84 true score, 26 to go!!!

Hiiiiii guysss, So I saw that I have 84 true score and I would really really appreciate it if you guys liked my post so I can get to a hundred so I can chat!!

I only need 26 guys pls help a sister out 😭 😭


⚠️If you do not want to see dead corpse's getting screwed, you can watch all the way up to 1:50. After that, the rest is necrophilia. :marseysoldieramericagenocide: :incel:


Self Harm Question

I have a question; I was hoping I could get a genuine answer from y'all about self harm. So should I feel bad about not going as deep as I intended? I honestly feel like a pussy for not going deeper, I used to get deep cuts, not crazy ones like the ones I see on here but I could see my flesh basically and tissues, not that deep but if I turned my arm to see how deep, it was a nice cut, but now I'm getting baby cuts. Should I go deeper? Because I feel like a pussy…

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