Help please

I somehow shrunk the screen size. How can I make it bigger again? I can't figure it out.

Why is there so much unnecessary cruelty when killing?

When I really really hate someone I am going to bash his/her face with my fists. For 5 minutes for 10 Minutes for an hour. But killing should be quick. Are all the people that are hacking others limbs of - burning people alive - disemboweling others while alive - just mentally ill?

If you want to cause them pain - beat them up. Or perhaps shoot them in the leg. But to make the death of other people - even your enemies - as long and excruciating as possible - is just barbaric.

If you want them dead just be done with it as quickly as possible.Everything else is just sick and stupid.


This whole week i havent been able to watch any WPD videos using my router. if i put mobile data on then a video loads fine but the second my wifi is connected or use my pc the videos just buffer. all other content is fine, comments, posts with text or pictures. its just the videos that dont work.

Whoever made this banner for h/accident, @Jorgen_von_Strangle salute you.

@Jorgen_von_Strangle genuinely laughed for a solid thirty seconds after noticing that and wanted too let you know, whoever you are.

About compilations and music

It's nice to see compilations.

But if you are going to make a compilation, can you at least release a version of the compilation WITH THE ORIGINAL AUDIO?

Watching gore is not only about video but also AUDIO

If you really need to put on some music, then release a seperate video with your music.

Adding music is like adding an animated gif on the video that TAKES AWAY from the experience

Rules could use an update?

These are the rules on the main page. I accidently broke an unspoken rule the other day. Begging for coins to feed my slots addiction. Would be wonderful if that wasn't a thing as it apparently cost be the 500 marseybucks I had :marseycry:

If there are rules they should all be laid out so there is no confusion and no un-needed punishment. If I came across that one there has to be more :marseyclueless:

  • "Rules:

-You must be 18 or older to use this site.

-Do not post anything illegal under US law.

-Do not threaten or advocate violence.

-Do not sexualize minors.

-Do not post animal cruelty/abuse.

-Do not request illegal content.

-No doxing. No witch hunts.

-Posts must include videos of people dying.

-The Discussion, Social, and Music flairs are intentionally off-topic and do not require people dying.

-Videos that only include aftermath of a serious accident/incident or current event may be allowed.

-No animal death unless there's also a human dying in the video.

-No posts centering on abuse/excessive suffering of children.

-Titles should be as descriptive as possible.

-Additional context, images, or sources are always encouraged and appreciated. No joke titles please.

-If there is a child hurt or killed, please put "Child Warning" in the title.

-No explicit racism or bigotry.

-Humor is fine, but comments that are just low effort shock value spam may be removed. Feel free to express your opinions but please try to express them in a reasonable manner.

-No reposts within 60 days.

-Also no reposts of famous videos (unless you have a more HQ version, have a different POV, or are doing a writeup on it). These are listed below."

  • yeah, yeah, I know :marseygunshotsuicide:

"Too many requests"

"Too many requests

Please wait a bit before doing that

200 per hour"

What is that now? I cant enter the post to read the description or commenta, but i can watch the video in the frontpage.


shit got me jumscared one too many times already. :ragedeathjak:


Those videos are most annoying, nobody fights while screaming. They need their own section imo.




How is it free? lol

Can we please have the ability to close DMs

I don't like how DM's accumulate, sometimes I just want to look for a message then I have to scroll down through a lot of old messages which is really annoying and time-consuming so it would be nice if someone could actually change that and make a button that closes or deletes a DM.

Make an instant karma category?

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One of my fav images that is shown on the side bar


Pomf2 copy


Today My Birthday :marseyexcited:

I hope there is a prize :)


When you go to create a post you get something like this:

The problem is as we get more users we get more idiots. It's the law of averages and there's nothing you can do about it. This means we are getting people posting dumb shit with no death in the death section. Why? Because they don't read the sidebar and when they go to make a post they see only the drop down menu with no indication of which is death only and which isn't. Yes I know a lot of this stuff is common sense, especially given the site name, but we're dealing with idiots here.

So I suggest in that drop down menu, if possible, code to visually say "accident - death only" -- "animal - human death only, no pets" -- "gore - no death" -- "social - everything else" and so on.

Furthermore I suggest having them be ordered alphabetically by sections like the sidebar, instead of alphabetically with the sections jumbled together.

I believe this will significantly cut back on the amount of posts put in the wrong hole if the people making the post can clearly see what the hole is meant for in the post creation process.

How do I submit my work?


/There is a block on the site where various WPD related attributes/memes show up randomly when the page refreshes.

I've done my WPD related work and want to know who can I write to so that it appears there?


If i make a post and it gets upvotes/ downvotes how can i see who voted?


Must be LGBTQ+ friendly.

Seriously though, could we tone down the messaging? Jannie-bot telling me things aren't as dark as they seem isn't likely to sway anybody, just stick to "If you need somewhere to turn, [link 1[, [link 2] or [link 3] may help" is probably enough.

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