Guy overdoses on spice/k2.. "friends" don't do much to help

I don't know if he made it or not...couldn't find any details

By the looks of it in the video (along with the lack of help by his "friends") it doesn't look so good.

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Man you got to have good friends around you. Today actually my wife and I were woken up by the fire department entering our home my son had a seizure and his Xbox live friends called 911. Watch the people you hang out with

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Wow those are some good friends. I suffer from some bad seizures myself and have been hospitalized a few times now. How old is your son if I may ask, and had he ever had a seizure before?

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the fact they're doing k2 instantly makes them bad friends anyways

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they learned first aid from walter white

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Real bro😂

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The average IQ around that bench was 7.

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"Oh shit dude, holy shit dude"

Just call 911 retard.

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Call an ambulance 👎 holy fucking shit 👍

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Just smoke weed ya fuckin bums!

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Dont be a pussy. If you wanna do drugs, do krokodil and post the aftermath here

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Why i read this with superwog voice xD

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i smoked this shit in the early 2010's and felt like i was about to die from a heart attack. that was the last time i smoked that shit

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2 puffs you go into cartoon land and feel like a ton of bricks. 3 puffs and it feels like your heart is gonna explode.

They kept making new laws so they would just slightly change the chemical compound. Shit was addictive too. Junkies would just stand around gas stations that sold it and would ask for money or for a few pinches of spice.

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They really started cracking down on it where I'm at, busting smoke shops for selling it. But there was one smoke shop that kept selling it and it must of been one of the very last because you drive past it and there was a line of people outside before the store even opened. Bunch of drug addicts, like 30 of them, not suspicious at all, all standing outside a smoke shop lol. Waiting to get their spice fix. Shit was fucked up.

My sister was addicted to it and she went through a crazy "spice trip" where she just suddenly starting screaming and flailing her arms and legs. Screaming "IM DEAD! IM DEAD! IM DEAD!". Traumatized my uncle and I lol. Thank god that shit isnt around anymore, and they legalized weed like they should of done a long time ago.

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I get they should've done more to help but they were also high off their asses😭

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Hypoxia from holding his breath too long, the headrush feels like a good hit but it's just your brain deprived of oxygen. Looks like he woke up, instant nausea so puked up his lunch, started seizing due to continued brain hypoxia, then fell backwards and continued to drown in puke. A few minutes without help means death, or at best being a veggie.

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When this happens, should someone hold their head up so they don't choke on puke?

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Put them on their side, then gently swipe out any chunks from inside their mouth when they're finished and put them in recovery position/head-tilt-chin-lift (google them)

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He puked up blood. Big ole ass talker.

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he was drinking red gatorade in the longer version... :marseyretard2:

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You don't have blood pooled in your gut to throw up on the ready.

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"What's your special talent?"

"I puke blood on command."



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NO, you shouldn't. Definitely cause for concern

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What's your explanation? Salvia made him puke up blood? He has the only case of rhabdo that breached his renal system? Shoot your shot, big dawg.

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The first and last time i smoked spice was probably earlier 2010s

My eyes were shifting back and forth

My teeth wouldnt stop hurting

My veins were actually itching

My buddy was on probation and obviously couldnt smoke weed so he came to me with this shit and so me him and his girlfriend smoked... I was freaking the fuck out while he rolled up another

His chick had turned to me and started comforting me while i was just whispering "call 911... I'm dying.. Help me... Please" she was a sweet heart though.. Dealing with me and making sure i was okay.. Gave me a water and walked me to my bed before her and my buddy went home

Genuinely the scarest thing ive ever experienced in my life and im 29 now... As i got older ive come to the decision that with all the head injuries and drugs ive done its fucked my whole life (kinda) so trying to remember shit has moments from when i can remember random points in my life but then i cant remember what i did yesterday

But it is what it is i guess

(I've only just now seen after rereading this that my phone hasn't done ANY sort of punctuation so my apologies if it annoys anyone it's usually automatic)

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What kind of shit parents you had

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They weren't I was just a piece of shit

Going from girl to girl

Being an absolute shit

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Makes sense

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Buddy is dying and he's like oh fuck man holy shit man oh fuck man

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Was that blood or just puke? Either way, what the fuck.

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I choose to believe it's the red Powerade you see on the table.

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Is there a single video of someone overdosing and someone in group calls emergency number? It's always teens/young adult men in a group and they stare at overdoser like a deer in headlights till the overdoser stops moving

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Spice is/was no joke.

I ended up in hospital with my organs in a terrible condition from that shit.

Got arrested another time and had not a clue to what id even done

Got taken away from my parents house in an ambulance on another occasion.

All from only smoking it once each time i wasn't addicted to it was just being dumb and looking for a cheap fix tbh.

Im glad it illegal in my country now . 🇬🇧

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Yeah I had a bad experience on it too. It was like I wasn't even connected to reality and I remember at one point before I came out of it, all I could see looked like that white black tv fuzz

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Whenever someone passes out always roll them onto their side so they won't asphyxiate and or aspirate their own puke

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I thought that was common knowledge. Was my first thought when he went straight back, roll him on his side, do NOT stick fingers in their mouth unless you want them bit off, and wait for the seizure to pass. Are kids today really that clueless that they'd watch this and have zero idea how to help?

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Before he even fell backwards they should've leaned him forward and held his hair. He was obviously choking. Humanity's time is limited. These guys are evidence that natural selection is coming for us like a hyperlink train.

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I smoked k2 and spice for 4 years in highschool and early college. There's lots of different types and brands. It gets you pretty high for like 30 minutes or an hour and then you sober up fast. Only reasons we did it were it was cheaper than weed, you could buy it at head shops, and it didnt show up on tests. Other then my heart racing alot i never felt in danger. This dude mightve just tried to hold the smoke too long, maybe something allergic, or a combination of some other substance he had in his system. But like i said my brother and I did it for years with no major issues we were just junky teens laying around and playing videogames and shit.

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When someone is convulsing on the ground with their back to the floor , always turn them on their side so as to save them from choking on their own vomit and let them breathe !

These things should be mandatory in every PE class!!!! :marseyraging:

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This! It's called “the recovery position”. A lot of people have died from choking on their own vomit like this. Just roll them on their side for gods sake.

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this shit makes me mad

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That's what you get for smoking paint thinner dumb fuck

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He drowned on his own puke

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Its blood

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K2 is wasp spray, oven cleaner, formaldehyde and Raid with a little extra personal touches. I've seen 3 guys die smoking that shit in the joint. Only reason some people smoke it is cuz it don't show up on a piss test. It's str8 poison

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Thats not what spice is, and if you truly believe that, provide some sources for these claims. The stuff is dangerous, but it's not what you listed.

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I'm not talking about spice. I'm talking about k2. They used to sell in gas stations but now they make it in liquid form and spray it on paper. That's how they get it in the joint as legal work. A whole sheet goes for $600

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K2 is spice. Spice is synthetic cannabinoids, and there's a few different forms of them. K2 was a brand name version of spice. You don't know what you're talking about, it's pretty apparent. But if you insist, please like I asked before, provide sources and links to your claims. Otherwise you're talking out of your ass. Drugs are my forte and you sound less than educated. Prove me wrong, please.

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Wow u a sassy lil' thang. What u look

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nah bro. Its prossible but you are the first one that tells that.

Raid Wasp Spray is to expensive. A gram synthetic cannabinoid is much more potent and cheaper.

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It really isn't that expensive. If you're old enough you'll remember how they would develop photos in those chemical baths under the red light. Well k2 is made in a similar process. They soak the paper in a chemical bath, let it dry and voilá! Some of my guys paid for lawyers bought cars and houses from the joint selling that shit. It's a huge industry and trust me that i know exactly how it's made and what it does to people.

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wtf he looks like hes having brain damage

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because he is having a sezuire you retard

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whatever u say doctor

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All druggies are already brain-damaged, that's why they do drugs...

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With all these fake carts being peddled in high school bathrooms I actually have a few friends who have convulged and even had permnent epilispy because of thats shit. Its lowkey scary because these were the kids that would hook me uop with shit lol. I definitly have some whols in my brein if I am on this site no offens you rascist abelist everyist poptart munchers

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'You don't smoke it bro... you inhale it.'

what a fucking retard

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I really doubt i would be in this situation or my friends but atleast they could roll him on his side so he doesn't choke like that.

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Lesson for the day: don't smoke with the remedial kids. He's obviously choking, they could have rolled him over called 911, even if they left anyhow, and probably done a lot to help him.

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Please tell me he didn't die

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“wanna do drugs that'll prob fucking kill us?” “Sure.”

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When people overdose do they normally seize? Why?

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I can't believe two stoned 13 year olds were unable to reverse a grand mal seizure…

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Bro shut the fuck up 💀 it doesn't take a fuckin astro physicist to know from the panic that SHOULD be setting in, high or not, that at the very LEAST you should turn someone over to keep them from drowning in their own puke

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Congratulations you got the joke.

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