly roam around the store moving through aisles and shooting at random objects, he then reloads his weapon another time and fiddles around with his equipment for a brief moment. Miller then encounters another person and walks toward them as they stumble away, Miller throws something to his left and presumably talks to the man for a moment, he then quickly raises his rifle and fires off to the right missing the man as he plays dead.

Miller then begins to walk down the frozen meat section wildly firing at the displays and freezers, however up ahead of him is Donald Surrett Jr who was hiding behind a produce cart with a knife. Once Miller approaches the produce cart Surrett jumps and stabs him with the knife and attempts to disarm Miller causing Miller to drop his shotgun. Unfortunately Miller manages to overpower Surrett and kills him, he then drops his rifle and picks his shotgun back up and shoots Surrett with it.

He then begins to walk down the fruit section and racks his shotgun, however immediately after doing so Miller hears police enter the store and quickly ducks down and lays on the fruit display, putting the barrel of the shotgun in his mouth. At 7:08 he then pulls the trigger killing himself, police then rush to the gunshot only to find Miller dead and the body of Surrett nearby.


The shooting lasted 5 minutes and killed 1 and injured 2, Bennett would later die in hospital raising the total to 2 killed and 2 injured.

After the shooting the families of Bennett and Surrett would both start a gofundme. Bennett would raise 58,651$ and Surrett would raise 128,984$ for a total of 187,635$ together.

The gofundme for Bennett is still available if you would like to donate



(original file:

This release, called "Agent Holocaust", is a compilation of 10 different execution videos put together, released October 28, 2004. This post gives much better detail about these executions than I ever could, so I'll just give you guys the timestamps for each and their corresponding standalone execution videos (along with the original files).

16:45 : 12 Nepalese workers

Standalone (released 31-08-2004):

22:32 : Al-Sayed Alaa al-Malki

Standalone (released 12-10-2004):

27:07 : Seif Adnan Kanaan

Standalone (released 22-10-2004):

29:55 : 3 Irаqi truck drivers (Abbas Μuslim Nouri, Farhan Halil Kazem and Sabbar Hanash Akhmam)

Standalone (released 19-09-2004):

30:45 : 3 KDP (Kurdish Democratic Party) members

Standalone (released 19-09-2004):

32:47 / 34:06 : Luqman Hussein and Maher Kemal

Standalone (released 11-10-2004):

35:20 : Barea Nafea Dawoud Ibrahim

Standalone (released 02-10-2004):

38:35 : 11 Irаqi National Guardsmen

Standalone (released 26-10-2004):

Part of this one was also featured in the release "History and Steadfastness" with a better framerate:

(full video download:

43:05 : Turkish truck driver (Ramazan Elbu):

Standalone (released 14-10-2004)

Further info on Ansar al-Sunnah:


The Art of Assassination

Dude gets into a fountain to take pics, ends up drowning

Almaty, Kazakhstan, Jun 19, 2024

Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek commented on the tragic incident at the fountain on the territory of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, where a young guy died, correspondent reports .

On the sidelines of the Mazhilis, the minister said that today the results of a forensic examination on the cause of death of the teenager should be released.

"At 4:00 p.m. after lunch, the weather was very hot. Despite the prohibiting sign, he climbed into the fountain. And a two-tiered fountain. He did not climb into the outer one, but into the main bowl. I just didn't have time to check the report this morning. There were two preliminary reasons: cardiac arrest or an electric shock. But the forensic medical examination should have clarified the exact cause of death," the minister said, answering journalists' questions.

In addition, the minister denied information that the teenager climbed into the fountain after he did poorly in the UNT.

"No, no, no. He did not pass the UNT, because on June 18, due to a power failure in Almaty, we had to postpone this course, which was supposed to be taken on June 19, to June 23. Therefore, he did not pass the UNT," the minister explained .

It should be noted that the tragic incident occurred on June 19. The Almaty police department reported that an investigation has been launched into the incident.

Chechclear (Highest Quality!)

I obtained this footage from a DVD rip of a Russian documentary about the First Chechen War, "Чечня ХХ век. Террор." or "Chechnya 20th century. Terrоr." It was released in 2002.

This documentary also contains what is most likely the highest quality footage of OFEX up to date.

Funnily enough, the user on VK that posted this DVD rip appears to be a porn spam channel.

For more information on the documentary and to see the documentary itself:

I would love to thank @I_farted, the greatest Jеw alive, for giving me information on the documentary and chechclear itself which led me into finding this, love you vro :heart:


Original file:

Released 20-11-2004

They were executed because the KDP (aka PDK) was cooperating with the American-led interim government in Irаq.

triple homicide in Rio de Janeiro :marseyflagbrazil: :marseydeterminedgun:

A security camera on the street filmed a triple murder. A hitman in a car pulled up to the victims and opened fire with an assault rifle. The victims were members of a local drug cartel. :marseycjng:

man stabs k9 and gets what he deserved :marseydeterminedgun:



Hayle Harbour, United Kingdom, 2013

The Whirlpool

"The whirlpool in Hayle Harbour only appears a few times a year. It was a quirk of Victorian engineering devised to stop the harbour silting up. Water would be stored in a pool at high tide and, once the tide had retreated, released back into the harbour to wash away the sand. The water would get into the pool through a tunnel beneath a quay. But sometimes the tide would come back in faster than the water could pass through the tunnel."

This would create the whirlpool.

Jacob Cockle

Jacob's last moments


October 12, 2022 - Officer Hamzy, Officer Iurato, and Sergeant DeMonte responded to 310 Redstone Hill Road. Officer Hamzy and Sergeant DeMonte parked their police cruisers directly in front of the house on the south side of Redstone Hill Road facing east. Officer Iurato parked his cruiser on the north side of the street facing west. All three officers exited their cruisers and walked up the driveway to the side door of the house. As they approached the driveway, Officer Hamzy mentioned, "I went to school with this kid."

Unbeknownst to the officers, Nicholas Brutcher had hidden himself near some bushes at the front of the house next door. This house, 328 Redstone Hill Road, was the home of Brutcher's parents, Joseph and Catrina Brutcher. Nicholas Brutcher was outfitted with a camouflage shirt and pants as well as a camouflage vest. He was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and at least one handgun. He also had several magazines of ammunition. From this position, Nicholas Brutcher had a direct line of sight on the officers as they walked up the driveway.

The house at 310 Redstone Hill Road has a detached garage. An open breezeway connects the house and garage. As the officers approached the house, they observed a shotgun leaning against the garage. Officer Hamzy examined the shotgun. Nathan Brutcher was inside the house and appeared in the doorway. Officer Iurato ordered him to come outside. As he exited the house, Nathan Brutcher said, "I don't even have my phone."

At that moment, from his position on the neighboring property, Nicholas Brutcher unleashed a volley of gunshots. He fired these rounds from the AR-15-style rifle. All three officers were hit, as was Nathan Brutcher. Officer Hamzy fell first. Nathan Brutcher retreated into the house. Sergeant DeMonte proceeded through the breezeway into the rear yard and saw Joseph Brutcher. He then returned to the driveway and toward Officer Hamzy where he collapsed onto the pavement. Officer Iurato, who was struck in the upper right leg area, also moved away through the breezeway to the rear yard.

Nicholas Brutcher emerged from his position next door and approached the fallen officers. Nicholas Brutcher walked to the driveway and toward Officer Hamzy and Sergeant DeMonte. Nicholas Brutcher's parents, who had come outside and in the rear yard of their home, saw what happened next. Nicholas Brutcher proceeded to stand over each officer and fire multiple shots into them – first Sergeant DeMonte and then Officer Hamzy. Upon seeing this, Catrina Brutcher began to scream uncontrollably for Nicholas Brutcher to stop. At one point, Nicholas Brutcher's AR-15 stopped firing (he had incorrectly inserted the magazine) and he switched to a handgun and continued firing. During this time, Nicholas Brutcher yelled, "How proud are you of me? How proud?"

Officer Iurato moved along the back of the house emerging in the yard of the house on the west side of 310 Redstone Hill Road. He radioed for assistance and continued moving until he reached the police cruisers parked on Redstone Hill Road. Officer Iurato heard sounds indicating that Nicholas Brutcher was attempting to load a firearm. From his position, Officer Iurato could see Nicholas Brutcher who was still in the driveway in front of the garage. Bracing himself against Officer Hamzy's cruiser, Officer Iurato fired one shot striking Nicholas Brutcher at the base of his skull killing him.

Photos of the cops and perpetrator:

Official Report:

Man jumps :marseysheercliff: 44 floors up from Bisha hotel in Toronto + AFTERMATH

The man jumped from the 44th floor of the Bisha hotel, shown here,

Guests reported a man dragging a chair over to the glass, stepping on it and jumping the 484 feet down to the floor




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