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:marseysurprised: Why?


:feelsguy: Why are you here?

For what purpose do you keep watching these videos and coming back?

Does spending time in here affect your mental health?


I personally come here when I either have to deal with strong shitty emotions or I am questioning my own existence and how meaningless my life can be, including how fast it can end at any given moment...


I am honestly curious and would like honest answers from the community, thank you for your time.


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As the site's name says, I'm here to watch people die.

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Hear me out…

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I come here bc it gives me a feeling, I don't feel a lot but Ik that when I come here I feel something, recently, I like to frequent here when I'm drunk and feeling my dread much harder so I would def say this is my coping mechanism.

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Yea, I think most of the people have a weird feeling when watching gore.

A feeling that could perhaps be addicting.

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simple, and to the point

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Do you enjoy watching people die? Do you use it as a form of coping with emotions? There could be many reasons that could led to you coming back to this website, this is what I am trying to understand.

Not everyone comes here just to watch people die for fun.

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i come here to watch people die cuz i do not have anything better to do

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So... basically when you are bored :marseythumbsup:

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I would say bored and there's honestly a lot to learn cause a lot of people die in stupid ways. Also the fact you can get engagement on horrific things that you normally couldn't talk about, despite all the racist and other unsavory rhetoric the community is weirdly wholesome.

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it is not necessarily "fun".. some of us have been watching it for so long, that it just becomes regular scrolling..

i think most are just curious about how people behave/react while dying.. or even just the spectacle of literally- watching someone die, can be mesmerizing..

in my case, i started watching when i was 11 y.o., so i really had no choice until it was too late.. i was desensitized before i even knew what that word meant. i killed my own innocence before i even knew i had one, by watching gore

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Hmm... so watching gore at a young age changed you as a person too.

And yea, I think most of the times people start watching by curiosity, but they most likely stay for some other reason.

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I come often to cope with emotions, yeah. Whenever I'm pissed at someone, I like to watch gore and picture that person in those horrible situations like accidents, getting beaten, etc.

I like to watch suicide and self-harm especially, because the self-hate is relatable.

I also come for things unrelated to the gore, like the social media aspect of the site.

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Jesus dude I wouldn't keep using this to make you feel better about picturing people dead. That type of mental masturbation is gonna culminate in general hatred for humanity

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I couldnt tell you with out sounding edgy. I enjoy suffering. 😌


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:shadowrage: you sound edgy regardless

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It happens 😐😆


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Just honestly curious and like most people I just wanna know what would happen if I were too had fallen on a metal pipe or somethin https://media.giphy.com/media/3oKIPaDWxMBVYUj7A4/giphy.webp

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Some people such as myself realize that after a while, your brain relies on it to process traumatic sights even though it's visual and not in real life. It's a good little trainer to see uncovered events and see things firsthand without the sugarcoated news bullcrap. I'm military, and i've never taken a life but i feel like when it comes down to it, when bad stuff happens, you need to know what it looks like, how people react, how the body reacts, how you respond, etc. You won't be in shock as easily seeing blood or seeing someone get shot, as you already have an idea of what happens. Sometimes—like now, i'm just bored lol. I don't understand how people find pleasure or sexual arousal from this though… or inspiration. that's where i draw the line.

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I agree. It's mostly curiosity of how fragile human flesh really is. I don't get aroused either.

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yeah facts!! i still get uneasy seeing things like beheadings and stabbing tho

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I don't. Only thing that kinda irks me is seeing children murdered, tortured or even accidentally getting killed.

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At first it was to desensitize myself and to use it to deal with strong emotions which i still sometimes do, just not as much. However, after watching this stuff for like 8 months I just watch it casually like youtube when I am bored. Theres not really a special reason anymore. Does it affect my mental health? Nah. Y do i keep coming back? Cause its fun to watch

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I am simply misanthropic and enjoy this shit

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came for the gore stayed for the gore and some times funny shit too.

a lot of it affects me but I try to just avoid the stuff that does.

being here also helps me know I'm not an awful person, I get reminded that I hate others suffering so I don't feel as bad about my gore fetish. I can confidently say most of the shit here does the opposite of get me off. I came here because I got bored of drawings and was hoping to find something good, I did not and I'm gad for it, it means I'm not too far gone yet. I can only get off if it's fake or the person is consenting with a sane and healthy mind, or the best one you can have anyways.

but I also just find the human body interesting from a normal stand point as well

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Yea once I switched my mindset to being interested in the anatomy aspect it really doesnt bother me much. If you wouldn't mind sharing, what about gore affects you?

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the suffering part is what bathers me

I don't find most things gross and yeah just seeing it as anatomy helps a lot. I also don't use sound on most videos because I hate the sound of screaming and crying.

for anatomy my favorite holes are medical and aftermath.

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ive always been a strong advocate for the selfharm category. Ik it gets a bad rep but its really good for not only anatomy but also to get over the suffering thing. Its a diff type of suffering where they are so emotionally overwhelmed that they dont even make a peep when cutting themselves open. So while they arent screaming you can feel the emotions in each video. If you can learn to stomach somebody bringing suffering to themselves watching humans bring pain to others is not so hard to watch anymore

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I look at a lot from the selfharm hole and have mixed feelings about it. Like yes they are suffering the least and that's where I start having weird feelings. You can definitely see a lot about anatomy and it's great for that aspect. It's great for learning and can be used for reference on lots things. Helps me know just how far is too far for many things like, the fact I'm learning tattooing and piercing and want to learn scarification, the fact I selfharm and I see the mistakes others so I don't fuck myself up, and it's just nice to know for emergencies and education. I also like drawing so it's good for knowing how things actually look too.

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Gives me adrenaline I guess :marseyquestion:

all i know is that im addicted to this site

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Yea, most people have a weird feeling when watching gore, and that feeling could be addictive.

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i felt nauseous at first when watching gore but now im fully accustomed to it and now i just watch it for interest

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I like knowing all ways of death that way i am prepared for it.

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I like to go on this website and criticize movies because they ain't realistic. Also, it is just interesting

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Why are you here?

Mostly for aftermath / immolation stuff.

For what purpose do you keep watching these videos and coming back?

I just love seeing how the body works. How it functions when certain things happen to it, the textures and what it goes through in specific scenarios. It's fascinated me for years.

Does spending time in here affect your mental health?

Eh. No clue. It was probably fucked from the second I saw my first gore video at 13. I'm just here for the ride at this point.

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How do you go about finding this stuff at such a young age? I was playing zombies and gta at that time. Didnt watch gore till 20 so never really had to deal with it affecting my mental. Of course i went through a lil 3-4 month edgy mindset phase when I first got into it but got out of it just as quick

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Can relate, I also like a lot to understand how the body works, and the limits of the human body.

Like, some people can survive without having a face, some people can survive while being burnt for minutes, this is fascinating to me.

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Same, a lot of people don't know how a corpse looks like, a gun to the head for example is never clean, you literally have chunks of the brain flying out most of the time, not just blood

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The topic of death is very dear to me, I wanted to become a mortician or thanatologist since I was very young. I don't know why, it's just so oddly beautiful how someone can have this whole life and still end up as a pile of meat on the road and you have to pick up whatever is left of them.

I don't like to watch the innocent getting abused though. My first gore video was on bestgore when I was 13 and I've seen a Chechen soldier cry for his mother before getting beheaded - it haunts me to this day.

Maybe that's the thing too - some sort of mental self-harm. I do get nightmares about gore and they scare me, that's when I take a longer break from this type of content.

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I find this a really interesting answer, and yea death is scary, after our brain dies we are literally just a sack of meat, as any other animal when they die. It's scary to think about it to me.

Hope you can become a mortician/thanatologist one day (or both). -- In case you aren't one yet.

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My first gore experience was in the 90s, on a website called Dark and Gruesome Links.

It had classic gore photos, including the JFK autopsy ones. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a medical examiner/forensic pathologist.

My mothers side of the family are all EMTs and nurses. She showed me the autopsy photos of JFK as an educational thing, but i stuck around the website.

When i watch gore, I feel like the people dying need to be witnessed. That probably sounds stupid, but its how it is. Its always been an educational experience for me. A constant reminder of the savagery humans are capable of.

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Hmm... that's interesting. Do you feel pity for the dead?

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Thats a tough one. I would say that in general, the pity I would feel would be for their friends and family. Having gone through 2 near death accidents, and seeing how much everyone actually cares it scared the shit out of me to think I could die. Not because I am afraid of death, but people I love would be devastated, and I know that now..

Its hard to have pity for someone that doesnt exist anymore.

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because watching ppl kill or be killed is entertaining

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It's the same reason I self-harm, it's just to destroy myself, but I also see it as a way to pass time and think it's cool :marseypop2:

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Why would you want to destroy yourself even further?

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I just want this because of past traumas and I see it as a way to kind of help a little (I like destroying myself to help myself?)

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Hmmm... there should be other ways of helping yourself that aren't... self-destructive at the same time.

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Kind of difficult, you know? I think the things that hurt me are the things that help me the most

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when you say to think it's cool, do you yeah to people irl about it?

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Sometimes it depends, I don't really know how to respond to that lol

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Tbh I now read that comment I wrote and I legit can't think of what I wanted to say. My brain seems to lack quite a lot in function 💀

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just try to write right now? It took me a while to understand what you wrote and I still don't understand it very well

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I'm here either when I'm drunk or when I'm bored. Sometimes, I just laugh at teenagers. However, I enjoy combat videos.

Honestly good question.


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I watch these videos to appreciate how precious life is. I know it's seems weird, but it's the truth. It helps me when I'm feeling down and/or having a shitty day.

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I find some of it funny ngl

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for the skibidi rizz

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I mostly watch the accident videos to stay humbled and aware. I try to stay away from some of the more intense videos. If I do watch them, I just scrub through the video.

Idk why I come back though. I have to take breaks sometime

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I just stopped in to use the bathroom, but stayed for the videos and taco Tuesday 😋

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to see how fucked up the world is i guess

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Yea, this is a big world, most of the things we cant see on the 'normal' websites, the curiosity is what brings most of the people to this website I assume.

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